Surgery tomorrow-little nervous but glad to be having it done. I - TopicsExpress


Surgery tomorrow-little nervous but glad to be having it done. I will be having a hysterectomy. Yes Im not shy to say it. I never had health or mental problems until I had my tubes tied and I know with all of my being that the reason my body and mind turned against me is because of it. Did I ever think it would affect me-NO Was I told that it might-NEVER. That is the problem. If I can help just 1 woman from having a tubal because of my story it is worth it. If you have had one and you dont feel 100% look up Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome. Also look it up if you are considering one. Please! I am also thankful to have found a wonderful doctor who does believe in PTLS and is doing all she can to help me. I am so hopeful that this will help me. It will be a journey back to a healthy mind and body but with the Lords help, my husband and family support and prayer from all I am ready to start on it. I ask for prayers that every thing goes good tomorrow and the next month of recovery for myself and my home. Thanks!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 18:06:05 +0000

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