Sylvia Thompson September 3, 2013 As a conservative black - TopicsExpress


Sylvia Thompson September 3, 2013 As a conservative black American who ignores the concept of self-muzzling (translated political correctness), I have been asked several times why it is that Barack Obama and Eric Holder can do the unlawful, unjust things that they are doing. People who ask me this are Caucasian Americans. I reply in all instances that these men are lawless because white people allow them to be lawless. There are not enough conservative blacks who oppose the Obama regime to make much of a difference. In fact, there are not enough blacks in America (if we all opposed them) to stop these men. I focus on these two, because they are the chief law officials in this country. The power that they wield over American citizens is tremendous. They set the tone for legality or illegality, and they have chosen the latter. They set the tone for racial harmony or disharmony, and they have chosen the latter. That being the case, if white Americans continue to run scared at the sound of the term racist, these two will continue on their paths of destroying the country. I am convinced that Obama was groomed for politics by the left for the reason that he could be used as an object of racism. (The left, in this instance, being the conglomerate of powerful progressive, background players who manipulate politics to their benefit.) These controlling entities must have known that Obama was ill-equipped for the task of leading a great nation and would eventually be exposed as ill-equipped. When that eventuality happened, the race card would be the strategy used to scare off white folks. And so far, the scheme is working. I do not think that a majority of Americans support the Obama regime or the left and its liberal, godless ideology. The leaders of the supposed opposition to the liberal left, however, are very weak. Those leaders are running scared from the charge of racist, and they have, effectively, left conservative America without oppositional political leadership. That is not to say that conservatives have no strong, out-spoken supporters of conservatism, it is just that these spokespeople are not in power. Elitist Republicans, who are in power, are as much a hindrance to conservatives as are their liberal foes. In a similar vein, I have heard conservatives decry the moral and spiritual decline of our country. They say that it is difficult to see how we could have degenerated so far in so short a time. One commentator voiced confusion over how the same nation could have elected a George W. Bush twice (notwithstanding the flaws in Bushs conservatism) and someone like Barack Obama twice. The explanation for that confusion comes from facts that many conservatives, especially leaders, are not willing to face. Obamas first election was predicated on a host of lies and media propaganda. Crucial information about him was covered over and hidden. He won the second time because four million Republicans (many of them conservatives) stayed home. Those voters knew that the Libertarian-led Republican leadership despised them as values voters and believers in Gods role in this countrys successes. They simply reached their wits end at being used in the same way that the Democrats use blacks and other minorities. So they stayed home. And I think they will continue to avoid the establishment Republicans choices of feckless, non-conservative, non-fighter candidates. Until my Caucasian fellow Americans wake up to this reality – that Obama does what he does because they allow him to – they will continue to be victimized. The nation will continue to be victimized. Sylvia Thompson is a black conservative writer whose aim is to counter the liberal spin on issues pertaining to race and culture. Ms. Thompson is a copy editor by trade currently residing in Tennessee . She formerly wrote for the Conservative Forum of Silicon Valley California Newsletter and the online conservative blog ChronWatch, also out of California . She grew up in Southeast Texas during the waning years of Jim Crow-era legalized segregation, and she concludes that race relations in America will never improve, nor will we ever elevate our culture, as long as there are victims to be pandered to and villains to be vilified. America is better served without victims or villains. February 16, 2014 The first black president, really? Facebook Twitter Google+ By Sylvia Thompson If you agree with talk radio host Rush Limbaugh, who says Obama will never be impeached because he is the first black president, then that is a problem. It is time for this nation to stop ignoring a full fifty percent of Barack Obamas heritage and claiming that he is black, as though his mother, grandparents (who reared him) and an entire family lineage did not exist. If you think about it, this nation has not yet elected, in the true sense, a black president. The first American black president will be someone like former presidential candidate Herman Cain or former Congressman Allen West. These are men whose heritage goes back to not simply Africans, but specifically Africans brought to America centuries ago. That is a distinction, in my view, worth emphasizing, given the paralysis inflicting the nation over how to deal with Barack Obama. Obama is a mixed-race person. His father was an African from the East African country Kenya, and his mother was of Caucasian European descent. That means Barack Obama is mulatto. Look it up if the word is unfamiliar to you. I make this point in the hope of moving at least a few souls out there beyond the barrier that prevents them from criticizing and actively fighting this man, who is hell-bent on destroying the country. The utter impotence of Republican leadership in Congress; the seemingly servile behavior of the Supreme Court (Justice John Roberts contortive route to approving Obamacare); the few other-than-leftist media outlets, whose commentators soft-pedal around every unlawful move that Obama makes; all stem, in my view, from fear of being branded racist. If Obama is black, he is therefore untouchable, and that thinking is detrimental to this nation. I have always thought that Obama was chosen by the Left and groomed for politics so as to be used as a tool. There is nothing outstanding about him other than his ability to speak smoothly, and that skill is merely a factor of being reared among educated people. I think that the architects of his development and eventual thrust upon the political scene surmised that the brown skin (no matter that he got it from a foreign African and not an American black father) would make him sufficiently black to foil criticism from white Americans. These background masterminds also knew that as he advanced their leftist agenda, some Americans would raise holy hell. A surefire way to dampen that resistance would be to play the race card. And, sadly for America, the scheme has worked well. We have a lawless man in the highest position of power in the nation who has appointed lawless people around him to do his bidding, and sane people are accepting that he cannot be removed because he is the first black president. Technically, he is not. We have not gotten to that point, as yet. And with the record that Obama is setting, I doubt that we ever will have a first black president. The attitude of many Americans will be been there, done that, and sure as heck dont want to do it again. A movement is afoot, led by Dr. Alan Keyes, former Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations and Ambassador to the United Nations Economic and Social Council, under President Reagan. He also ran against Obama for the U.S. Senate seat in Illinois, in 2004. Dr. Keyes plan is to make the 2014 electoral process a time to identify conservative candidates for Congress who will pledge to focus on impeachment proceedings should they be elected. The plan is called The Bucket Brigade. It is clear that without a conservative majority in the Senate and a Republican leadership-proof House of Representatives, impeachment simply will not happen. These congressional changes are essential for success. Detractors may say what they will, but Dr. Keyes plan counters the defeatist attitude that says that because we have never before experienced where we currently are as a nation, there is nothing to be done about it. Not so. For those who cannot quite move beyond Obamas blackness, I strongly urge that you at least consider his equal portion of whiteness and oppose that part of him, if it is easier for you to do so. It behooves the rest of us to support the efforts of Dr. Keyes and other Americans seeking solutions, such as those who are suing Obama for specific infractions against his oath of office. Whatever you do, vow that you will not cave to the Lefts seeming victory over this nation. It would be an unconscionable act of defeatism to allow Obamas half-blackness to take down America.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 01:00:04 +0000

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