Survivor Series 2013 predictions Survivor Series is almost upon - TopicsExpress



Survivor Series 2013 predictions Survivor Series is almost upon us, and with the WWE Universe counting down the hours until WWE’s fall classic gets under way at Boston’s TD Garden, debates are raging over which Superstars will claim victory live on pay-per-view. The WWE office hasn’t been left out in the prognosticating, either. Check out our predictions for the 27th annual Survivor Series now, then add your own rundown of the event’s winners and losers in the comments section below! The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston (Kickoff Match) Alex Giannini: Kickoff Matches place a unique form of pressure on the competitors scheduled to do battle; in addition to the Superstar in the other corner looking to tear you apart, there’s that whole setting-the-tone-for-an-entire-evening thing. Luckily, both Kofi and Miz are ring veterans, and I doubt either Superstar will feel any undue pressure. That said, Kofi was left in a bad way on Monday’s Raw, and who knows how healthy The Wildcat will be on Sunday? WINNER: The Miz Bobby Melok: When Kofi Kingston and The Miz meet in the ring, The Awesome One usually ends up seeing stars after getting kicked in the face. The last time, it cost Miz the Intercontinental Title. This time, it’s personal, after Miz ditched Kingston on Raw, leaving him to be picked apart by The Real Americans. Kofi has shown in the past how wild he can get when he’s angry. This Sunday will be no different. Kingston will probably have a few smudges on his Nikes after introducing them to Miz’s face. WINNER: Kofi Kingston Jake Grate: I always thought The Miz was an underhanded, slimy, disloyal worm, and his abandonment of Kofi during their Raw tag team match against The Real Americans proves it. Look for The Wildcat to get his retribution on Sunday. WINNER: Kofi Kingston John Clapp: Kofi Kingston would be the hands-down favorite if it was apparent he’s willing to shed his easygoing demeanor and embrace whatever ill will he feels toward The Miz. Yet, that switch in attitude isn’t guaranteed, whereas The Miz has clearly abandoned his fair-play leanings. For The Awesome One, that’s a step in the right direction. WINNER: The Miz Anthony Benigno: The Miz is mean again? Oh yes. As long as Kofi doesn’t kick him square in the face again — which he may — The Awesome One is about to hit his stride in a big way. WINNER: The Miz The Miz: 3, Kofi Kingston: 2 7-on-7 Divas Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match Alex Giannini: If Survivor Series Elimination Tag Matches are tough to call, then a 7-on-7 Divas bout is nigh-impossible to predict — especially when devious Divas Champion AJ Lee is involved. Look for The Black Widow to lead her team to victory, and leave the “Total Divas” in their wake. WINNERS: Team True Divas Bobby Melok: Rather than worrying about roommate agreements, a boyfriend’s toe fungus or remembering Jinder Mahal’s name, AJ and her squad of six Divas will presumably be focused on forcing the WWE Universe to take notice of them once again. With the inexperienced Eva Marie and JoJo on their team and Divas division bruisers like Tamina Snuka and Kaitlyn standing across the ring, I can’t imagine the Total Divas surviving Sunday night. WINNERS: Team True Divas Jake Grate: This promises to be one of the biggest, best and most chaotic Divas matches in quite some time. As a huge fan of “Total Divas,” I’m leaning toward the E! reality stars in this contest. The experience of Natalya and The Bellas, the rapid improvement of the Funkadactyls, plus the exiting promise of beautiful newcomers JoJo and Eva Marie, will carry the squad to “total” victory. WINNERS: Team Total Divas John Clapp: I would argue the True Divas assembly more skilled, on the whole, than its opposition, but the squad has this big strike against it: disparate motivations. Even though they’ve presented a united front against WWE’s reality TV darlings, let’s not forget that everyone on the team of Divas Champion AJ Lee is after her butterfly-emblazoned title. If “Total Divas” can rally behind the leadership and embrace the teachings of Natalya, they’ll be in the catbird seat at Survivor Series. WINNERS: Team Total Divas Anthony Benigno: Whether you’re a True Diva or a Total Diva, this is bound to be one epic rumble between the ladies of WWE. As to who prevails? It’s a tough one to call, but assuming the True Divas fall in behind AJ Lee (big if), I’d say they crash the spotlight of E!’s newest stars. WINNERS: Team True Divas Team True Divas: 3, Team Total Divas: 2 Intercontinental Champion Big E Langston vs. Curtis Axel Alex Giannini: Big E Langston has officially arrived in WWE, claiming the illustrious Intercontinental Title on Raw this past week with an exceedingly impressive victory over Curtis Axel. Unfortunately for the former titleholder, I see Sunday’s bout going exactly the same way, wrapping up with the Big Ending. WINNER: Big E Langston Bobby Melok: There’s no contest here. Big E Langston is an unstoppable force of nature. Without the savvy Paul Heyman in his corner, Curtis Axel hasn’t had the best of luck in the ring. After Langston steamrolled Axel to win the Intercontinental Championship, I see the rematch ending only one way, with a flattened Axel being scraped off the mat. WINNER: Big E Langston Jake Grate: Big E’s shocking title win on Raw gave a glimpse at the powerhouse’s true talent and potential. The muscle-bound Superstar clearly has a bright future full of big matches and championship victories. At Survivor Series, however, he will relinquish his title less than a week after winning it to an always-dangerous and perhaps newly motivated Axel. WINNER: Curtis Axel John Clapp: In their initial Intercontinental Championship Match on Raw, Axel looked his best when he was able to strike and then immediately create separation between himself and Langston. Even without the services of Paul Heyman, the third-generation Superstar is too wily to head into Sunday without a revised — and improved — game plan for dealing with the monstrous, albeit raw, titleholder. WINNER: Curtis Axel Anthony Benigno: Big E Langston’s Intercontinental Title victory was a feel-good moment for the entire WWE Universe, and now in comes Curtis Axel to spoil the party. The former champion will give Langston a tougher run than may be anticipated — ditching Paul Heyman hasn’t exactly proven a death knell — but Langston’s momentum is too great. The champion retains. WINNER: Big E Langston Big E Langston: 3, Curtis Axel: 2 5-on-5 Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match Alex Giannini: Survivor Series Elimination Tag Matches are nearly impossible to predict, but that won’t stop me from putting my foot in my mouth here. I’m going with The Shield & The Real Americans in this one, and I’ll even take it a step further — look for the calculating quintet to utterly dominate their foes Sunday night. WINNERS: The Shield & The Real Americans Bobby Melok: Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins work extremely well together, but The Hounds of Justice have shown in recent weeks that they don’t necessarily play nice with others. The loose alliance between The Shield & The Real Americans plays right into the hands of Goldust, Cody Rhodes & The Usos. Though Rey Mysterio’s recently healed knee may be a question mark for their team, their good teamwork will lead them to victory. WINNERS: Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Rey Mysterio & The Usos Jake Grate: Featuring so many of WWE’s best tag teams — not the mention the shocking return of the iconic Rey Mysterio — this is a hard match to get my head around. The bottom line seems to be whether The Shield & The Real Americans can work together. I just don’t see The Hounds of Justice and WWE’s patriotic pair sticking together when the going gets tough. WINNERS: Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Rey Mysterio & The Usos John Clapp: For my money, the Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match is among the top two or three most exciting match formats in all of sports-entertainment, and this year’s 5-on-5 lineup represents a wonderful cross section of today’s WWE roster. The strength and conditioning of two men — Roman Reigns and Antonio Cesaro — will be the difference maker here. Look for spears and Cesaro Swings to be the cause of numerous eliminations Sunday. WINNERS: The Shield & The Real Americans Anthony Benigno: Rey Mysterio’s return knocked The Shield on their heels, and though there’s something to be said for The Hounds of Justice still being vulnerable, don’t expect them to be humiliated at the same event they made their historic and controversial debut. WINNERS: The Shield & The Real Americans The Shield & The Real Americans: 3; Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Rey Mysterio & The Usos: 2 CM Punk & Daniel Bryan vs. Erick Rowan & Luke Harper Alex Giannini: The Best & The Beard are a dream team combination any way you look at them, but The Wyatts are something straight out of a nightmare. Punk & Bryan bring to the table an uncanny array of grappling know-how and experience, but Harper & Rowan bring sheer malice, and sometimes the desire to watch the world burn wins out in the end. WINNERS: Luke Harper & Erick Rowan Bobby Melok: CM Punk & Daniel Bryan have spent 2013 battling wrestlers like Brock Lesnar, Randy Orton and John Cena. They haven’t clashed with true monsters like Luke Harper and Erick Rowan. Bray Wyatt’s horrifying charges are unlike any force in WWE history. Though Punk & Bryan are adept at striking, I think Harper & Rowan’s unrefined brawling will be too much for The Best & The Beard. WINNER: Luke Harper & Erick Rowan Jake Grate: Legions of WWE fans eagerly await the teaming up of Punk & Bryan, who might be the two most talented and exciting overall competitors today. Unfortunately, their massive opponents are longstanding, as opposed to temporary, partners, and that experience — plus the ominous ringside presence of Bray Wyatt — will lead the bearded backwoods behemoths to victory. WINNERS: Luke Harper & Erick Rowan John Clapp: This is a big opportunity for Bray Wyatt’s dangerous disciples to prove they can cause damage to top-tier grapplers within the confines of a regulated match, and not just wreak havoc with backstage assaults. The Best & The Beard, however, is too potent a pairing for even the gigantic swampland Superstars. Though I doubt we’ll see Rowan or Harper tap out Sunday (or maybe ever), Bryan’s Running Knee Strike or Punk’s GTS will still be enough to get the W. WINNERS: CM Punk & Daniel Bryan Anthony Benigno: The two former WWE Champions have united under a common enemy, but the bond between The Wyatts is something deeper and darker than anything Punk & Bryan can drum up. With Bray Wyatt lurking at ringside, even everything the two fan favorites have won’t be enough this time out. WINNERS: Luke Harper & Erick Rowan Luke Harper & Erick Rowan: 4, CM Punk & Daniel Bryan: 1 World Heavyweight Champion John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio Alex Giannini: The WWE Universe has grown accustomed to World Champion John Cena defying the odds, and with good reason — no matter what stands in his way, The Champ somehow finds a way to rise above. It’ll be no different on Sunday, as I pick the Cenation leader to silence the outspoken Del Rio with everything on the line. WINNER: John Cena Bobby Melok: Time after time, Alberto Del Rio has proven that there’s no low he’s unwilling to stoop to in order to capture the World Heavyweight Title. With The Champ going into Sunday’s bout with question marks surrounding the status of his surgically repaired triceps, I have no doubt Del Rio will do everything short of ripping Cena’s arm off (though he might try to) and leave Boston with the World Heavyweight Title. WINNER: Alberto Del Rio Jake Grate: It’s hard to pick against The Champ, but Alberto Del Rio is a cagey, opportunistic opponent. Although Cena’s surgically repaired arm appears to be nearly 100% recovered — as he showed when he sprung his trap on the No. 1 contender on Monday’s Raw — Del Rio will probe for any weakness or lingering injury, eventually finding a way to lock on the dreaded Cross Armbreaker. WINNER: Alberto Del Rio John Clapp: Has The Champ figured out his challenger? Following the events of Monday night, it would seem that way, yet it’d be uncharacteristic of Alberto Del Rio to head into a high-stakes match without a surprise up his sleeve. I predict The Essence of Excellence has a devious strategy at the ready and that it will prove effective on pay-per-view. WINNER: Alberto Del Rio Anthony Benigno: Del Rio has been spoiling for this fight since the second he lost the World Title at Hell in a Cell. “Mexico’s Greatest Export” has done everything he can to cripple Cena before WWE’s fall classic, but there’s no way The Champ is going down in his home arena. No. Way. WINNER: John Cena Alberto Del Rio: 3, John Cena: 2 WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. Big Show Alex Giannini: Even though The Authority has promised that no one will be on hand to help The Viper, I have a hard time taking that piece of information at face value. Still, let’s work under the assumption that everything will be on the up-and-up, and these two Superstars will be on equal ground. If that is, indeed, the case, my money’s on some World’s Largest Retribution at WWE’s fall classic, and a new champion will be crowned. WINNER: Big Show Bobby Melok: The worst thing a champion can do is doubt himself. Scratch that; the worst thing a champion can do is doubt himselfin public. WWE Champion Randy Orton did just that on Raw Monday night, and Orton’s lack of confidence may give Big Show the boost he needs to walk out of Survivor Series with the WWE Title. WINNER: Big Show Jake Grate: The Viper is looking more vicious than ever, as he seeks to prove to The Authority once and for all that he is, indeed The Face of WWE. Without the backing of Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and The Shield, however, he finds himself one-on-one with an irate, motivated giant. A spear, chokeslam or KO Punch — or possibly all three — are likely in the WWE Champion’s immediate future. WINNER: Big Show John Clapp: It’s rare for Randy Orton to look anything but absolutely confident going into combat, but the fear of Big Show — coupled with The Authority’s apparent diminishing faith in The Face of WWE — seems to have instilled doubt in the WWE Champion. The World’s Largest Athlete is acutely focused, while Orton’s seeming dissension with The Authority could lead — directly or indirectly — to his downfall. WINNER: Big Show Anthony Benigno: Without The Authority at his back, The Apex Predator is on his own against the giant this time out. The odds seem insurmountable, but it’s a mountaintop Orton has climbed before. With the chips down, smart money says he’ll find a way to do it again. WINNER: Randy Orton Big Show: 4, Randy Orton: 1
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 14:52:39 +0000

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