Surprise!!! Have you been surprised this year? Did something - TopicsExpress


Surprise!!! Have you been surprised this year? Did something unexpected happen? Did it leave you amazed, bewildered, wondering? Friends, Life is full of surprises! Yet so is our faith. Following Jesus facilities a prophetic atmosphere where God suddenly shows up and surprises us with his grace and favor. Job 5:9 New Living Translation He does great things too marvelous to understand. He performs countless miracles. In the Greek : the word for surprise is: Thaumazo Definition: to be amazed, astonished, marveled, left wondering by a sudden act, appearance or event. It appears 43 different times. Heres a word for you today. You are about to be surprised by heaven. You are about to surprise hell. I am going to say that one more time. You are about to be surprised by heaven. You are about to surprise hell. Because thats what faith in God produces; surprises!! Throughout scripture we find examples where men and women stood surprised by Heaven and then they surprised the very forces of hell. In the Old Testament God surprised Moses by speaking to him through a burning bush and then Moses surprised Pharaoh by speaking to him with signs and wonders. In the New Testament, God surprises Paul on route to Damascus and then Paul surprises the authorities by coming out of prison, surviving three shipwrecks and changing the world! Our God is a mighty God! Our God is a holy God! Our God is a loving God! And our God is a God of surprises! You are about to be surprised by heaven in order for you to surprise hell! Being surprised by heaven is easy to understand but the question arises, how do we surprise hell? We do so by showing up where we are not expected! What? When the Israelites came out of the Red Sea, the Egyptians were surprised. When the Hebrew boys came out of the furnace, the Babylonians were surprised. When Jesus stepped out of the Tomb , all hell stood surprised. And when you step into 2015 victorious, anointed, healed, holy and healthy; every devil, demon, sin, lie and work of darkness , everything that came against you will go but how? And you will say SURPRISE!!!! Get ready! You are about to surprise the world!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 17:13:47 +0000

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