Support and protection from the DA is the last thing that Hawks - TopicsExpress


Support and protection from the DA is the last thing that Hawks boss Anwar Dramat needs, says Jovial Rantao. Johannesburg - Hawks boss Anwar Dramat is a man with problems – many problems. While having to deal with the reality of his relationship with the government, as represented by the Minister of Police and, through him, the President, Dramat also has a political problem. And the source of this problem is the Democratic Alliance. In executing its role as the official opposition and holding government accountable, the DA has asked questions and made some statements about the controversy surrounding Dramat’s suspension. Through their actions the DA has become the defender of Dramat and have created a perception, in the public mind, that they are in his corner, fighting his wars. This has created a massive political problem for Dramat, a man who gave up his youth to join the ANC in the struggle against apartheid. Dramat grew up in the ANC. It runs in his blood. Yes, he has a fight for his career on his hands, launched by his own comrades in the ANC who now hold high positions in government. He needs support. He requires defence. But support and protection from the DA is the last thing that he needs. It is the basis of a massive political problem for a man whose job has meant that he trod on the toes of his own comrades in fighting crime and corruption. When you do Dramat’s job as head of the Hawks, it is inevitable you will end up hugely unpopular, even among comrades once beside you in the trenches during the struggle. However, being defended by the DA and having your case taken up by institutions such as the Helen Suzman Foundation has created problems for him. Unwittingly he has become a pawn in a big game between the ANC and DA. There is no doubt that President Jacob Zuma is the target of the DA. And in the controversy around Dramat, the DA has found a political opportunity to exploit. They have given an impression they know Dramat was suspended because he had asked for the police file on investigations on the millions spent on President Zuma’s private estate in Nkandla village in KwaZulu-Natal. Despite strong denials from both the presidency and the ANC, the DA has insisted that this is the case. DA leader Helen Zille has said… “We believe with good reason that Minister Nhleko took this patently unlawful step to get rid of the Hawks boss because Dramat had asked for the file on the Nkandla corruption charges. “Emboldened by the Constitutional Court ruling, Dramat was doing his job by requesting the Nkandla file to investigate this abuse of public funds. “The Presidency’s attack on the DA is an attempt to deflect attention away from what is really going on here. What is really ‘mischievous’ and ‘irresponsible’ is the abuse of our institutions that South Africans are witnessing. “The DA will continue to do our jobs as the official opposition, by exposing the systematic breaking down of our institutions, from the Hawks, to Sars, to the NPA by President Zuma and his network.” In response Zizi Kodwa, spokesman for the ANC, said: “The African National Congress has noted with great interest the opportunist remarks made by DA leader Helen Zille on the suspension of Mr Anwar Dramat, head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (the Hawks). “Repeatedly Ms Zille has spoken with what seems to be authority on a case she alleges Mr Dramat was investigating relating to the President’s Nkandla residence. “Despite statements to the contrary by the authorities on this matter, Ms Zille remains adamant of her intimate knowledge of what Mr Dramat was investigating. Her resoluteness on this matter begs the question which we hope Ms Zille, Mr Dramat and the Hawks will answer to the public on whether the Hawks or Mr Dramat now report and account to Ms Zille on the work being done by the Directorate. “We would further wish to know the basis upon which Ms Zille contradicts even the South African Police Service on the work carried out by the Hawks and Mr Dramat. “Failure to provide such important information can only lead South Africans to conclude Ms Zille has an extremely cosy relationship with the Hawks who account to her, and even more menacing a relationship with a state institution Ms Zille uses to launch and sustain political battles.” The two parties will never agree but one thing is certain, when the official opposition is seen to defend a member, or in this case ex-member, of the ruling party, their action brands him or her as a political sellout, someone who has always furthered the cause of the opposition. The DA has successfully driven a wedge between Dramat and the ANC. There is a big nail on Dramat’s coffin. Now questions will be asked about all investigations and prosecutions under his watch. A political spin will be applied and soon Dramat will be accused of abuse of office. * Jovial Rantao is the editor of The Sunday Independent
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 11:42:19 +0000

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