Sure looks like the one that buzzed me. I know half of you in the - TopicsExpress


Sure looks like the one that buzzed me. I know half of you in the group have seen and heard my report, but I will put it here for posterity. This was the original post a few days after it happened a few months ago. ✞ CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE HIGH STRANGE KIND As I was coming home the other night about 1am I saw a true magnificent UFO come down a hundred feet from my truck. I was right by Walgreens on the main street Paseo. I pulled over to watch it and after about 30 seconds I began snapping a bunch of pics with my dumb-phone as fast as it would shoot and save them. It was a full-on shiny flying saucer clear as a bell doing insane moves with incredible spinning and darting right above me. It was about twice the size of my truck and was totally silent. There were no cars in sight and I just kept thinking, how are there no cars, or a patrolling cop, to join me in seeing this, but none came by. It went in jagged moves over me and had 8 red lights on one side and the same 8 lights on the other side in green. It was darting and twirling and making sick hard-angle flat hi-speed turns going in angled moves like it was drawing a six-sided 300ft star right over me. It was about 100ft over me and 100ft to my Southeast. The lights changed to white and it started tilting (pic1) and moving in a perfect 200ft circle, then it settled to a flat hover and stopped cold and its lights went out (center of pic2). I snapped about 40 pics, but only these two were not totally blurred and useless. The first pic it was tilting and spinning super-slowly and flying around in a tilting circle about 100ft over me, so you can see the saucer shape in the lights. I could have thrown a rock and easily hit it. The second pic shows it dead from the side hovering 100ft above and 200ft South of me just after its lights suddenly went out (it was reflecting the full moon and the street lights), it was still totally visible even with the very bright streetlights. It hovered there perfectly still about a minute and then it just slid away to the East like it was on ice at an insane speed Ive never seen before except in the movies. My heart is racing still. The real deal!!! Holy freekin moly!!! ✞
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 07:41:22 +0000

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