Surely Mr. Soghoian is only trying to make us fear government - TopicsExpress


Surely Mr. Soghoian is only trying to make us fear government because, as we all know, the government of the United States would never, ever do anything that even remotely violates the rights guaranteed the citizens of America or of people around the world. We are only trying to secure freedom, peace, democracy and integrity of government for everyone the world over. We only want to help the world and that is why they hate us, because of our freedom. The NSA would never build the worlds most massive surveillance complex in the desert of Utah to spy on our every word. The United States would certainly never create something so grossly misnamed as the Department of Homeland Security with a budget of well over 16 billion (not counting the real set of books), having more than 22 different federal agencies to protect us (them) against the enemy, which seems to the people of the United States and the world, all of us since everyone is within their grasps. We certainly would not pass laws that would allow the government of the United States to assassinate American citizens without trial or to indefinitely detain anyone, without trial anywhere at any time without question because we all know that only tyrannical governments would even think of doing something like that to its citizens. The government would never militarize the local police departments of cities and towns across the nation from small rural communities to major cities with actual combat equipment and training, military grade, because that would mean the citizens are thus potential targets for military style intervention. None of this would happen in the United States simply because we are the Leaders of the Free World and our government is unlike any government the world has ever known. Just look at how we have brought democracy to the world within the last decade. The countries we have helped with trillions of dollars and troops galore are now all a virtual paradise and we want to help others: Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Syria to name but a few of an ever widening list! Hell, we have even helped, aided and abetted Israel spread democracy to Gaza and the West Bank! See how wonderful our government blesses the world. We do all this, become the worlds largest purveyor of arms and violence just to make the world a better place and safe for democracy. It is a burden we bare because of our goodness. This is American Exceptionalism at its finest. Now, dont forget that none of this would have been possible without stepping on a few, minor rights. Who would in their right mind not want to give away a few freedoms and rights to be safe? People made to fear lose touch with reality. The opposite of love is not hate. It is fear! The government even categorized fear for us, giving us a fear scale. Is today a yellow day, an orange day or a red day? We fear the stranger, the immigrant, the other. I dont know who really said this but I like the thought anyway: When the government fears the people there is liberty. When the government fears the people there is liberty! Albert
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 13:28:55 +0000

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