Surprise of Deadly Live H5N1 Avian Flu Virus in Vaccines - TopicsExpress


Surprise of Deadly Live H5N1 Avian Flu Virus in Vaccines During March of 2009, numerous sources including Times of India reported that vaccines contaminated with deadly live H5N1 avian flu virus were distributed to 18 countries in December, 2008 by a lab at an Austrian branch of Baxter. It was only by providence that the batch was first tested on ferrets in the Czech Republic, before being shipped out for injection into humans. The ferrets all died and the shocking discovery was made. Czech newspapers immediately questioned whether the events were part of a conspiracy to deliberately provoke a pandemic, following up on accusations already made by health officials in other countries. Baxter claimed that pure H5N1 batches were sent by accident. However, since the probability of mixing a live virus biological weapon with vaccine material by accident is virtually impossible, this leaves no other explanation than that the contamination was a deliberate attempt to weaponize the H5N1 virus to its most potent extreme, and distribute it via conventional flu vaccines to the population who would then infect others to a devastating degree as the disease went airborne. The fact that Baxter mixed the deadly H5N1 virus with a mix of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses is the smoking gun. The H5N1 virus on its own has killed hundreds of people, but it is less airborne and more restricted in the ease with which it can spread. However, when combined with seasonal flu viruses (which as everyone knows are super-airborne and easily spread) the effect is a potent, super-airborne, super-deadly biological weapon. Of course, it was later proven that the swine flu pandemic was a hoax; a false flag to terrify the public into accepting dictates from unelected World Health Organization officials with ties to big pharma. The event was likely a test-run for global forced vaccinations under the guise of civil emergency (pandemic), that would actually result in depopulation, injuries and increased profits for big pharma.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 07:35:16 +0000

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