Surat Aş-Şaf (The Ranks) - 61:6 And [mention] when Jesus, the - TopicsExpress


Surat Aş-Şaf (The Ranks) - 61:6 And [mention] when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, O children of Israel, indeed I am the Messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmad. But when he came to them with clear evidences, they said, This is obvious magic. AMIN = AMEN [ALLAH + MEDINA + ESET + NEY] Aminah bint Wahb (Arabic: آمنة بنت وهب ʼĀminah bint Wahb; Born in Madinah; died 577 AD) was the mother of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Isaiah 7:14 All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel (which means God is with us). Early life and marriage Aminah was born to Wahb ibn Abd Manaf and Barrah bint ‘Abd al ‘Uzzā ibn ‘Uthmān ibn ‘Abd al-Dār in Mecca.[1] She was a member of the Banu Zuhrah clan in the tribe of Quraysh who claimed descent from Ibrahim (Abraham) through his son Ismail (Ishmael). Her ancestor Zuhrah was the elder brother of Qusayy ibn Kilab, who was also an ancestor of Abd Allah ibn Abd al Muttalib. Qusayy ibn Kilab became the first Quraysh custodian of the Kaaba. Abdul Mutallib, father of Abd Allah, fixed the marriage of his youngest son Abd Allah with Aminah. She was eventually married to Abd Allah ibn Abd al-Muttalib.[2] It was said that a light shone out of his forehead and that this light was the promise of a Prophet as offspring. Countless woman of Arabia approached Abd Allah, who, according to several traditions, was a handsome man; so that they might gain the honour of producing the offspring. The light was believed to be transferred to Aminah through Abd Allah. Abd Allahs father was the custodian of the Holy Kaaba in Mecca. Soon after their marriage Abd Allah was called to al-Sham (present day Syria) on a trading caravan trip. When he left, Aminah was pregnant. However, Abd Allah became sick and died from an illness before returning to Mecca. This resulted in Aminah being depressed from which she never recovered. Birth of Muhammad Two months after Abd Allahs death, in 570 AD, Muhammad was born. As was tradition among all the great families at the time, Aminah sent Muhammad into the desert as a baby. The belief was that in the desert, one would learn self-discipline, nobility, and freedom. This also gave Muhammad the chance to learn Arabic and Arab traditions. During this time, Muhammad was nursed by Halimah bint Abi Dhuayb, a poor Bedouin woman from the tribe of Banu Saad, a branch of the Hawāzin, who would be with him during his time in the desert.[5] When Muhammad was five years old he was reunited with Aminah. After being reunited with her son Aminah took him to Yathrib (Madinah) to meet his extended family and introduce him to the city. They ended up spending one month in Yathrib. However, after having traveled only 23 miles from Yathrib towards Mecca accompanied by her slave Umm Aimān al Barakah, Aminah fell ill and eventually died 577 AD[6] and was buried in the village of Abwa. Amram is Arabicized to Imran. In the Quran, the name Imran is used for two different people. The first one is Amram the father of Moses and the second one is Joachim the father of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Amram, the father of Moses and Aaron, is a revered patriarch of Islam. The Quran says: God did choose Adam and Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of Amram above all people,- —Quran, sura 3 (The House of Imran), ayah 33[7] Although Muslim scholars have often debated over who this verse refers to, most classical commentators and modern translators have taken the opinion that this refers to Amram, the father of Moses and Aaron. Through him would come many other priests and prophets, including Anne, Elizabeth, Mary, John the Baptist and Jesus. AMEN = ALLAH + MEDINA + ESET + NEY = ISA THE FATHER jtn = JTN = JIMMU TENNO NEY = SON [AMEN = AHMAD] OF RA jtn = JTN = JESUS TAU NEY = SON [TAU = SON OF MAN] OF RA HOURS [HORUS] = JESUS {JEZEUS} = KRISHNA-ZEUS {CHRIST JESUS} Aten (also Aton, Egyptian jtn) is the disk of the sun in ancient Egyptian mythology, and originally an Aspect of RA. The Hatred of the World Surat Al-A`rāf (The Heights) 7:180 And to ALLAH belong the Best Names, so invoke Him by them. And leave [the company of] those who practice deviation concerning His names. They will be recompensed for what they have been doing. https://youtube/watch?v=FGEadTkAMMA Exodus 6:3 Jubilee Bible 2000 and I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, as God Almighty, but by my name the LORD (YHWH) I was not known to them. KABALLAH = SACRED GEOMETRY = DIVINE MATRIX = GODS GLOSSA-RY LETTERS, NUMBERS & WORDS WHICH ARE IN HIM, ONE AND THE SAME. Shin (Chinese: 新, which means new) = NEW BODY, NEW FLESH A sign (Δ) came from God (Shin) | Lambda (uppercase Λ, lowercase λ) [Shin = ShiΛ = Shiv = YSHVA = YESHUA = JESUS = ISA] (1409.1) 128:1.11 Jesus objected to but one title as applied to him: When he was once called Immanuel, he merely replied, “Not I, that is my elder brother.” Isaiah 53:4 GODS WORD® Translation 3 He was despised and forsaken of men, A man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; And like one from whom men hide their face He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. 4 He certainly has taken upon himself our suffering and carried our sorrows, but we thought that God had wounded him, beat him, and punished him. APOCALYPSE: REVELATION/UNVEILING OF HIDDEN THINGS GLOSSA-RY OF GOD: THE DIVINE MATRIX [THE WORD OF GOD] γλῶσσα = γAῶσσα = γAwσσa = λαλέω = yαωέy = γAhweλ = YHWH laleō = la + leō = THE + LION = EL + LEON = EL-ELYON = THE LION OF JUDAH TO MAKE A SOUND: Ar-Raḥmān = ArR [R] + aḥm [M] + ān [N] TO MAKE A SOUND: γλῶσσα = γAῶσσα = γAwσσa = YAHUWAH = YHWH GREEK γλῶσσα (glossa), meaning tongue or language and λαλέω (laleō), to speak, talk, chat, prattle, or to make a sound. The Greek expression (in various forms) appears in the New Testament in the books of Acts and First Corinthians. (1409.2) 128:1.12 Always, even after his emergence into the larger life on earth, Jesus was submissively subject to the Will of the Father in Heaven. BNEI NEY + BNEI MEDINA = Sons of NEY + Sons of MEDINA | (29.7) 1:6.1 Human personality is the time-space image-shadow cast by the divine Creator personality. Numbers 6:25 New International Version | the LORD make His Face shine on you and be gracious to you; https://youtube/watch?v=X_1zguZTyns The Evolutionary Races of Color [RAINBOW OF RACES OF COLOR] (718.2) 64:0.2 The human race is almost one million years old, and the first half of its story roughly corresponds to the pre-Planetary Prince days of Urantia. The latter half of the history of mankind begins at the time of the arrival of the Planetary Prince and the appearance of the six colored races and roughly corresponds to the period commonly regarded as the Old Stone Age. (728.1) 64:7.12 All efforts to identify the Sangik ancestry of modern peoples must take into account the later improvement of the racial strains by the subsequent admixture of Adamic blood. God’s Everywhereness | The Covenant in Moab + Personality in the Universe MENASHE, Hebrew meaning CAUSING TO FORGET | The Bnei Menashe (Hebrew: בני מנשה, Sons of Menasseh) Al-Muḥṣī The Accounter, The Numberer of All 72:28, 78:29, 82:10-12 | (1047.3) 95:5.3 Moses, the greatest character between Melchizedek and Jesus, was the joint gift to the world of the Hebrew race and the Egyptian royal family; and had Ikhnaton possessed the versatility and ability of Moses, had he manifested a political genius to match his surprising religious leadership, then would Egypt have become the great monotheistic nation of that age; and if this had happened, it is barely possible that Jesus might have lived the greater portion of his mortal life in Egypt. Moses (Hebrew: מֹשֶׁה, Modern Moshe Tiberian Mōšéh ISO 259-3 Moše; Arabic: موسى Mūsā) was, according to the Hebrew Bible, the Quran, and Bahai scripture, a religious leader, lawgiver, and prophet, to whom the authorship of the Torah is traditionally attributed. Also called Moshe Rabbenu in Hebrew (מֹשֶׁה רַבֵּנוּ, Lit. Moses our Teacher/Rabbi), he is the most important prophet in Judaism;[1][2] he is also an important prophet in Christianity and Islam, as well as a number of other faiths. Al-Muḥṣī [ISA THE FATHER] & The Matchless Moses [Muḥṣa] (1055.4) 96:3.1 The beginning of the evolution of the Hebraic concepts and ideals of a Supreme Creator dates from the departure of the Semites from Egypt under that great leader, teacher, and organizer, Moses. His mother was of the royal family of Egypt; his father was a Semitic liaison officer between the government and the Bedouin captives. | Moses thus possessed qualities derived from superior racial sources; his ancestry was so highly blended that it is impossible to classify him in any one racial group. Had he not been of this mixed type, he would never have displayed that unusual versatility and adaptability which enabled him to manage the diversified horde which eventually became associated with those Bedouin Semites who fled from Egypt to the Arabian Desert under his leadership.* https://youtube/watch?v=9ia92WYfKCQ (1056.4) 96:4.2 Moses had heard of the teachings of Machiventa Melchizedek from both his father and his mother, their commonness of religious belief being the explanation for the unusual union between a woman of royal blood and a man from a captive race. Moses’ father-in-law was a Kenite worshiper of El Elyon, but the emancipator’s parents were believers in El Shaddai. Moses thus was educated an El Shaddaist; through the influence of his father-in-law he became an El Elyonist; and by the time of the Hebrew encampment about Mount Sinai after the flight from Egypt, he had formulated a new and enlarged concept of Deity (derived from all his former beliefs), which he wisely decided to proclaim to his people as an expanded concept of their olden tribal god, Yahweh. https://youtube/watch?v=FJTUsP0kiFo The Attainment of Immortality & Ascension through Chariots of FIRE Ein Sof, or Ayn Sof, (/eɪn sɒf/, Hebrew אין סוף), in Kabbalah, is understood as God prior to His self-manifestation in the production of any spiritual Realm, probably derived from Ibn Gabirols term, the Endless One (she-en lo tiklah). Ein Sof may be translated as no end, unending, there is no end, or infinite. [Ein Sof = Ayn Sof = (/eɪn sɒf/ = EYN SOF {NEY SOF}] https://youtube/watch?v=9aV4vix-Ad4 Massive lightning strike hits the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio 7. The Attainment of Immortality saṃsāra, sangsara: repetitive cycle of birth and death [7x = seven cosmic circles ] DALIT, Kawi meaning FIRE [ALLAH 3rd of Three, HIS Abode is FIRE] (365.1) 32:5.5 The Sectors of Time are like the flashes of personality in temporal form; they appear for a season, and then they are lost to human sight, only to reappear as New Actors and continuing factors in the higher life of the endless swing around the eternal circle. Eternity can hardly be conceived as a straightaway drive, in view of our belief in a delimited universe moving over a vast, elongated circle around the central dwelling place of the Universal Father. https://youtube/watch?v=NWu1aw6mCW8 New International Version Jesus gave them this answer: Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. https://youtube/watch?v=G7CTxg7MYwI (2096.4) 196:3.28 Religion stands above science, art, philosophy, ethics, and morals, but not independent of them. They are all indissolubly interrelated in human experience, personal and social. Religion is man’s supreme experience in the mortal nature, but finite language makes it forever impossible for theology ever adequately to depict real religious experience. (47.2) 3:2.4 God controls all power; he has made “a way for the lightning”; he has ordained the circuits of all energy. He has decreed the time and manner of the manifestation of all forms of energy-matter. And all these things are held forever in his everlasting grasp — in the gravitational control centering on nether Paradise. The light and energy of the eternal God thus swing on forever around his majestic circuit, the endless but orderly procession of the starry hosts composing the universe of universes. All creation circles eternally around the Paradise-Personality center of all things and beings. (47.3) 3:2.5 The omnipotence of the Father pertains to the everywhere dominance of the absolute level, whereon the three energies, material, mindal, and spiritual, are indistinguishable in close proximity to him — the Source of all things. Creature mind, being neither Paradise monota nor Paradise spirit, is not directly responsive to the Universal Father. God adjusts with the mind of imperfection — with Urantia mortals through the Thought Adjusters. The Attributes of God (44.1) 3:0.1 GOD is everywhere present; the Universal Father rules the circle of eternity. But he rules in the local universes in the persons of his Paradise Creator Sons, even as he bestows life through these Sons. “God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Sons.” These Creator Sons of God [JESUS + MUAHMAD] are the personal expression of himself in the sectors of time and to the children of the whirling planets of the evolving universes of space. (44.5) 3:1.2 He is “the fullness of him who fills all and in all,” and “who works all in all,” and further, the concept of his personality is such that “the heaven (universe) and heaven of heavens (universe of universes) cannot contain him.” It is literally true that God is all and in all. But even that is not all of God. The Infinite can be finally revealed only in infinity; the cause can never be fully comprehended by an analysis of effects; the living God is immeasurably greater than the sum total of creation that has come into being as a result of the creative acts of his unfettered free will. God is revealed throughout the cosmos, but the cosmos can never contain or encompass the entirety of the infinity of God. A Call to Obedience [ECHO = WHAT I WILL SAY, HE WILL SAY] Deuteronomy 10:17 For the LORD your God is the God of gods and the Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome {terrible} God who does not show partiality nor take a bribe. https://youtube/watch?v=VCsJ50u5UwY (45.1) 3:1.3 The Father’s presence unceasingly patrols the master universe. “His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit to the ends of it; and there is nothing hidden from the light thereof.” https://youtube/watch?v=BpZy8v8w9xU | John 5:17 17 JESUS answered them, My Father is working until now, and I Myself am working. (1766.5) 159:3.9 I am indeed meek and humble in the presence of my Father, but I am equally and relentlessly inexorable where there is deliberate evil-doing and sinful rebellion against the will of my Father in Heaven.* ~ JESUS [YESHVA = ISA THE WORD] Psalm 50:22 Consider this, you who forget God, or I will tear you to pieces, with no one to rescue you: Acts 20:28 Jubilee Bible 2000 Take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit [MUAHMAD = ISA THE HOLY SPIRIT] has placed you as bishops to feed the Congregation {Gr. ekklesia � called out ones} of GOD, which he has purchased with His own Blood. https://youtube/watch?v=ZSt9tm3RoUU
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 04:35:07 +0000

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