Susanne Crosby gave me a 9. Like and Ill give you a number: 1. - TopicsExpress


Susanne Crosby gave me a 9. Like and Ill give you a number: 1. My world changed when I became a Mum. My children are my everything. I adore them and I am humbled and scared and proud as I watch them make their way in the world. Above all else, they are my driving force in life. People would do well to remember this. 2. I believe in euthanasia. Having watched my Dad die a slow, painful, undignified death at the hands of MS, If hed of asked, I would have. 3. I was held at the US/ Mexican border at 18 for 6 hours trying to enter the US as Id lost my passport in Tijuana. Other interesting occurrences of the night out there that turned into two days and two nights was my friend got married to someone shed known for a week and along with my passport, I lost the red blouse I was wearing too. 4. Neil told me he wanted to marry me on our third date, we moved in together after three weeks and in ten years together weve been to as many countries, lived in four houses, got married, had two children, two cats and a dog. And they said it wouldnt last! 5. I studied Photography and Art and now work in HR. Funny how life turns out! 6. I was in a tiny shoe shop in New York and bumped into someone from Peacehaven. Last time Id seen him was at his leaving do three years earlier. In Peacehaven. 7. I love synchronicity. I love how our lives overlap and then at certain moments things reveal themselves and blow us away. The coincidences in my life have been amazing - I love nothing better than a good coincidence! 8. I love rap music; the harder core and dirtier, the better. But. I also love Barbra Streisand. A lot. 9. I have a really vengeful side to me. Secretly (or not so much now) I would have liked to have been an assassin/hit man - a female Jason Statham if you will - but I never could kill anyone as if I got caught I could never go to prison as I am really claustrophobic. There you have it!
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 09:58:02 +0000

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