Symptoms of Farewell When the Call to Islam grew complete, the - TopicsExpress


Symptoms of Farewell When the Call to Islam grew complete, the new faith dominated. Allahs Messenger (SAS) started to develop certain grave symptoms. They could be perceived through his statement and deeds: In Ramadan, in the tenth year of Al-Hijra, he secluded whim for twenty days in contrast to ten, as was in practice previously. The angel Jebreel (Alayhi Salam) reviewed the Quran twice with him as against once in a year. His words in the Farewell Pilgrimage (I.e., Al-Wida): (( Inna ya laa azrii laa Alkakuum ba-da Aamii hadaal-mawkifi Abada)) I do not know whether I will ever meet you at this place after this year. The revelation of Surat An-Nasr was in the Days of At-Tashreeq. When it was revealed to him. He realized that it was the time of departure and that the Surah was an announcement of his approaching death. During the early days of Safar in the eleventh year of Al-Hijrah, the Prophet (Salallaahu Alayhi wa Salam) went out to Uhud and observed a farewell prayer for the martyrs. It looked like he was saying goodbye to both the dead and the living. He then ascended the pulpit and addressed the people saying: ((Inna paratukum wa inna sahiidun wa inna wallaahi laa anduru ilaa khaw-jiil-lan wa inna U-tiitu mafaatiikha khazaa-inil Arz, aw mafaatikhal Arz, wa inna wallaahi maa akhafu antus rikuu ba-zii, walakiinna akhfu alaykum antanaa fasuwafiha)) I am to precede you and I have made witness upon you. By Allah, you will meet me at the Haud (Tank) very soon. I have been given the keys of the treasures of the earth or the keys of the earth. By Allah, I do not fear for you that you will turn polytheists after me. But I do fear that you will compete each other in acquiring the worldly riches.(1) One day, at midnight he went to Al-Baqi cemetery, and begged Allah to forgive the martyrs of Islam. He said: Peace be upon you, O inhabitants of the grave! The morning that dawns upon you is more relieving than that which dawns upon the living Afflictions are approaching like cloudy lumps of a dark night--the last of which follows the first. The last one is bearing more evil than the first. He comforted them saying: We are also coming to you. [1] Sahih Al-Bukhari 2/585.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 07:21:33 +0000

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