Swami as an ideal leader and Guru -The embodiment of Perfection - TopicsExpress


Swami as an ideal leader and Guru -The embodiment of Perfection and Truth - Here is another example on the day of Gurupournima. Swami has often spoken about His food intake and His weight. I observe moderation in my food intake. My weight is always constant at 108 pounds.. He said this in many of His Discourses and in informal conversations too. Now, let me tell you my own personal experience about this .. place Trayee Brindavan , month of May 2001 In those days , we used to visit Bangalore only on Sundays and on festival days in Summer . But the Summer of 2001 was little different for couple of reasons. i had a ligament tear problem in my left knee and doctors had advised a small operation . I had mentioned it one of my previous post and role played by Swami as Divine Doctor. As the problem persisted for more than couple of months i had written to Swami for His intervention and advise. Swami was gracious to call me in Trayee. i had to report the Divine Doctor every day during the dining session there in Trayee for a week long stay over there and this incident happened one day in the afternoon. Like any mother out of love makes her child eat more, Mrs Ratanlal Amma pleaded Swami to eat more. According to her , Swami had apparently lost some weight. Swami replied , Mrs Ratanlal, my weight is always constant at 108 pounds not a fraction plus or minus . But the motherly Love of Mrs Ratanlal did not allow her to accept Swamis reply and She insisted Swami to eat more. Refusing to budge and to prove His point, Swami told us to get a weighing scale . Swami stood on the scale which was analog in nature and weight measurable in Pounds and with least count of a one third of a pound. We were eager to check the result.... the pointer stopped exactly at 108 Pounds, not even a fraction deviation on markings here and there . Indeed , Whatever He speaks is unsullied TRUTH. He is always Fit and Perfect. In physique , in actions, words and thoughts . Where else will you find such a form on earth now? After this dining session , when Swami went back to His room , we all lined up to check our own weight and stood on the same scale one by one . All were in the range of 150 to 200+ pounds. The perfect Scale hinted us for moderation partaking of food. Moral : Swami and His instruments (like this blessed weighing scale ) are Perfect. Only we are imperfect bodies, souls. Swami practices first and preaches next. A trait of an ideal leader and an ideal Guru in setting up an example through His own life. In pursuit of that perfectionism , Let us pray to Swami and offer our gratitude and obeisance. Leadership vacuum compelled me to keep FB aside for a long time. Gurupournima is the perfect occasion to break the silence. In absence of Leader like Swami , now the vacuum is being filled with only authorities getting respect when people refer them as sir in their presence and sirdard(Hindi) in their absence . Happy Gurupournima Sairam ****************************** Excerpts from a Divine Discourse related to the topic... Discourse in the Poornachandhra Auditorium on 23-11-1994, Bhagavaans Birthday Swamis example to lead a healthy life How to lead a healthy life? Let Me tell you about My own health. My weight since my 14th year of age has been constant at 108 pounds only. It never went up to 109 pounds not came down to 107. You can lead a healthy life once you achieve this kind of balance and moderation. I never eat even a little bit excess. I observe the principle of moderation whether I am invited for food by a millionaire or a pauper. My body is in perfect trim! I do not suffer from aches and My heart is as sound as a rock. There is none who can work like Me and exert himself as much as I do! The secret of My sound health is My regulated food habits. This is how one has to achieve the unity and harmony of food, head and God. - BABA
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 11:36:01 +0000

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