Suspense Magazine gives Parents Who Killed their Children 4/5 - TopicsExpress


Suspense Magazine gives Parents Who Killed their Children 4/5 stars. ✯✯✯✯ rjparkerpublishing I really enjoyed this read. Although Ive read about all of the cases profiled, the way RJ has laid them out makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Its beyond me how a parent could perform such a heinous act on their own flesh and blood. The book opens with a definition of filicide and the possible causes and segues into the first of ten cases highlighted in the book. What strikes me, and I’m sure all readers will notice, is that statistically speaking more often than not the child’s mother is the one who commits the murder; in fact only two instances of father’s committing filicide are included in the book. Although the highly publicized crimes of Darlie Routier and Andrea Yates are beyond comprehension the particularly gruesome crime committed by Susan Eubanks is the one that haunts me. Eubanks systematically shot each of her four children point blank in the head starting with her 15 year old son Brandon, then her other three sons aged 7, 6 and 4 all in their shared bedroom while the others watched in horror waiting for their turns. I can’t begin to imagine what was going through the boys minds. Her daughter and nephew both survived that attack and will no doubt spend the rest of their lives scarred by the experience. Throughout the book RJ Parker interjects his thoughts and opinions on societies view on mother’s pointing out that society on a whole considers mothers to be the primary caregiver and nurturer. Each of the cases are briefly touched upon and in my opinion it would have been a more compelling read if the cases were explored a little further perhaps introducing aspects of the case not previously published. It also would have been nice to have a few current cases included. All in all, Parents Who Kill Their Children is a great read for aficionados of true crime. If you are, take the time to look up one of the 14 other RJ Parker true crime books. Kindle Edition: ASIN B00HJBK2FG, Print length 280 pages, $3.97 Also available in paperback. Disclaimer: A copy of this book was given to me by the author in exchange for an honest and unbiased review. Reviewed by ChaptersandChats for Suspense Magazine
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 20:21:33 +0000

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