Suzey Mae and Mr.Squirrel surprised me one day . As I looked out - TopicsExpress


Suzey Mae and Mr.Squirrel surprised me one day . As I looked out the window to check on her, there she was, as always gentle and calm , but with this squirrel there beside her. He would not come up on the porch as long as I was there but get close , 10 to 15 foot . Sit or be on the power line catering . Id go in and about 5 to 10 minutes hed come visit with her and many times he would get a pecan Id put out and eat it right there beside her. She was special as when it came to her sweet gentle ways. Only a few know of how after her crossing the rainbow bridge that I was sitting out there as she and I had done for years . I was sad and grieving my baby girl being gone and yes big boys cry. Well I guess it was a week or lees that evening as every evening before Mr. Squirrel came as all do to head to there nest , which his was somewhere in the tree line in the back. But to get there he used the power line then the roof and to a large branch in back to make his way. At this time he would sometimes visit her. Well he chattered and chattered but I heard but had not showed any notice. Till that bushey tail was sitting on the back of the chair were I was setting. I was tearing as I just without thought looked at him and said shes go e to heaven Mr squirrel and shes with God for now on. He chattered a small amount then jumped down on the porch stood as to look around and then quickly up not the rails to the big evergreen bush and stopped. I swear for all Im worth he looked at me again and chattered softly this time and finally ,but very slowly he left as usual his way to the tree line. Now Im not a weirdo or mental , but it was as if he understood me. Maybe the way I had played attention at first . When I thought back he was raising fuss. I guess that not seeing her for a week he knew something was not right. I have not told but a few of this and I dont want to be made fun off. Pamela Martin Bruce asked me to day if Ari Blase had meet Mr Squirrel yet? I was shocked she had remembered. But yes they are both hard headed and have on a couple occasion fussed at each other. Him barking and Mr Squirrel chatted and running back and forth on the power line tho the house. Its the funniest thing to see. Today Blase was barking like crazy as he looked out side the window. Now know that I have almost 5 acre to the way this window is. So I look and out side , yep that squirrel was taunting him! There amazing things that animals do and Im so blessed to have that ability to be part of it. Well hope you dont pick on me about this , its all true and its just a way of me being able to thank God for all he really does to make my life meaningful and happy. Amen † Kenny Martin (The picture of Mr Squirrel was took by a friend about 8 months ago with a fancy camera which I have no idea how to work but he seen the opportunity and got this for me .Aris picture I took today with my phone)
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 05:40:07 +0000

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