Sweet personal victory. Last night, May 24, 2014 I was awarded the - TopicsExpress


Sweet personal victory. Last night, May 24, 2014 I was awarded the priviledge of earning the title of WBFF Pro Diva. A designation a year ago that seemed unattainable and impossible. Last night I not only did I earn the designation WBFF Fitness Pro, I took two more wins in the category of WBFF Fitness Model 35+ and WBFF Fitness Model Open placing first. Imagine, August 2013, I took to the Worlds stage to place 5th. April 20th 2014, placed 1st and 2nd in the categories of WBFF Fitness Model 35+ at the Montreal Pro+Am show and WBFF Fitness Model Open last night for the Eastern Division. What a journey!!!! So reflecting on yesterday, I want to talk about the journey and not the destination for it was the journey and all the wonderful and not so wonderful experiences that has brought me to where I am right now which is pure joy. So what are the not so wonderful experiences? The set backs, the injuries, the bouts of inflammation, consistetly balancing work and play, sacrifcing at times the social life, your weekends with friends, family and loved ones in pursuit of excellence and of course time and time again having to explain, no your not crazy, this is something that you actually love. And was it worth it? Well that brings me to the wonderful … The sense of self-awareness, focus and dedication, time management, discipline and commitment to oneself, learning to exercise patience. Learning your limits and learning when its safe to push the envelope. Then there’s the people along the journey like your true friends who continue to inspire and encourage you to do what you so passionately love. People like Brandy, Nadia, Diana, Dian Sciardi, Annie, Kim, Jason Henry, Jez and Dan. Then there’s the extended WBFF family of Diva’s that graciously accepted me as one of their very own (Pre Pro Diva) and saw the potential in me to be the best. People like Tyra, Julie, Yves Fleur, Sharon Polansky – it was you Sharon that first said in Vegas that you thought I was worthy of being a Pro (remember xoxo) The fellow teammates who have been my Facebook social media virtua tower of strength – FROM THE GET GO…I can’t say this enough, our private team wall was instrumental. Daily we had an opportunity to post our wins albeit losing that extra pound of fat or gaining that extra pounf of muslce, the struggles with our diets or just venting because we’re human and we’re not perfect. So people like And last my fellow AP teammate who became my secret idol and now my close and fellow Diva Pro, Emmanuelle who recently EARNED the title WBFF Pro Diva. Em, it’s on –finally and I CANNOT wait to be on stage with you missy. The community of the unmentioned who became my lifeline since this journey began like the Super Yogi’ men and women at Markham Moksha. The members at my local commuity gym Cornell Commuity Fitness Center who tracked my progress and brought a smile to my face with words of encouragement. Then there’s the people that give from the goodness of their heart just because…people again like Tyra and Julie – can’t thank you enough. Julie who skyped me at 11pm and gave me an hour of personal time OUTSIDE of business hours coaching me from her studio to make sure that walk was spot on. So the gliding that Jean jacques was referring to was all you ladies. Then there’s you Berns, the extra investment of your personal free time to make me ‘sparkle and shine’ on stage from Montreal and the adjstments you made to beautify my suit xoxoxo Last and not least, my coach Michelle MacDonald. If anyone really knows me I’m independent and very driven. For if I need to lean on you I NEED to trust that you are competent and that you know what you are doing. Afterall I am an ISTJ to the core and if I feel you’re not compent in what you’re doing I’m gonzo. Nuff said. So this brings me back to Michelle. The transformation that you now see, from the physical right down to my digestion was Michelle. After Vegas and joining team Protocal, Michelle had the task of fixing all the ailments from years of suffering with poor digestion and GI issues not to mention some of the ol skool way of thinking about training. Fast forward to May 24th, and having gone thru two preps, back to back too, there was no major flare ups, she designed a program (diet plan and training regime) that was tailored to my body and that WORKED xxox I did EXACTLY what she told me to do. I tracked my macros. I did the workouts, emailed her daily am ‘ab wall’ snapshots with measurements, we skyped weekly. She responded to my all my emails…there was never a moment where she left me hanging and now..I am a WBFF PRO DIVA Vegas bound in August. No longer an ammateur but a PRO and will be on stage with ‘The best of the best’ bodies in the world. Speechless. (Forgive the long post but again, the credit roll needed to be said.) So with that Paul and Allison I humbly and graciously accept the honor. PauI I can’t thank you enough for your belief in me, the words of accolodes and encouragement to me in Montreal and last night for now I have the privilege to be called a WBFF PRO DIVA. #STILLBEAMING So that’s it from me, aka Emo aka Glamazon. I’m off to train and off to Peggy’s Cove for the day. One of the volunteers graciously offered to drive me to there for the day…how amazing is that!!! She overheard that I wanted to do some sight seeing to the Cove before returning to Toronto and she offered to peronally take me. Afterall I all I can’t come all the way to beautfiul Nova Scota and NOT see Peggy’s Cove xoxox. So on that, gotta go – another jam packed day…of a different kind. Love you all… Xoxoxox
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 09:42:17 +0000

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