Syd Edwards (‘Majority rule,’ The Examiner, 27 August 2013) - TopicsExpress


Syd Edwards (‘Majority rule,’ The Examiner, 27 August 2013) raises Tony Abbott’s commitment not to enter into a minority government, and questions the association between the Liberal Party and the Nationals. The track-record of Coalition governments and that of the recent Labor minority government are polar opposites. The Liberal Party has governed in coalition with the National Party for more than 40 of the last 60 or so years, most recently for nearly 12 years under John Howard, providing strong, united and stable leadership. In contrast, the last three years of the Labor minority government, with the Greens’ hands on the levers of power, have been a failed experiment with disastrous consequences for the nation. Australia simply cannot afford another hung parliament and that’s why Mr Abbott has made a concrete commitment on the Coalition’s position on this matter, to preference the Greens last and to ensure that fringe parties do not have undue influence at the expense of jobs and the economy.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 08:59:07 +0000

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