Surah 4 135 O you who believe, stand firmly With justice, - TopicsExpress


Surah 4 135 O you who believe, stand firmly With justice, witnesses in fee For Allahs sake, though it may be Against your own selves or decree Of your parents or kindred free, Be he rich or poor, God is closer To both of them, than you a poser, So follow not your inclination, Lest you go astray and serve ration Or turn aside, then God indeed Is aware of all that you heed. 136 O you who believe, so believe In Allah, His apostles sleeve, The book that Hes sent down unto His messenger and the book too Which Hes sent down before and who Denies Allah, His angels too, And His books, His apostles crew And the last day, has indeed strayed Far off the right way in parade. 137 Truly those who believed and then Afterward disbelieved again, Believed and again disbelieved, Afterward increased and so grieved In disbelief. Its not for God To pardon them, nor will He prod Them to the right way on the sod. 138 Proclaim to the hypocrites that For them there shall be painful vat. 139 Those who take disbeliever friends Instead of the believers ends, Do they seek honour from them too? Then truly all honour is due To Allah only in mens view. 140 And indeed has He sent down to You in the book whenever you Hear the signs of Allah, did not Believe them, but made fun a lot, Then dont sit with them till they start To talk about some other part, Otherwise, youll become like them; Indeed Allah will take in hem The hypocrite and infidel And cast the both of them in hell. 141 Those who keep watch on you, then if There is for you a triumph stiff From Allah, they say “Are we not With you?” But if infidel plot Take share, they say “Did we not show Our mastery over your row, Defend you from believers show?” So Allah shall judge between you On day of resurrections view, And never will Allah make clear For infidels a way and spear Against the believers held dear. Beloved, tell me whom I may take as friend, Since everyone denies some part in end Of revelation and the book You sent. Some say the Torah is evil and bent, Corrupted by the hand and mind You lent. Some say the Gospel is a pagan train Of histories and myths counted in vain. Some say the Quran was inspired of late By Satan who came to negotiate. Though none may deny Psalms in word, in deed The world turns from them to hymns in their creed. Beloved, since all think they may pick and choose And cast away a part of what You use, Tell me who is a friend to me in need? From The Beloved and I by Thomas McElwain
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 03:50:36 +0000

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