Swami Kriyananda: I once told my guru Paramhansa Yogananda that - TopicsExpress


Swami Kriyananda: I once told my guru Paramhansa Yogananda that my father was very honest, honourable, and kind, that he had many virtues, but that he didn’t seem to think about God or seek any spiritual values. Yogananda’s single comment was: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.” It was a rather harsh answer, but a true one, because if you don’t include spiritual realities in your life, sooner or later something will come along that you might not be able to handle. My father was very courageous. He had great strength of character. But in the last years of his life he experienced illness that left him incapacitated. If he fell, he was incapable of lifting himself up. He simply had to wait until someone came. Once he had to wait for quite some time. I could never imagine my father weeping, but he would weep at his helplessness. He had strength of character, but it didn’t bring him to a level of wisdom that enabled him to meet successfully the tests he encountered later in life. The saints offer us the greatest examples of spiritual strength. Their inner joy is so great that they simply don’t care if their bodies are well or not. There’s a point beyond which your human strength fails you unless you also have spiritual strength. Don’t think that your life will always be an upward curve. It cannot be. Creation exists on a principle of duality. There will always be opposites. Every plus must be balanced by a minus, every gain cancelled by a loss. Things will always fluctuate from one extreme to the other. The time will come when things will stop going right for you. Your actions of the past, or the mass karma of the people around you, will hit you. And unless you have learned to live calmly at your centre, you won’t be able to meet those tests successfully. Spiritual strength comes from communing inwardly with God in meditation. You won’t gain this strength merely by affirmations, or by trying to live a good life. And you can’t do it on your own. You have to let God do it. In deep meditation, you have to, in a sense, give up your life in order to receive it -- which is to say, you have to reach the point where you can offer your ego up to God and allow Him to transform you into Himself. In meditation, after becoming calm, you need to offer your heart to God with the attitude that your life belongs to Him, that you want only Him, and that you want nothing for yourself. You need to say, “God, You take charge of my life and work through me.” The secret of spiritual strength lies in this type of calm, determined self-giving. It requires meditation, devotion, and humility. And it doesn’t happen overnight. You have to offer yourself repeatedly. But as the Bhagwad Gita says, even a little bit of the practice of this inward religion will free you from dire fears and colossal sufferings. The more you can give yourself inwardly in this way, the more you know that everything works out for the best, and that things happen as they should. An aura of protection will surround you, and things won’t touch you in the same way. The greatest tragedies are nothing, once you have that divine attunement. When you have divine attunement, you have security—you have strength. When you have Him, your problems are just nothing, because you know that He is everything.
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 14:20:08 +0000

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