Symbols, Types, and Shadows Part One. When God created the - TopicsExpress


Symbols, Types, and Shadows Part One. When God created the earth He embedded the earth with precious minerals and jewels. They are not here just for show but they have a deeper meaning in this earth and to us. They show us the plans and mind of God throughout history but who is paying attention and learning. God speaks to us in mysteries and it is given unto us to know these mysteries of the Kingdom Matt 13:11. Whenever you read about Gold in the bible it symbolizes a King or a Kingdom such as when Nebuchadnezzar had a dream of a statue with a head of Gold. Daniel was able to interpret to the King what the statue represented and what God was showing the King in Daniel Chapter 2. If Gold represented the head of the statue what did the other minerals of the statue mean? We often read history books of man and mans history is full of lies so it is hard to believe what man tells you about history. God on the other hand tells us History = His-story full of truth for God is the creator of History not man. After the head of Gold we see that the chest and arms of this statue was sliver. Whenever you read about sliver in the bible it speaks of redemption. Persia conquered Babylon and it was the Persian King that allowed Israel to return to their land and rebuild the temple. Cyrus was the Persian King and it was Cyrus you declared that Daniels God was God and allowed Israel to return home and that was redemption all day long. They where no longer slaves but where able to worship their God in His temple so that they could once again be redeemed. Persia only conquered Babylon because God had showed Nebuchadnezzar in a dream this would happen and the time of redemption for Israel came through Persian Kingdom. another example is that Moses instructed that tabernacle utensils, curtain hooks, and the base of columns all would be made of sliver and the Tabernacle of Moses was all about redemption. You must remember that Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of sliver. The number 30 as in all numbers is literal and symbolical. The number 30 often speaks of death, for instance Israel mourned over Aaron for 30 days in Numbers 20:29. When Moses supposedly died Israel also mourned for thirty days Deuteronomy 34:8 and Judas hung himself in Matthew 27:3-5 after he betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of sliver. So we see that the number thirty has a literal and symbolical meaning. Jesus was on His way to redeem us when the number thirty came into the picture and silver and that is no coincidence but God manifesting His plan for us through symbols of redemption. God will often use your enemies to get you to your destiny and all we see this day and time is the enemy but not Gods plan for allowing certain attacks to come in our lives. Jesus knew Judas was betraying Him right into His purpose and destiny of the Father.. This is just a little bit to start us out and get you to see how God reveals his purpose and plan through numbers, minerals and the things in this earth and in heaven. This is God speaking to us prophetically and revealing the deep things of God. Tomorrow night I will continue the rest of the statue and what it means concerning not only the minerals of it but what each country representing those minerals mean. God revealed His-Story ( History) in the statue that Nebuchadnezzar had a dream about and it took the prophet Daniel to reveal it. Until tomorrow night I pray God opens up your understanding to His ways and thoughts for they are higher...
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 22:22:26 +0000

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