Surefire ways to reduce computer eyestrain *Especially put - TopicsExpress


Surefire ways to reduce computer eyestrain *Especially put together for our member Rose Kurian :) If you spend hours a day in front of a computer screen, and have experienced anything along the lines of: eyes burning, neck aching, vision blurring, or head throbbing, you might have a common problem known as eyestrain. In medical terms its called Computer Vision Syndrome, and it comes from a combination of your monitors bright backlight, glare and staring at a screen for extended periods of time. ☛ 1. Adjust your monitors position A simple tweak to your monitor setup can go a long way in solving your eyestrain. For optimal comfort, your monitor should be 20-30 inches away from your eyes. Additionally, the top of your monitor should be at eye level, as you should be looking down at your work, not up. If you need to raise your monitor, consider using risers, or even a stack of old hardcover books. ☛ 2. Tweak the lighting An office setting with too much artificial or natural light can create monitor glare that quickly tires your eyes. So, if you can, turn off any harsh fluorescent lights and position your computer so that any natural light is coming in on either side of your monitor. Light should never be directed behind or in front of your screen. Instead, use floor or desk lamps and position them on either side of your monitor so that they provide indirect lighting. ☛ 3. Use the 20-20-20 rule Every 20 minutes, find an object about 20 feet away, and stare at it for 20 seconds. This trick is intended to exercise your eyes and give them a break from your monitors bright backlight. If you need to, automate reminders for these breaks with suitable programs :) ☛ 4.Try Gunnars glasses Artificial light combined with natural light and your monitors backlight puts unavoidable stress on your eyes. One solution to consider is Gunnar glasses. These specialized glasses, mostly aimed at gamers, are tinted yellow to offset the cool blue light your monitor produces. They also offer slight magnification, making it easier to read text (even for those who dont normally wear reading glasses.) They cost about 3000Rs., but they make a big difference. The glasses come in several styles and custom prescription models. ☛ 5. Use a setup thats easy on the eyes When your work materials and tools are splayed out in different areas of your desk, you force your eyes to constantly readjust for their various distances. Fix this by putting your keyboard directly in front of your monitor, and your reading materials adjacent to it using a copyholder. And my personal favorite to soothe sore eyes is ☛ Meditating on a candle flame for 3 x 1 minute sessions to be completed within 10 minute span. Draw the curtains in your room until there is no sunlight slivers slanting into the room. Sit cross legged on the floor, back straight, abdomen tucked in ( like the sitting yoga pose) and place a lighted candle about 21/2 feet in front of you. The lit candle should be placed on a candle stand and the flame should be level with your eye level. Stare without blinking at the brightest part of the flame for as long as you are comfortable. The emphasis is on focusing without blinking and wavering. Rest your eyes when tired by closing them and now focus on the mirrored lingering image of the candle flame within the darkness of closed eyes ... until the image starts fading... this should take about a minute. Repeat the above 3 times totally and then lie down in Shavasan for about 3 minutes. Feel the difference when you open your eyes after this exercise :) Your eyes will get a new lease of life! Get your wellness solutions at Evolve fitness studio chennai.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 06:37:42 +0000

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