Syed Abul Ala Maududi Syed Abul Ala Maududi was born in 1903 AD, - TopicsExpress


Syed Abul Ala Maududi Syed Abul Ala Maududi was born in 1903 AD, and correspondingly in 1321 AH, at Orang Abad, Deccan, India, in a Syed Family, whose founder was Khawaja Qutbudin Maudud Chishti---a confirmed Saint, of his day, and spiritual teacher of Usman Harooni, Khawaja Moeenuddin Chishti Ajmeri’s Shaikh, another divine of his times. Syed Abul Ala being descent of Syed Qutbudin Maudud Ahmad Chishti, takes the suffix of Maududi. He was reared in a profoundly religious family both his mother and father were very pious and devout Muslims. Therefore they brought up Syed Abul Ala Maududi in a environment, tenaciously religious in tone and tenor. As such, he was tutored at home by his father himself instead of sending him to a formal School. Syed Maududi was taught Urdu, Persion, Arabic, Islamic Jurisprudence, Hadith(Saying of the Prophet PUBH), by a Private tutor at home. His education at home spans over 11 years. Up Bringing His father paid special attention to his Character building and brought him up, in line with principles of Quran and Sunnah. He also was very particular about the language of young Syed Maududi. He never passed a slang words to him nor allowed his pronunciation deviate slightly from the standard one, and if ever Syed Maududi uttered a word in conflict with the standard he was corrected then and there. Syed Maududi’s father was wont to tell him stories of the Prophet PBUH and historic facts with a message from the annals of Islamic and Indian history. Apart from this, he was familiarized with the lives of the Saints and spiritual leaders. All this impressed young Maududi a lot and ingrained concepts of good and evil, moral values of sacrifice, greatness and superiority of Islam, in him inspiriting him to follow the path of Good. Formal Education For formal education Syed Maududi was admitted to eight class directly in Madrassa Furqania, Orang Abad. Where he excelled his class mates, in all respects, despite being the youngest of the all. It was the time when Syed Maududi was attracted to Physic, Chemistry and Mathematics, and he studded the subjects in depth. He passed the examination of Molvi (Metric), and got admission in Molvi Alam (Intermediate). Meanwhile his father shifted to Bhopal where he suffered a severe paralysis attack and died leaving no property or Bank Balance, as he belonged to a middle class family. Therefore, Young Maududi had to dissever his education due to financial hardship. Practical Life Father’s death brought young Maududi to reckon with the Economic realties of life. As he was a gifted penman, so he chose Journalism as his profession, and edited the papers ‘ the Madeena’ Bajnour, the ‘Taj’ Jabal Pur and organ of Jamiat Ulma Hind—Al Jamiat from Dehli. During his Editorship of Al jamia Dehli, he penned down honest, threadbare, incisive, analytical and visionary editorials and analysis, which speak of his worth as a top Journalist. Maulana Muhammad Ali Johar had also proffered him to work for his Daily Hamdrad, but Syed Maududi declined the offer, However, due to political differences with the Leadership of Jamiat Ualma Hind, Syed Maududi had to leave Al Jamiat as well later. Iqbal’s poetry had impressed Syed Maududi from his early Childhood. His father also taught him history of India, this back ground helped him a lot in his journalistic career. His hatred for the foreign rulers, i.e, the English. And larger interests of the Muslims of India, prompted his participation in Khelafat Movement etc, Emigration from India Movement and Satya Gera Movement etc. Indian Muslims enthusiastically supported their Turk Brethren. Syed Mududi also tried to purge the Muslim Society of its moral evils, and at the same, time warned them of their Political mistakes and suggested them corrective measures too. In his opinion malady of the Indian Muslims was the deviation from Islamic teachings hence, he wrote an essay wherein he gave his said finding and proposed that the Muslims could gain might only if they followed Islam in letter and spirit. When Jamiat Ulma-e-Hind entered into alliance, with Congress in 1925, Syed Maududi resigned in protest as Editor of the Al Jamiat---a Jamiat organ, for he opposed the concept of one Nation theory. (comprising of Hindus and Muslims). First Book During the days of his editorship of Al Jamiat a Hindu named Sawami Shardanand launched Shuddhi Movement which purported to convert Muslim to Hinduism by force. Obviously, the movement had been propelled up out of disgust, animosity, religious bigotry and bias. The said Shardanand also wrote a blasphemous book against the Prophet of Islam. Which evoked strong reaction, and as a result thereof, he was killed. Hindu Politician and the press propagated that Islam was spread by sword. Which pained Syed Maududi. Moulana Muhammad Ali Johar made a speech appealing the Muslim penmen to counter the propaganda against the Islam by writing a treatise on Jehad. Syed Maududi accepted the chalange and authored an all encompassing book titled Al Jehad Fil Islami (Jehad In Islam) on the subject, which was applauded widely, and this since has become a classic. Allama Iqbal termed the book the best on the title of Jehad and Islamic Law of war and peace, and recommended the same as an essential reading to everyone. After resigning as Editor Al jamiat, he went to Haidar Abad where the authored quite a few books on Islam, and at the same time continued his critical review of the plight of the Muslims of India. To remedy the situation, he brought out a monthly Tarjmanul Quran in 1932, which is extant. Through the columns of this monthly, he at first tried to inculcate in the minds of Muslims, that Islam was complete code of life, with affective guidance in every respect of life, and persuaded them to shun the apologetic and imitative attitude towards the West. In 1935, he wrote the Veil (Purdha) an authoritative work in its own right, which furnished an answer to those who were lured by the slogan of women emancipation. He wrote essays under the title of The Issues (Tanqihat)and the Understandings (Tafhimat) which gave the Muslim Youth a heart who cast away the shackles of Western civilization. The Snare of one-nation theory The Congress propaganda that the Muslims and Hindus were but one nation was suicidal for the cause of the Muslims, in fact against the very spirit of Islam itself and if espoused was bound to undo the separate identity of the Muslims of the Sub-continent besides, landing them in to perpetual slavery. Sensing well in time the danger, Syed Maudoodi wrote extensively against the propaganda. His two works in this behalf are worth mentioning: The Question of Nationality and Muslims and the Present Political Conflict in two volumes.Syed Maududi in these books vehemently proved that the Muslim and the Hindus were two different nations by every sense of the term, for the both had their own concept of God, religion culture civilization and history.Truth of the matter, is that the argument was so persuasive, that by the 1940 even the Muslim League,leadership adopted the it and contested the case of the Muslims in light thereof. Resolution of Pakistan was passed enshrining therein, the same doctrine.Muslim League circulated the said books in large number. It was this awakening, which later resulted, into the achievement of Pakistan.Thus Syed Maududi,played a cardinal role in the movement for Pakistan as a thinker. Formation of Jamaat-e-Islami Period from 1935 to 1947 was crucial for specially for the Muslims of sub Continent as they found themselves at the cross roads, they were awed by the Hindu majority, that if the power was transfered to the Congress the Muslim minority will be at the mercy of Hindus. If on the contrary, would be lucky to get Pakistan ---a separate homeland for themselves, the Muslims minorities in India would be precariously placed. Another question that taxed their brains was whether Muslim League leadership ostensibly none practising would be able to give Paksitan, a genuinely Islamic State, which seemed a far cry.Thus to give Pakistan a team, which could help the rulers shape Islamic system of Government, Syed Maududi decided to setup Jamaat-e-Islami. On Syed Maududi’s call Islamists from all over the country gathered on 26th August 1941 at Lahore, and hence, Jmaat-e-Islami was founded. Total 75 participants of the founding congregation, elected Syed Maududi as first Ameer of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind, unanimously. Thenceforward, Syed Maududi spent all his energies in rebutting the Congress thesis, that Hindus and Muslims were one nation, on the basis of one country, and produced a plethora of literature which silenced the exponents of one nation theory. Syed Maududi In Paksitan After creation of Pakistan luckily for the Muslims of Pakistan, Syed Maududi migrated to Pakistan, and worked restlessly for the promulgation of an Islamic Constitution. Syed Maududi confided to the then Chief Minister of Punjab that Pakistan should pre-emptorily cut off the only road link between India and Kashmir near Pathan Kot, but the myopic leadership turned a deaf ear to it, and lost Kashmir once and for all. Had this advice been acted upon today Kashmir would have been part of Pakistan. Quid-e-Azam and Syed Maududi Quid-e-Azam had a very high regard for Syed Maududi, he considered Maududi as sincere honest and competent man, Quaid and his very close relationship with Iqbal. He was aware that it was Iqbal who had persuaded Maududi to settle in Punjab. Once before the creation of Pakistan a delegation of Jamaat called on Quaid in Dehli, and he expressed his appreciation of Maududi and his work and remarked, “Muslim League is trying to meet the emergency while Jamaat-e-Islami after the achievement of Pakistan will begin its work. He also eyed the Jamaat work as commendable. Hurdals in the way of Islamization First ever country to be carved out in the name of Islam, Pakistan came in to being on 14th August 1947, and those at the helms of affairs were, duty bound to enforce Islamic system, as it was its very rai-son de’tre. Irony of the fate is that Syed Maududi had to demand the enforcement of Sharia. Though the demand should have been met, but not only it was browbeaten, but the mover was put behind the bars days after the death of Quaid-e-Azam in October1948. Jamaat organ ‘Kausar’, ‘ Jahan Nau’ and daily ‘ Tasneem’ were banned, so that no voice for Sharia could be raised. The First Imprisonment Justification for the imprisonment for Syed Maududi was put forth as his alleged a position Jehad in Kashmir which was, but an allegation. He told the story of his imprisonment which runs thus, “My only sin was demand for the enforcement of Sharia, however Government employed different tactics to deter me, sometimes, they resorted to my character assassination and at times, made baseless political imputations against me, but thank God, nothing could deter me. When objective resolution was passed its text was shown me in Multan Jail. Despite acceding to my demands Government time and again extended my detention for four months each. My detention had been extended for the fourth time, when in a writ petition filed by, a left wing ideologue, the court held that detention could not be extended fourth time in a row. I believe if I had moved the court judgment just would have been the reverse. Thank God that keeping in view the miseries of a Jailed left winger Pakistan was given a judgment which declared extension in detention beyond three times, as illegal and without the jurisdiction. So, was I released after 20, months in Jail in 1950.” He further divulged, “I during my first imprisonment did a lot of writing work for instance wrote, preface to the Tafhimul Quran, prepared the index of collection of Hadith, Abu Daood completed books the Interest, Islam and Modern Economic Theories in addition, to the issue of ownership of land that is to say, that I made sure that not a single day go waste in Jail. Syed Maududi’s struggle materialized in March 1949,when the Objective Resolution was adopted conceding that the Pakistan would be an Islamic State. Qadyani Conspiracy After the Communist Qadyanis elements in the Government asked the Government to impose Martial Law to curb the movement of the Muslim masses for getting the Qadyanis declared, as non Muslim minority. It was a second conspiracy to suppress the demand for Islamization. At this juncture, Syed Maududi worte a booklet titled Qadyani Question, wherein, he exposed the fact that Ahmdis popularly known as Qadyanis were not Muslims in the light of their own teachings, so to save the country and people from strife it was imperative for the Government to make a declaration in this behalf, but Government had mischief up its sleeves and ordered the shooting of demonstrators, and thus thousands were Jailed and score were killed. However it settled one thing that it was impossible to get any Islamic demand fulfilled by the Government of Islamic republic of Pakistan. In other words naming Islam was tantamount to an offence liable to imprisonment. On to the Gallows The secular elements in the Government, banking upon the riots on Qadyani question got Syed Maududi arrested and his booklet Qadyani Issue was proscribed being provocative. A military court tried him and sentenced him to death, judgement was condemned both nationally and Internationally. At home Editors condemned the decision in a joint press statement. Press criticized it in its columns Lawyers, teacher, students and journal public took to streets to protest, and various heads of the states and scholars from around the world slated the judgment and pressurized the Government of Pakistan to undo the same. In brief, in the wake of the said judgment, the unprecedented public protest was witnessed in the history of subcontinent. The Muslim world Records its protest Allama Hassan Al-Hazaibi a renowned Advocate and Central Leader of Muslim brotherhood (Ikhwanul Muslimoon) sent a telegraph to the Government saying “ Syed Abul Ala Maududi’s sentence in fact is a measure to punish the Islamic Movement, it in itself is a big crime Muslims from far of the world hate it, and demand its annulment. For they think themselves related to the Muslims of Pakistan due only to Islam”. Another reputed scholar Alama Noorul Mashaikh Al-Mujadadi of Kabul in his telegraph said,“ Syed Maududi is a great religious Scholar who always voices right hence a sentence is in fact attempt to insult of punish Islam”. Scholar form Algeria demanded to revocation of the judgment so, “ imposition of death penalty on Syed Maududi is not a decision to kill an individual but and attempt to break one of the swords of Islam, to silence one of the voices of Islam, and more so to stain dignity and peculiarity of Islam, we the league of scholars of Algeria on behalf of 30 Million of Muslims of the far West, demand immediate setting side of the sentence”. An allince of 60 Muslims parties of Indonesia demanded: “If Pakistan does not need Maulana Mauddudi Islamic world do need him”, we Indonesian Muslims are with him and his ideas are badly needed by the Muslim world, in fact he is an asset for the world of Islam”. Grand Mufti of Palestine appealed to the Governor General and Prime Minister of Pakistan, “ the capital punishment pronounced on Ameer Jamaa-e- Islami Syed Abul Ala Maududi has extremely shocked us a lot who love and expect good from Pakistan. We hope that Government of Pakistan will do well to undo Maududi’s punishment forth with”. Another illustrious Scholar from Afghanistan Noorul Mashaikh Mulla Shore Bazaar in his telegraph called for: “Syed Maududi’s punishment is an open rebellion against Islamic Shariah and it is pat on the back of those who are fighting against Islam.”Hazrat Imam Muhammad Al-Khas leader of Iraqi Shias and Allama Zehadi head of the Sunnies wrote to the Government of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Iran, calling for intercession in the affair. Syrian Muslims paraded before the Pakistani Embassy in the Damascus, to protest over the punishment. Muslims of Morasious also impressed upon the Government of Pakistan to undo the punishment through telegraph and letters. Muslim press from all over the world condemned the penalty, similarly English Muslims in general and students in particular, sent a memorandum to the Prime Minister of Pakistan for the early release of Syed Maududi. Syed’s Steadfastness in Jail The world was perturbed over the Judgment but Syed himself was in the least. When his friends inquired whether he intended to appeal against the judgment while standing up in his death cell, he said, “ No, not all, I don’t want that someone on my own behalf or on behalf of my family or Jamaat-e-Islami should file any mercy petition.” After this consoling his son Umar Farooq he said “My son, don’t be afraid, if my Lord has called me up, then more than willingly I will meet him, and if he wills otherwise these fellows can’t hang me, no matter how strongly they may so whish.”Syed Maududi kept his word by not appealing against his conviction and sentence. He said, “if I am cowed down before the rulers that is to say my appeal will drive last nail in the coffin of Justice in the country.” Government however itself in the long run converted the sentence in to imprisonment for life. In consequence, thereof, he was set at liberty from Jail after some time. He after his release augmented the cause of Islam with all the more vigor. And his stay of about 3 years behind the bars made no impression on him until, the High Court ordered his release. Story of Jail Recalling his second term of his Jail Syed Maududi enumerated various causes of his arrest he said “it is a misconception that I was arrested due to rioting on Qadyani Issue in fact this punishment was because of my struggle for the Islamic constitution, so my book was made a pretext to forestall Islam and Democracy in the country. Government obviously had made no serious effort to give effect to the objective resolution, that is why Jamaat-e-Islami demanded that promulgation of Islamic constitution before December 1952 ensuring, the incorporating of these points in the constitution. 1. Law of the land shall be in consonance with Islamic Sharia. 2. Nothing shall be legislated against Sharia. 3. All the existing laws which are repugnant to Sharia shall be scrapped. 4. It shall be binding for the Government to promote the good Islam advocates and suppress the evil it ordains. 5. Civil liberties of the people shall not be infringed upon unless after fair trial are without hearing shall have the right to call in question any act of the legislature or executive which the in excess of jurisdiction before the courts of law, by way of write. 6. The judiciary will be independent. 7. Government will guarantee the provision of basic needs foods, clothing, housing and medical treatment. The popular Demand of Islamic Constitution Long and tiresome struggle by Jamaat-e-Islami under the leadership of Syed Maududi finally bore fruit and the national Assembly in the light of recommendations made by Jamaat-e-Islami prepared a draft Islamic constitution for which Jamaat had long been agitating. Ch Muhammad Ali the then Prime Minister of Pakistan enforced this constitution on 23rd March 1956. In spite of some flaws over all it was an Islamic constitution intent and content. Promulgation of the Constitution was hailed throughout the country and all the Muslim Countries congratulated Syed Maududi on his success. Of course , this auspicious occasion had arisen in a Muslim history after the lapse of centuries. Preparation for fresh general elections under the new constitution was afoot, when anti Islamic forces struck back and constitution was abrogated in October 1958, and Martial Law was imposed by General Muhammad Ayub Khan, then Commander in Chief. Army had sent the nascent Islamic Democracy packing back and conquered their own nation. Political parties were banned. All this was done to smother the budding democracy, Martial Law ruled the country for 44 Months, mean while Syed Maududi pushed his cause ahead with his mighty pen. Ayub Khan took many unislamic steps , things for instance, imposition of family laws and family planning. Syed Maududi condemned all these acts which infuriated the dictator and he proscribed his book ‘Birth Control’. And country was ruled in such a ruthless manner that sapped at the very roots of the motherland. Anti Hadith, Elements and Syed Maududi Whereas, many anti Islam forces were already under Ayub Khan, he patronized another group headed by Ghulam Ahamad Parwaiz who did not believe in the Sunnah as a source of Law, and read his whims into the text of Quran, thus estranging the Muslims from true Islamic spirit. He propagated his views through his monthly ‘Islamic Dawn’ which infact was Islamic dusk. Syed Maududi rose to the occasion and defended the Sunnah as source of Law and dispelled the doubts propagated by Ghulam Ahamed Perwaiz and his company with regard to the authenticity and preservation of the saying of the Holly Prophet(PBUH) Syed Maududi’s book ‘Sunnat Ki Aaeeni Hasiat’( Legal value of the Sunnah), set this mischief at naught. New Spell of Repression The way wolf in the sheep’s skin is really dangerous for he sheeps into, the sheep farm and eats them up, similarly a Dictator under the cloak of Democracy is equally dangerous. Syed Maududi said, truth in the face of Ayub Khan time and again, and every time to his annoyance. In this scenario he resorted to cheep tactics to defame Maulana Maududi, on Radio and Television. Martial Law was lifted in October1963, Jmaat-e- Islami held its first public meeting in Lahore, so called Democratic Government of Ayub Khan tried to sabotage it, but to no use. Jamaat was to hold its meeting in Iqbal Park, but the administration did not allow and instead asked to hold the same in Bhati Gate, certainly a narrow place. Governer Ameer Muhammad Khan, disallowed the use of loud Speaker, notwithstanding, Jamaat workers held the meeting and thronged the place on 25th October. Syed Maududi rose to speak and Government mercenaries and miscreants armed with Daggers and Pistols, tried to provoke the peaceful participants, first they unpitched the tents then started firing that left Allah Bakhash, a Jamaat worker killed, while Syed Maududi still speaking from the stage. Some workers who were shielding Syed Maududi, suggested him to sit down, but he remarked, “If I sit who will stand up in the face up hooliganism.” And the poet Mahirul Qadri, commented, “The bullets were fired, incessantly. But duty was discharged by Maududi.” Third Term in Gaol Unable to cow down Jamaat, anti Jamaat propaganda was unleashed by the Ayub regime with renewed vigor. A Ministor was so persistently vocal as if he held the anti Jamaat portfolio. On Jauary6, 1964,Jamaat was outlawed. Syed Maududi and other 65 leader of the Jamaat were put behind the bars. Government gave a rather lengthy charge sheet and propagated the same. He recalled, “ More than 100 Lawyers headed by Mr. A K Barohi, chose to represent us before the court. Spirit displayed by the legal fraternity was unprecedented in the history of Pakistan.”He further said, “Adjudging the ban illegal by the Bench of the Supreme Court, unanimously was an historic decision in the annals of our Judicial history.” Recollecting his jail days, he said, “our workers even utilized their jail days. They held Quranic and Hadith studies and preached each other, I too wrote commentary of about 46 Chapters of Quran while still in prison. However he remembered that police never misbehaved during whole of Ayub Eara. He was set at liberty in consequence of Supreme Court Judgment which ordered the restoration of Jamaat. September War and Syed Mauddudi When India attacked Lahore on 6th September, 1965 Syed Maududi despite his principled differences with the Government, extended his full Co-operation to Ayub Khan. Syed Maududi broadcast his speeches on Radio Pakistan reminding the nation of its duty of Jehad and importance thereof; which electrified the whole nation, nay, he visited the frontier in Azad Kashmir and delivered speeches dilating upon Jehad. Apart from this he launched a fund raising campaign and thus contributed a huge sum to the defense of the motherland. Jamaat setup many Hospitals and Dispensaries which extended health facilities to the affectees of the war. Besides, mosques damaged in the war were also, repaired and rebuild. Once the war was over, Ayub Khan unearthed old animosity with Jamaat. Syed Maududi was once again arrested for 2 months in 1967, when he did not toe the official line on the issue of sighting of Eid- Moon. The Military Regime in Trouble Yahya Khan was losing credibility with each passing day and anti Government sentiments were brewing up especially, in East Pakistan. The Government indicated the holding of fresh election and introduction of new constitution, Syed Maududi warned that the proposed constitution making might back fire. And on the contrary, suggested the adaption of the constitution 1956 with necessary amendments. Announcement of General Elections General election were announced in the country, which triggered the election campaign that lasted for full one year, and anti state i.e socialists, Indian agents, Qadyanis opportunists and pro America and Russian elements openly worked against the federation. This longest election campaign ridiculed ideology of Pakistan Islam, Patriotism ,Morality and nobility. Copies of the Holly Quran were set at fire in Lahore and Multan. Anarchies ruled---- and not the rulers. The Glory of Islam Day Moulana Abdul Hamid Bhashani an East Pakistan leader, launched his campaign for communist revolution form Jun1st 1970, Jamaat in retaliation announced glory of Islam day on31May 1970, throughout country which was celebrated with full pomp and show. Mammoth crowds took to streets in every town and city while participants chanted first declaration of Islam (There is no god but God and Muhammad(PBUH) is his Prophet) Celebration of the Day reiterated that people’s resolve to see nothing but Sharia enforced in Pakistan. The Day marked unique unity among the masses on religious basis. Conspiracy Against Pakistan Government’s failure to transfer power to the Awami League, the single largest party, in the Parliament coupled with brutal Military action in East Pakistan, made Bengalies revolted which gave India a chance to cut Pakistan in to twain so she declared war against Pakistan, which resulted in creation of Bangla Desh and surrender of over 90 thousand Pakistani troops in Dhaka on 16 December, 1971. Thousands of Bangali workers of Jamaat organized themselves under the banner of Al-Badar and Al-Shamas and fought against Indians and Bangali secessionists together, in a heroic manner, proving that Muslims are brothers, no matter, what colour they are and what language they speak. In the aftermath, of Dhaka debacle, Jamaat-e-Islami was again active in the remaining Pakistan for the enforcement of Sharia and promotion of Islamic brotherhood amongst people and bore the PPP repression bravely. Syed Maududi having lived a hectic life of a penman and politician retired from active politics in 1972 and resigned as Ameer Jamaa-e-Islami Pakistan due to his old age and health reasons. It may be added that Syed Maududi also traveled extensively form 1965to 1974, he visited Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Kuwait, Turki , England, America, Canada and Maraca, he also attended 10 international conferences, he remained member of the academic council of Medina University KSA. He also visited the places mentioned in the Holly Quran. He spend his old age in reading and research, he revised his commentary on Quran and other works as well. Syed Maududi has left behind him a large corpus of Islamic literature including Tafhimul Quran the celebrated and widely read commentary of The Holly Quran. His various books has been translated in to every language of note, the world over. Syed Maududi’s pithy message “Rise with the preaching of The Quran and the Sunnah and sway over the Globe” continues to inspire the Muslims youth all over the place. Syed Maududi said, yes to the call of death angel on 22 September, 1979 at the age of 74, in a New York Hospital. His funeral prayers were led by Allam Yusaf Qarzavi Ex vice Chancellor of Qatar University, at Qazafi Stadium Lahore. His burials were attended by President Zia and other dignitaries besides, Millions of mourners. And he was laid to eternal rest in the compound of his Ichra residence, in Lahore. Founder of Jamaat-e-Islami Home | About Jamaat-e-Islami ▼ | Introduction | The Founder | News & Updates | Articles | Videos | Audios | Picture Gallery | Donations The founder | Introductio
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 23:48:32 +0000

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