Surprise Surprise Surprise “Oh what web we weave, once we - TopicsExpress


Surprise Surprise Surprise “Oh what web we weave, once we weave a web to deceive” Obama acknowledges problems with Obamacare implementation and cost…. Once again claiming it was everybody elses fault but his. Ladies and gentlemen Obama is once again making the claim that he is the Dumbest Fen President to ever have or will ever inhabit the Whitehouse. First he claims everything was just fine. Next he claimed that the only problem was in the minds of the pesky house republicans being lead by those anti America Tea Party folks. I.E American Tax Paying Citizens. Next he stated that the site failure was due to the fact that All of America Loves Obamacare and that caused the crash I.E. Amazon, Facebook, etc. Then he blamed the software companies. Now Obama is blaming the people he hand picked to run Obamacare. Forcing the people he put in charge to make their half hearted statement that it wasn’t Obama’s fault he didn’t know he wasnt told etc. (wink wink wink) this was followed up with news media reports that it was really Obama not his charges that screwed the pooch. Got to love the political back stabbing especially when the underling are starting to wise up to their back stabbing boss. Then we learned the 6 Million or was it Billion? Plus used for writing the software was side tracked and went somewhere else???? The software companies were never paid. Then we learned that not only did Obama not pay the software companies but that one software company sewing the government basally steeling their software codes… Now we hear through leaks from Obamacare department and software companies that Obama did not want people to see the true cost of Obamacare, demanding the software be changed to hide the true cost from people which created a bottle neck that caused all the problems. Then we hear that Obama was never informed of the issues with the software; yet at the same time the senate is conducting their useless hearing questioning Obamacare govt officials and the software companies; we are told by all the software companies that they did several times tell the government of all the issues and concerns. We watch while overpaid useless Democrats call the senate hearing a “Monkey Court” because the software companies are not excepting the blame for the Obamacare failure. Wait did they just call themselves a bunch of “Useless Monkeys”! I do believe that is the only honest statement the Democrats have made!!!!! In the same “Monkey Court” senate hearing, Democrats attempt to convince America the Monumental Obamacare Failure is no big deal. Then follow that by telling America even though they can not register for Obamacare, and will not be able to register by the dead line (which will then trigger the IRS to take money from them under the mandated IRS imposed fine) that they should not believe all the people taking bad about Obamacare, instead they should trust government and believe Obama and in Obamacare and just keep trying to register because eventually the Obamacare site may work. So now after yet another royal Obama showing of incompetence, deceit and misappropriation of tax payer’s money, blaming others under him and around him for executing his failed agenda of forcing Socialism on America, Obama is getting the best and brightest minds to fit his failure. Once again Obama has proven he cares more about his personnel agenda of Socialism and more about his burning desire of becoming the first dictator of America then he does about America and the American people. Obamacare is as big a joke as its creator; Obama. The big whispering buzzing around the senate is that Democrats are starting to turn on Obama; realizing that there is an election coming up and that they may be held accountable for their actions democrats are considering pulling a Feinstein by reversing their vote by extending the registration dead line or delaying Obamacare for all us voters which they believe will make things okey-dokey with the American voters and hope that we will forget that they voted themselves a $15,000.00 Obamacare subsidy if they delay Obamacare for a year. Guess what, its not OK! At the least you should vote a delay in your $15,000.00 per year for life subsidy, at best if any of you pathetic sorry ass excuses for Americans had any integrity, ethics, honor or morals you would eliminate your $15,000.00 a year for life Obamacare subsidy and eliminate Obamacare. Pay attentions People, even if the senate does the right thing and kills Obamacare for ever, they will keep their $15,000.00 a year for life Obama Bribe for inflecting Obamacare on America. Some interesting facts coming from the Federal Obamacare web sites. 1. The people who are considered poor are paying more for their MANDATED Obamacare health insurance then they were on there previous insurance. 2. The Obama LIES that your personnel information will remain confidential ARE LIES > no surprise! As it turns out the web site doesn’t share your information but it does turn it over to the federal government that store your personnel 3. Information in their shared data base to which every branch of government has access too. Did I mention, or have you already hear this. Hackers overseas have already hacked the shared Federal governments data base and now have the personnel and privet information of all those that visited an Obamacare web site. 4. Cost of Obama care for the average person one-quarter (1/4) of your monthly salary Don’t forget the government already get one-half (1/2) of your salary. State’s are reporting anywhere from a Fifty percent (50%) increase up to a one-hundred-ninety-seven percent (197%) increase in for Obamacare of what they currently have or did have before Obama took their current coverage away from them. 5. Despite the LIES Obama has told America, people are not being allowed to keep their current coverage and options. PERIOD! 6. Despite The LIES Obama has told America, He is KILLING your choices by eliminating competition to his government run Obamacare, It is being reported that states are reduced to one, and in some lucky states two insurance provider choices. So much for low cost options generated by free market competition but after all, what did you expect from Socialism? 7. Despite the LIES Obama told you, that you can keep your current coverage, he has put into play his underhanded plan to take you current health care plan away from you. By putting out a fail sign up system and forcing EVERYONE not registering for his Obamacare because they want to keep their current coverage to; Obamacare law requires people SUBMIT personnel family information to their current insurance writer that the provider turns over to the federal government so government can add it to the government/ IRS/ HLS/ O/C/ SSI/ etc shared data base system (the one that was just hacked into; and now all that information is in the hands of overseas criminals. Once again thanks to Obama’s incompetence) Keep in mind, if you do not get your information to them in time or if there is a mistake which you will not learn about until after the deal line and after you receive your notice that your insurance coverage was dropped. You will be automatically fined by the IRS at the end of the year, but in the meantime you must re-apply for your medical coverage only to learn that you can no longer get the same coverage you had and if you can it will cost far more then you can pay. But, fear not because Obamacare will be a cheaper option even though it will cost more then what you were paying before they canceled your insurance on you with out notice and without the customary 30 day grace period. Remember you have already received your customary 30 day grace period via the News Media. 8. Despite the Obama LIE that you can KEEP your current Heath Insurance, states are reporting that people are getting cancellation notices, 300,000 to 800,000 per state, and this is just the beginning…. Remember in order to cover the cost of Obamacare, people must by into the Obamacare ponzi scam, as more people sign up that will not have to pay, this will automatically trigger more people to lose their coverage and be forced onto Obamacare to pay for those that do not pay. FACT OF LIFE! 9. Washington and selected State politicians will get a $15,000.00 dollar per year for life subside paid for by YOU curtsey of the BRIBE Obama dangled in front of the complete democrat caucus and RINO John McCain so they would approve without the consent of the American people so he “Obama” could shove his Obamacare down our throats advancing his Socialist agenda to turn America into a communist country. Just remember a weather you prefer to call it Socialism or Communism, both have one thing in common they have the same type of government lead by the same type of leader; known as a dictator! But don’t fret, all is not lost, there is hope because Obama has commissioned the brightest and smartest America has to offer to Fix His Monumental Failure that he already appointed the brightest and smartest people to create. Which decoded means will grow government which means more tax hikes are in your future. Poor Obama, the fool on the hill who has solidified his legacy and earned his place in history as the Chief Pathological Lying Psychopathic Hypocritical President who is knee deep in his own Shit Filled Monumental Obamacare Failure and created yet another trophy for his scandal display case of disgrace. Again, Obamacare is as big a joke as its creator; Obama. Obama has proven he cares more about his personnel agenda of Socialism and more about his burning desire of becoming the first dictator of America then he does about America and the American people.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 18:05:41 +0000

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