Surah 52 At-Tur, Mount Sinai In name of God Most Gracious, - TopicsExpress


Surah 52 At-Tur, Mount Sinai In name of God Most Gracious, Merciful. 1 By the mount, 2 by decree inscribed 3 In a scroll unfolded, imbibed, By the fane oft arising near, 5 By canopy raised high from fear, 6 And by the oceans swelling wave, 7 The doom from your Lord that you crave Will come to happen to each slave. 8 None can turn it aside, 9 the day When the sky will be blown away. 10 The mountains will all fly about. 11 Woe that day to those then who flout As falsehood, 12 that play round about In trifling shoals. 13 That day shall they Be thrust down to hell fire to pay. 14 It shall be said “This is the fire, Denied by you, now you require. 15 “Is this a mere invention now, Or do you see it anyhow? 16 “So burn there, its the same to you Whether you bear patient in rue Or not. You just receive reward Of your own deeds again restored.” 17 As for the righteous, they will be In gardens glad eternally, 18 Enjoying what their Lords bestowed On them, and their Lord shall the load Of their salvation from the fire Bring on them for their one desire. 19 “Eat and drink, with profit and health, Because of your good deeds for wealth.” 20 They recline on thrones in ranks ranged, And We shall join them to estranged Companions with eyes big and fine. 21 Those who believe whose families dine With them in faith, to them Well join Their families. Well not deprive Them of aught of their works design, Each ones in pledge for his deeds jive. 22 Well bestow on them fruit and meat, Anything that they want for treat. 23 Theyll there exchange one with the other, A cup of free fun not to smother, No taint of ill on any mother. 24 Round them will serve them servants too, Like pearls well-guarded, in their view. 25 They will advance to each to greet In mutual enquirys treat. 26 Theyll say “Beforetime we were not Without fear for our peoples lot. 27 “But Gods been good to us and taught Deliverance from penalty Of scorching wind. 28 We called on Him From ancient time. He is not dim, Beneficent, of mercys trim.” The decree inscribed from that time You came In darkness and in cloud as well as flame On Sinai, was not just a law of blame, But rather proclamation of Your love In sovereign grace to come down from above. You foreordained by the commandments spent Who should be among those that You have bent To keep within Your loving heart throughout Eternity in celestial redoubt. No one can turn aside Your love and hate, And none can flee from Your hand in its rate, But You reach out to take each soul concerned And put each in the vat that each has spurned, By choice or by flight, till salvations learned. From The Beloved and I by Thomas McElwain
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 07:00:24 +0000

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