{Swiss} Sniper was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count - TopicsExpress


{Swiss} Sniper was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,479 rivals. {T.M.E.} ÌåmÑö†HΣ®ßΣ®† was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,481 rivals. [DEN] Werrild Қʞ was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,482 rivals. ₳41♥14₳ ŤúřmðîŁ was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,486 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,487 by icing ~$RR$~ MassimoDecimoMeridio. [PK] [PK] Akil Ali was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,489 rivals. ╬FяξMξÑ ☠ELITE☠ Wunderkind was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,491 rivals. mf king THAN was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,492 rivals. ߀$T Evelina was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,493 rivals. ☠╠MBR╣☠ Myriam [MBR] was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,494 rivals. Ϯяu Gui the Fish was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,496 rivals. [*NC] Mini Moto Beep Beep :P was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,498 rivals. ⋐♆3♆⋑ Jeck was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,500 rivals. ๏™ theycallmenoob was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,501 rivals. ≋am4≋ Muninn was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,503 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,505 by icing |ƒин| DeerHunter. [GAG] {TARMAC}" BIG G" was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,506 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,507 by icing Cassan Dirty Hairy. Ray just brought the body count to 143,509 by icing S|W|E¹ S|W|E [‡]Badaboom. Ray just brought the body count to 143,511 by icing DN Ninja cleopatra. Ray just brought the body count to 143,513 by icing [GER] Don Wöllchen. Ray just brought the body count to 143,514 by icing {A.I.M.} [YNWA]urban usling. Ray just brought the body count to 143,515 by icing ALES 鸟 Memandi. Ray just brought the body count to 143,517 by icing [Ќєлўд] pervy Kioti ⓖ. B€$T don (batman) was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,521 rivals. NΞШ® TjaRock was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,523 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,525 by icing ✩✩ CN ✩✩ [MW Nordic] Bertil Österholm. [EFC!] [EFC] Ponas Rinkevičius was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,528 rivals. [♣LIA♣] Giovanna Vivace was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,529 rivals. ✔€✞erans Don Nikoleris was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,531 rivals. Deadly Don Kirklioni was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,535 rivals. ₦₲² Mªh¤ñ€ÿ was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,537 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,538 by icing [T.K.P] αlαṿøɾατɾïсε. Ray just brought the body count to 143,539 by icing ~SIN~ Don Holden. Ray just brought the body count to 143,540 by icing (BOW) [BOW] Big Tony. Kylklamp ֆūPΞЯ ŦΐƝΛ² was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,541 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,542 by icing Megha. Ray just brought the body count to 143,543 by icing =ʜυɴ= Atika. Ray just brought the body count to 143,546 by icing {{KOTR}} Àłãíđá. Ray just brought the body count to 143,547 by icing PUR Drago. Ray just brought the body count to 143,548 by icing {D*O*A*} {D*O*A*}Dans Revenge. Spock1Jr Red Fury II was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,551 rivals. MAZ Don Gregson was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,553 rivals. [TRUST] FilyPenilla was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,554 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,556 by icing FREE GOD Roger. Trine was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,558 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,560 by icing [RUS] ♥ DONNA VIKA ♥. Ray just brought the body count to 143,562 by icing ‡æsir‡ Hoggy. Ray just brought the body count to 143,564 by icing Haankook Don Napoli. JOOOOO Mortal Woman was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,566 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,567 by icing †UиƊ℮aƊ† Spicy Tomato. Ray just brought the body count to 143,569 by icing ◈ℛ◈ Gjallarbrui. " Z " Guy Smiley was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,570 rivals. {şĭşů} BLЦΣ LΣӨPΛЯD was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,573 rivals. Vartijat Metsänvartija was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,576 rivals. {BDM} Tim Hall was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,577 rivals. DDP Mama Williamson was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,579 rivals. @WBBS@ Mikey Moose was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,581 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,585 by icing {CC} COBI-JACKERS. [Thai☰] Flavio was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,586 rivals. {ฬקย} JCCMW was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,587 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,589 by icing [drF] Bella Donner Kebab With Chili. RдTPдCK☫ Jules ☠BPK☠ was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,590 rivals. (蝪") Mw Höllenjunge was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,591 rivals. AK47B PokeMon Don was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,595 rivals. ☠ MWS ☠✝ ЯεkkΛpεnΛ was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,596 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,597 by icing sv - ro [ROMW]-PRIS CRISTI. (β2β) (β2β) THE TANK (Ҽ) was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,601 rivals. ✠SEMPER✠ ☢ Krazy KK was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,604 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,605 by icing {Don] nicky. UOGIENĖ ᵀᴴᴱ ҚIŁŁΣŘ ゑ was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,607 rivals. TALON Don DeWald was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,610 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,611 by icing ƑïĀ coolone. Ray just brought the body count to 143,613 by icing Fiducia THE DUKE. /st Aisha was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,614 rivals. ☯M☣M☯ Ah T@i was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,616 rivals. [ĦΞĦ] richie rich was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,618 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,620 by icing MBH Don Magiera. AMG Ndrangheta was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,622 rivals. ⋐♆3♆⋑ ÐōЍЍΛƧTЄĹĹƛ was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,623 rivals. {OT} Yuriy Dudkin was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,624 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,625 by icing Kill Zyn HaruTrain. Ray just brought the body count to 143,627 by icing {^CroW^} iceman. [AYLBTU] Aямαgєɗɗση was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,628 rivals. {MWAAP} ṂλD ŋλŋŋλ was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,629 rivals. {TFM} lucia was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,630 rivals. Charmed Patricia was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,631 rivals. [BBL] "[BBL] Helen Hill" was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,633 rivals. Haankook David Rosebush was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,637 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,638 by icing {L-L} Lethal Injection޳. Ray just brought the body count to 143,639 by icing {RZR} lil g-pop. WN totonka was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,640 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,641 by icing ᴪʂᶆᴪ Solo. Ray just brought the body count to 143,642 by icing JUGS U*U Jackie Walnuts. [M.P.R] [M.P.R] Sam Quintin was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,644 rivals. marco cold hands was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,645 rivals. {BRAVE♥} meanieminipeja was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,648 rivals. TriAX Don Fernando... was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,650 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,651 by icing SHLD2 Smith tħє Кהіғє. {USA} Silver Patron was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,652 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,653 by icing Greatest trucker lover. $tuNN4$ Arthur A. Furqan was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,656 rivals. ӁÐ♯Ɓ♯ɀӁ DiamondBlade was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,658 rivals. {CD} The God Father was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,661 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,662 by icing *S.O.R.* DDD. TIP "Boss Killah" Johnny INK was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,665 rivals. SamsDark Dona Gato was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,668 rivals. ✖HΛTΞ✖ Don Bowler was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,669 rivals. [CUBE] Terry [cube] was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,671 rivals. REFUGEE Bianca Blue was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,673 rivals. [NE] hit man howie was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,674 rivals. X-Mob Don Jean-Charles was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,675 rivals. {T.M.E.} ÌåmÑö†HΣ®ßΣ®† was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,677 rivals. Sт☆яs Chaplain was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,678 rivals. [INSANE] DED HBM MAFFIA was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,679 rivals. †DΞLΐ† Conundrum was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,680 rivals. B€$T Black Evil Tomcat was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,681 rivals. ღOGOIღ ☆ am NOT a fighters ☆ was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,682 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,684 by icing [VNV] Don Rastellini. {~m~} Hickok was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,685 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,686 by icing {CBG~MA} ****. St Hose Don Badik was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,687 rivals. PWM Don Don was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,689 rivals. NO•FIN• TONY.BROWN.EYES was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,690 rivals. *amf* john was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,691 rivals. players Don Smith was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,693 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,695 by icing FREEZ petoet. [DeMWS] Danny-nator was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,697 rivals. {IMF} Enter a Mafia Name here was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,698 rivals. GKS peter farmer was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,699 rivals. {WOHUG} Don Norte was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,700 rivals. 웃D Kitty Mel was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,701 rivals. [Ŧßß] Big Bad Thomas was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,702 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,704 by icing ₣Ĭ₣ **^^ReDBULL **<KiLL>>. [CEDD] Genghis Khan was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,706 rivals. Cantena Your Boyfriend <3 was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,709 rivals. ☠ Ł₮ŁF ☠ JING was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,711 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,712 by icing ∿ | ␋ Gummie-Lu-Op. MatriX Matrix Irish Patty <3 was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,714 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,717 by icing AKIN AKIN ALTAR. Ray just brought the body count to 143,718 by icing ᓰᙢ ᗯᗩᖇ ℑ ☸ßαк℮я ღαη☸. Ray just brought the body count to 143,719 by icing PTPFF thommygun. {TLA} Fairy Dogmother {TLA} was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,720 rivals. AK47B PokeMon Don was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,721 rivals. Rise Up gott was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,722 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,723 by icing R.W.B. [ÆØN] Don Hentschel. Ray just brought the body count to 143,724 by icing ☆ JB! ☯ WOLVERINE. /*OKTS* big paul was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,730 rivals. 10000 Don Brian was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,732 rivals. ©OOL♀ ©OOL♀ Forans Fury was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,733 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,735 by icing candy East Clintwood. Ray just brought the body count to 143,737 by icing IΠD Tessio. ╠ρ₣ϻ╣ blackblood2u was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,738 rivals. [McF] McF Craig Warder McF was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,739 rivals. 〤ℬℏ〤 DJJ〤ℬℏ〤 was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,740 rivals. (=ᘻ†ᘻ=) The Thurston Thrasher was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,743 rivals. ⋘TɆƝȺҲ⋙ Monique,s BELLA Mafia was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,745 rivals. ☰LC☰LC☰ Deadly farty was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,746 rivals. {OT} Andrew S was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,747 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,748 by icing {{SHC}} Warrior. Ray just brought the body count to 143,749 by icing «FHL» Don Placencia. Ray just brought the body count to 143,750 by icing ♠T♥R♣F♦ Big Bad Brad {BBB}. Ray just brought the body count to 143,753 by icing DALTONS Gal Monika DFC✪ {{LM}}. Brothers Beatlemaniac was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,754 rivals. MiC Musashi was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,756 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,757 by icing The Butcher J. {WWЯωΛC} Black Angel was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,759 rivals. F.O.E. Don Morrow was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,760 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,761 by icing {MW☀JP組} King. ☼ ІḆ▪₥ bo nantz msb was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,762 rivals. {Avenge} Rebekah the Ruthless was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,765 rivals. [T.C.O.] Don Detera was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,767 rivals. LoneWolf Deadmeat was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,769 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,770 by icing {Viagra} Blue Pill. ☯M☣M☯ harvey was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,771 rivals. `666` TONY ONE was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,773 rivals. ≡Ļм๓ฟ≡ S.D.E.M was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,774 rivals. EXM ßคßγ ֆǫυคđ was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,775 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,776 by icing {A~B 2} don Ramona. Ray just brought the body count to 143,777 by icing {P.I.F} EARTH ANGEL. Ray just brought the body count to 143,780 by icing A~ L ~S "Snaps" Provolone (Tony Thomps. ◆╣ֆ╠◆ Nos Foratu was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,783 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,784 by icing {TBM} 357 UnCle QuAcKer. ICEWORLD .Ares was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,785 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,786 by icing The Bagelman. Mongol was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,788 rivals. {{{NWA}} StingRay was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,790 rivals. ☣β☣ GeK▲LiM▲N☂▲N |INA| was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,791 rivals. [MWSolo] Enter New Name [MWSolo] Bob Ma was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,793 rivals. Compare Dastardly was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,799 rivals. {BBH} Don Juana was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,802 rivals. § SFZ § Paul the Plumber was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,804 rivals. @IbAs@ Don Davies was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,806 rivals. Ray just brought the body count to 143,807 by icing A~ L ~S Don lucha bratza. [MSF] Barbie Killer was just iced by Ray, which brings the body count to 143,808 rivals. G.I.O. rigolito was just iced by Ray, who has whacked a total of 143,810 rivals.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 04:00:12 +0000

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