Surat 40. Al-Mu-min, or The Believer. (Ayatollah 1-20) In - TopicsExpress


Surat 40. Al-Mu-min, or The Believer. (Ayatollah 1-20) In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. 1. Ha-Mim. 2. The revelation Of this Book Is from Allah, Exalted in Power, Full of Knowledge,- 3. Who forgiveth Sin, Accepteth Repentance, Is Severe in Punishment, And is all-Bountiful. There is no god But He: to Him Is the Final Goal. 4. None can dispute About the Signs of Allah But the Unbelievers. Let not, then Their strutting about Through the land Deceive thee! 5. But (there were people) before them, Who denied (the Signs),- The People of Noah, And the Confederates After them; And every People plotted Against their prophet, To seize him, and disputed By means of vanities, Therewith to obliterate The Truth: but it was I That seized them! And how (terrible) Was My Requital! 6. Thus was the Word Of thy Lord proved true Against the Unbelievers; That truly they are Companions of the Fire! 7. Those who bear The Throne (of Allah) And those around it Sing Glory and Praise To their Lord; believe In Him; and implore Forgiveness For those who believe: Our Lord! Thou embracest All things, In Mercy and Knowledge. Forgive, then, those who Turn in Repentance, and follow Thy Path; and preserve them From the Chastisement Of the Blazing Fire! 8. And grant, our Lord! That they enter The Gardens of Eternity, Which Thou hast promised To them, and to the righteous Among their fathers, Their wives, and their posterity! For Thou art (He), The Exalted in Might, Full of Wisdom. 9. And preserve them From (all) ills; And any whom Thou Dost preserve from ills That Day,-on them Wilt Thou have bestowed Mercy indeed: and that Will be truly The highest Achievement. Section 2. 10. The Unbelievers will be Addressed: Greater was The aversion of Allah to you Than (is) your aversion To yourselves, seeing that ye Were called to the Faith And ye used to refuse. 11. They will say: Our Lord! Twice hast Thou made us To die, and twice Hast Thou given us Life! Now have we recognised Our sins: is there Any way out (of this)? 12. (The answer will be:) This is because, when Allah was invoked as The Only (object of worship), Ye did reject Faith, But when partners were Joined to Him, ye believed! The Command is with Allah, Most High, Most Great! 13. He it is Who showeth You His Signs, and sendeth Down Sustenance for you From the sky: but only Those receive admonition Who turn (to Allah). 14. Call ye, then, upon Allah With sincere devotion to Him, Even though the Unbelievers May detest it. 15. Exalted is He in His attributes. (He is) the Lord Of the Throne: By His Command doth He Send the spirit (of inspiration) To any of His servants He pleases, that it may Warn (men) of the Day Of Mutual Meeting,- 16. The Day whereon They will (all) come forth: Not a single thing Concerning them is hidden From Allah. Whose will be The Dominion that Day? That of Allah, the One, The Overpowering! 17. That Day will every soul Be required for what It earned; no injustice Will there be that Day, For Allah is Swift In taking account. 18. Warn them of the Day That is (ever) drawing near, When the Hearts will (Come) right up to the Throats To choke (them); No intimate friend Nor intercessors will the wrong-doers Have, who could be Listened to. 19. (Allah) knows the treachery Of the eyes, And all that the hearts (Of men) conceal. 20. And Allah will judge With (Justice and) Truth: But those whom (men) Invoke besides Him, will Not (be in a position) To judge at all. Verily it is Allah (alone) Who hears and sees (All things). Definition 5. Whenever a great or vital Truth is proclaimed and renewed, there are always shallow minds that are ready to dispute about it! And what petty and vain arguments they advance! They think they can discredit or condemn the Truth in this way, or render of none effect Allahs Plan. But they are mistaken. If they seem to succeed for a time, that is merely their trial. They may try to plan and plot against Allahs men. But their plots will fail in the long run. They will themselves be caught in their own snares. And then, how terrible will be their Punishment. 19. Here we come into the region of evil motives and thoughts which may be concealed in the hearts, breast, or mind, but which are all perfectly known to Allah. 20. If men build their hopes or their faith in anything except the Divine Grace, they will find themselves deserted. Any pretences that they make will be known to Allah. On the other hand every single good act, or word, or motive, or aspiration of their will, will reach Allahs Throne of Mercy.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 22:31:16 +0000

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