Synopsis of todays Jumaat Sermon delivered by Tasued Chief Imam; - TopicsExpress


Synopsis of todays Jumaat Sermon delivered by Tasued Chief Imam; Dr. AbdulRazaq Adepoju. 06:00PM, 11th April 2014 - Written by Lawal A. A. The Jumaat sermon began at exactly 1:18PM at Tasued Central Mosque & the Imam mounted the Pulpit after the second Call to Prayer (Adhan). The probable topic of todays jumaat sermon was THE SIMPLICITY OF AL-ISLAM He dabbled on the topic magnanimously & reiterated the fact of Islam being a Universal Religion that cuts across different nations, tribes, cultures, civilizations & languages. Islam is distinct & Unique; All Muslims are equal, The Divine book (Glorious Quran is memorable), Non-contradiction of Allahs revelations & establishment/upholding of justice and fairness among humanity - Imam said Almighty Allah created Islam with every form of simplicity, Islam doesnt forces - it only preaches and encourages. There is no compulsion in religion. Verily, the Right Path has become distinct from the wrong path - Q2 V 256. Islam is a comprehensive system which deals with all spheres of life. It is a state and a homeland (or a government and a nation). It is morality and power (or mercy and justice). It is culture and a law (or knowledge and jurispudence). It is material and wealth (or gain and prosperity). It is an endeavour and a call (or an army and a cause). And finally, it is true belief and worship. Almighty Allah havent left anything untouched in the Glorious Quran & he despised those who manipulate his words. - Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands and then say, This is from Allah, to purchase with a little price! Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for that they earn thereby - Q2 V 79 Throughout the Quran, Allah, the Almighty encourages the believers to call on him, he asks us to lay our dreams, hopes, fears and uncertainties before him and to be sure that he hears every word. Refusal is arrogance. Imam Adepoju enunciates further that it is something describable more than being Substantial and lucky for being a Muslim because it is stated in the Glorious Quran (Q2 V 257) that; Allah is the Protector/Guardian of those who believe. He brings them out from darkness into light. But as for those who believe, their supporters & helpers are false deities & false leaders, they bring them out from light into darkness. Those who are the dwellers of the Fire, and they will abide therein forever. Imam said, Almighty Allah is the only one who can boast for making us muslims and it isnt expected of any muslim to be pride-ridden for being a muslim. They regard as favour upon you (O Muhammad P.B.U.H) that they have embraced Islam. Say: Count not your Islam as a favour upon me. Nay, but Allah has conferred a favour upon you that he has guided you to the faith, if you indeed are true Q49 V 17 - Imam quoted from the Glorious Quran. Imam Adepoju, today, in his sermon, corrected those who call themselves the children of Almighty Allah - it is a blatant denigration & impunity on the supremacy of Almighty Allah, We are all Slaves of Allah - it besmirch us to regard ourselves as anything more than Allahs slaves. - Even regarding Prophet Muhammad (Solla Lahu Alaehi Wasalam) as Allahs slave isnt a denigration to him Q112 V 1 - 3; 1. Say; He is Allah, (the) One 2. The Self-Sufficient Master, whom all creatures need, he neither eats nor drinks. 3. He begets not, nor was he begotten The Imam of Tasued Muslim Community, said, being a muslim is an attainment of a pedestal in the sight of Almighty Allah, observing Solat, Fasting during Ramadan, Paying Zakat, believing in the divine books, Acknowledging the Prophets, going to Hajj & having staunch believe in him only are the pillars of the Islamic faith. He made known that the peak of it all is JIHAD - striving in the course of Almighty Allah (S.W.T). Islam isnt an Arabian Religion, the Arabs were just fortunate that Prophet Muhammad came from their country Activities of Men has been classified into Five (5); 1. Faraid (Compulsory acts) - You will be punished If you dont do it e.g Solat, Fasting. 2. Mahrimot (Haram - Forbidden) - You will be punished if you do it & you will be rewarded if you dont do it 3. Sunnah (Practices/doings of the Prophet) - Encouraged acts and you will gather reward if you do it and you wont be punished if you dont do it 4. Mokrooh (Reprehensible); what our mind forbids 5. Muhbah (What we want); What is promoted legally e.g wearing of cap Imam Adepoju bemoans the fact that people are easily converted to other religions from Islam this days because they see islam as an indurate and hard religion, though Islam is the most simplified and less-arduous belief. And people hardly convert or revert to islam this days because of the non-presentation of the simplicity of the deen. Dr. Adepoju in the Jumaat sermon to Tasued Muslim Community said that the most-rewarding of all blessings is to be a practicing Muslim and he preached that Muslims should dedicate their time to the course of Almighty Allah, and to spend on the way of Almighty Allah. O you who believe! Spend of that which we have provided for you, before a day comes when there will be no bargainingn nor friendship, nor intercession. And it is the disbelievers who are the wrong-doers - Q2 V 254 He elucidated the fact that Muslims should be ever-ready, strong, steadfast, committed to Islam so as to prevail the confrontation from the societal hurdles which is the cause of the non-observance of Islamic fundamentals among the muslims of nowadays. He ended the sermon by lauding the efforts of the congregation at large as regards the ongoing Central mosque construction and he urges us all to continue the kind gesture for the building of the Ultra-Modern Central mosque so that Almighty Allah will build a mansion for them in Al-Jannah (Paradise). In Shaa Allah!!! By next week, try to come with at least the money for a block (size 9) or more than that - Imam implored Lets start donating and contributing to the mosque building to be part of those that can beat their chest and say Im a part of potential inmate of Al-jannah - Imam AbdulRasaq Adepoju said. Imam Adepolu also prayed for the peace and progress of Tasued community, Ijebu Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria and the world at large. The Jumaah prayer was led by the Imam with more than 900 Muslims at the mosque who stood behind the Imam for the once-in-a-week Solat (Prayer). Jummah Mubarak! Public Relations Unit, MSSN Tasued Branch, University Central Mosque, Ijagun, Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State. 07033255396, 08184355474. BB PIN; 286F40F0 Please Share and ReBROADCAST!!!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 17:39:45 +0000

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