Suzana Hrisik Seremetkovska 41 mins · Edited · - TopicsExpress


Suzana Hrisik Seremetkovska 41 mins · Edited · PREDESTINATION AND A PROVE THAT ALL HIS CHILDREN ARE PREDESTINED BY HIM TO COME TO HIM AND BE HIS FOREVER. A man in his mid forties was coming back from work at around 3pm one afternoon. His name was George and he was a very well respected by all and known as a good man who will never do you wrong. His job was one of high position and carried great responsibilities. This is why he would not tell anyone else for what had happen to him besides his wife, and to the person this prophecy was all about. Every day he waked the same streets going to and back from his work place. But, this afternoon something incredible was about to happen to George as he was just about one turn away from the street where his house was As he had just passed and greeted one of his neighbours who was heavily pregnant, and whose name was Sevda, George was frozen on the spot as an Angel of the Lord appeared to him and said the following: This lady, by the name of Sevda is pregnant with a daughter, and her name will be Suzana. She will be the great servant of the Lord and she will be the wife of your second son Naum. Once the angel delivered the message, it disappeared, and George began to walk forward to his house, completely stunned of what had happened to him. The moment he had come through the doors of his house, his wife as usual ran quickly to greet him with a kiss, but this time she too was taken back for a moment, for she knew that something serious had happen to her husband, as she saw the shock on his face. Moments later he had told his wife what had happened, and they both agreed not to tell anyone of this, for people may grant them some strange names . When Suzana was about 3 years old, Georges family had migrated from Macedonia, all the way to Australia, which is a month of boat traveling to reach the new land, to make a new life for themselves. Thirteen years later, Georges son Naum, came back to Macedonia, and fell in love with his neighbour Suzana, with whom few months later he got married to. Soon after, they both return to Australia to reside in Naums family home. Well, the story of PREDESTINATION is just about to get confirmed, as both of Naums parents (George and Marika), set down together and shared their story with me, describing in detail of the encounter and the prophecy by the angel of the Lord so many years ago. This is the first time they had shared their story and as the angel had told them to do so too. Say all these to Suzana when she arrives into your home married to your son Naum. Imagine the shock on my 17 year old face then? . Many years had passed since, and I had forgotten about this story, for I wasnt even saved when they had told me of it. And to tell you the truth, I remember thinking that there is something wrong with both my mother in law and father in law. I didnt even know if God is real back then... But, 2-3 years later, and after my salvation, as I was reading Pauls statement in Scripture regarding PREDESTINATION, and all of a sudden the memories of Georges story, flooded back. Now you can imagine the shock on my face as I had realised that his story is actually true! I, a little no one, have been predestined before my birth to be His beloved child. Oh, the joy of knowing that my eternal Father had chosen me to be His before I was even born! And to send an Angel as to announce my birth and functions as a servant of the Lord! I mean, who am I to deserve this honour? Just a sinner who is only alive because of Gods grace alone!. I am not sharing this true story to exult myself in any way, for God knows that this is the truth, but to encourage anyone that may have doubts of whether they are truly Gods, or not! You are His beloved and He knew you before we knew Him! Amen Folks, it is not by accident that we love Jesus and the reason why we know Him, but in fact, we are His because He had predestined each and every one of us, before He even placed us into our mothers womb. Believe it, for that is the truth! Amen
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 04:30:55 +0000

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