Surgery Journey With Essential Oils Entry 3 -Stacie To - TopicsExpress


Surgery Journey With Essential Oils Entry 3 -Stacie To prepare for this I did a bit of research on how to use my doTerra essential oils. I started a little late but still got quite a bit out of it. Here is what I found: Surgery protocol: Pre-Op: • Drink plenty of water with Lemon, pre and post op. Hopefully she takes the supplements. • The weeks prior do at least two AromaTouch techniques. This will help clear the body of inflammation, increase the immune response of the body. And relax the body in preparation for the trauma. You could do more if you wanted. • The two days prior, I would apply Balance, Vetiver, and Frankincense with massage to my shoulders neck and brain stem this will additionally release stress and strengthen emotional response • The two days prior, I would apply On Guard, Clary Sage, Frankincense and Basil to the region of the surgery. You are reducing inflammation in the area, protecting against toxins and bacteria or MRSA. • Daily, for the week prior, I would also apply On Guard to the bottom of the feet. Toxic protection. Post Op: • As soon as possible after the surgery, apply Peppermint and Basil to the area of surgery. This will increase blood flow and circulation to the area, aiding healing. If there is any excessive bleeding, you can apply Geranium or Helichrysum instead. • Use Clary Sage and Birch or AromaTouch if there is any cramping of the muscles in the area of the surgery. • Also apply Frankincense and On Guard and Oregano with carrier to the area as soon as possible to combat post op inflammation or MRSA. • If the hospital will let you, diffuse Frankincense and On Guard in the room several times per day. If they are hesitant, make a small sptitzer with a few drops of each and 2-3 tablespoons of water and spay your bed and area with the mixture several times per day. • As soon as is possible after surgery, start the AromaTouch technique again doing it at least twice over the next week or more. This will do wonders in bringing the body back into balance or homeostasis. It will also balance your nervous system and reduce the physiological impact of surgery trauma. Do Not underestimate how powerful AromaTouch can be for surgery recovery My next entry, I will tell you how I am using this information.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 17:04:37 +0000

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