Sweating like pouring rain - just got back from everywhere in - TopicsExpress


Sweating like pouring rain - just got back from everywhere in Suva. Ever since Alamita was old enough to talk and comprehend that I was traveling for work she has never, ever, asked me to buy her anything on any of my trips. I would always get the same response: just come home safely mum So it came as a shock to me when I was leaving to go to the airport when she brushed up against me and whispered: mum can you buy me a watch...(pause) a blue or yellow one please and with a rubber strap ? I was taken by surprise because I did not expect this at all. So everyday after my work meetings I would rush into Suva city looking for the wrist watch that she has asked for. I want to get it right. Because I know Alamita doesnt ask for anything - not even this past Christmas. OMG - I still cant find it. I have to get it right - because knowing Alamita she wont ask for anything else until another 5 years.... #knowhertoowell#toohumblelikeherdad#ripcurl#quicksilver#findmeplease!
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 09:06:36 +0000

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