Sweet Savannah is five months old! Its such a blessing to be home - TopicsExpress


Sweet Savannah is five months old! Its such a blessing to be home together. She is thriving and developing quite the personality! Weve had several doctors appointments including her first CDH clinic visit. All her blood work is back to normal, so no more antibiotics — hoot!! X-ray looks great and her patch is still intact. Shes completely breastfeeding during the day and tube feeding at night. She hasnt gained in two weeks, so nutrition is having us tube supplement after nursing during the day. Anticipating her weigh-in next week... Oh, I never thought Id be so focused on weight?! But, for CDH babies, its crucial for healthy lung growth and development. I have been feeling a bit down-and-out about my milk supply, but it was reassuring to hear from dietary that with the amount of calories and feeds shes requiring, its nearly impossible to keep up! Im definitely producing what shes requiring during the day, but not at night. Thankfully, Ive had a freezer stock-piled, but its going fast! Even when we transition to solids, shell still require higher calories. Food is less calorie-dense too, so to stretch my milk, we are transition to 50/50 with BM and formula. I still plan on BF as long as possible, but the extra calories will have to be supplemented. We had our first PT visit this week and it was very enlightening. Come to find out (thought this was so interesting and useful!) for every 24 hours a baby is in a piece of equipment (swing, bouncer, exesaucer), they lose two days of development!! I was blown away! For walkers, it completely hinders their development to walk. PT said, Get rid of it all! I think Ill keep our swing... Mamma needs to shower, lol! Overall, she is great.. so happy, so loving! I just adore her. Thank you for continuing to share in our joy! She (we!) adore you all too! *A special thank you to Khari for the beautiful headband and gorgeous sling! We will be sure to pay it forward (love your group name!) to another baby-wearing mama!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 07:26:56 +0000

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