Syria Update November 8, 2013. (Institute of Middle Eastern, - TopicsExpress


Syria Update November 8, 2013. (Institute of Middle Eastern, Islamic and Strategic Studies. By Sherifa Zuhur) Thursday’s Death toll: 130 Syrians killed including 26 civilians and 33 regime soldiers. U.S. presses Syria to participate in peace talks. (Apparently they did not hear what Syrians told the Russians). newsdaily/article/b4c822e8e783b1ef185da347dc7e7e3a/us-presses-syrian-opposition-to-agree-to-peace-talks The new coalition Jaish al-Islam will reportedly get funding from Saudi Arabia and training from Pakistan. theguardian/world/2013/nov/07/syria-crisis-saudi-arabia-spend-millions-new-rebel-force?CMP=twt_gu Al-Jazeera aired a message from Ayman al-Zawahiri from last May when he dissolved Jabhat al-Nusra in favor of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham (ISIS). As Jabhat al-Nusra rejected this order, it’s not really clear what he or al-Jazeera intend by the repetition of al-Qa’ida’s order. Refugees and Relief The United Nations has launched a major campaign to vaccinate refugees against polio: channelnewsasia/news/health/20-million-kids-in/879908.html German scientists writing in Lancet, the medical magazine warned that vaccinating Syrian refugees will not likely stop the spread of polio (it needs to be addressed inside of the Syria as well). This strain of polio may have come from Pakistan. Aleppo province:,Aleppo+Governorate,+Syria&gl=us&ei=R9DLUKfTFoWO0QHBuIHABA&ved=0CC8Q8gEwAA Syrian regime troops unleashed a very heavy barrage on rebel-held areas around Aleppos International airport at 5:30 a.m. local time, focusing on the Brigade 80 base (which formerly was held by the air defense force) trying to retake it. Rebels now control the road from here to al-Bab and don’t want to lose that route. uk.reuters/article/2013/11/08/us-syria-crisis-aleppo-idUKBRE9A70JN20131108 9n. Sfeira: Fierce shelling with explosive barrels by warplanes targets the city 19h Talaaran | Clashes between the Free Syrian Army and Assad forces on the town’s outskirts. 16h Fierce clashes between FSA and regime forces in Khaldyeh neighborhood of Aleppo. A military convoy consisting of four tanks tried to break into Khalidiya and Bain Zeid neighborhoods 15h FSA was targeting regime groups stationed in an-Nairab military air base and the oil factory with mortar shells resulting in direct hits. 14h Regime artillery shelling on Bani Zeid and Alshrafiyyeh districts. 14h Fierce clashes between the FSA and regime forces in Khalidiyyeh, Bani Zeid and Alshrafiyyeh districts. 9h Regime warplane bombardment on Sabkhet Aljabbul area in the eastern rural area. Damascus province:,Damascus+Governorate,+Syria&gl=us&ei=_s_LUPTwHqWw0AHTtYDQAg&ved=0CC8Q8gEwAA A mortar fell on the Tadamun neighborhood, causing injuries. Regime forces bombarded the Jobar neighborhood. Regime forces bombarded the Madniya area of the Qadam neighborhood. 5 rockets fell on the Qassa neighbourhood of central Damascus, 1 mortar fell on George Khoury square, no reports of casualties. Clashes on Filasteen street in the Yarmouk camp. Parts of al-Hejeira and al-Mqeilabiya were shelled by regime forces. 2 mortars were launched into the al-Assad suburb. Regime forces bombarded Deir Attiya. In Muaddamiyyat Asham: Fierce clashes between the FSA and regime forces on several fronts coupled with fierce regime artillery shelling on the city. Clashes are most intensified on the northern and western fronts. One civilian was killed in artillery shelling of the factories area. Assad forces launched rockets at the towns of Al-Blaliyyeh, Hizrma and Nashabiyyeh as they clashed with the FSA on several front lines in Almarj area. Regime artillery shelling on the city of Zabadani, Madaya and the western mountain in the area. There was fierce shelling on Bait Sahm and al-Asali. Fierce clashes on the outskirts of Daraya between the FSA and regime forces. Shellng resumed on al-Milahah and Hajirah al-Balad. In al-Qassa, several civilians were injured when a mortar shell fell near Burj Arrus. Two civilians were killed in Bab Tuma and others injured when a mortar shell fell on al-Sheikh Ruslan. Several civilians were killed and injured as a result of regime artillery shelling on the liberated districts in al-Sayida Zainab amid fierce clashes between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and Assad forces on several front lines in the city. Regime shelling on Douma and Yabroud and on the town of Khan Asheeh in the western Ghouta. Alqadam: Assad forces have struck Almathniyah area with rocket shelling. In Harasta, the FSA clashed with regime forces near the administration of military motor vehicles. Damascus Rural | HarastaThe Free Syrian Army (FSA) is fiercely clashing with Assad forces near the Administration of Military Motor Vehicles. The regime forces launched a scud missile at northern Syrian territories from al-Qutaifah. Dara`a province:,Daraa+Governorate,+Syria&gl=us&ei=u9DLUPDfIcXq0gGRwIHADQ&ved=0CC8Q8gEwAA Parts of Inkhil and Nawa cities were bombarded by regime forces, 1 defected soldier was killed as a result in Nawa, and several were injured. Regime forces bombed the town of Maarba. 18h Heaving shelling and rocket fire on Tareeq Assud and on Eastern Ghariyyeh 18h Inkhel: Assad forces are shelled the city with artillery and clashed with the Free Syrian Army on the eastern front line of the city. 17h Nahteh: One civilian was killed and a number of others injured as a result of regime artillery shelling on the town. 16h Regime forces fired on an-Naeemeh and launched rockets at Saida. 16h Regime forces shelled al-Mseifrah and shelled Ataman, and fired artillery at Kaheel. Many civilians injured in the shelling on Tareeq Assud and Daraa Albalad 14h Regime artillery shelling on Busra Ashaam on the eastern quarter. 13h At Inkhil, the FSA targeted the 15th brigade with mortar shells. 8 h. Regime shelling resumed on Dael. Hama province:,Hama+Governorate,+Syria&gl=us&ei=CdPLUKKbIqyF0QHB94HQAw&sqi=2&ved=0CIEBELYD The ISIS executed an Alawi family: 4 children 2 women and 2 men who were picking olives in their farm in Khneifees village, near Salamiya city. Clashes took place near the villages of Taloul al-Hamr and Khneifis between rebels and ISIS against regime forces and the Popular Committees. 4 children died from an explosion from the remnants of regime bombardment on the village of Rasm al-Ahmar. 14h Fierce clashes between FSA and regime forces near Samman and Kafr checkpoints along with shelling from Zein Al-Abdeen mountain targets the liberated villages 13h Jabal Shaheshbo: Rocket launchers shelling targeted the mountain’s villages 12hHarbanfseh: Many wounded were reported due to rocket launchers shelling in the town 10h Fierce clashes between FSA and regime forces in Aleppo Road neighborhood near the civil defense checkpoint 9h Harbanfseh: Continuous shelling 9h Sahl Al-Ghab: Artillery shelling from Jourein checkpoint targetted Hweiz and Hweijeh villages 8h Zeroun: Fierce artillery shelling from the rural development checkpoint targetted the village Hassake province,+Syria,+google+maps&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x400976912dee2dfb:0x1735b67e4a2454b0,Al-Hasakah+Governorate,+Syria&gl=us&ei=UMLTUOKtN4ra0QG9-oHYBg&ved=0CC8Q8gEwAA On Thursday, sources confirmed that the YPG (Kurdish forces) took over over 2 villages west of Tal Tamer city, on the highway to Aleppo, after violent clashes with the ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra and allied rebel groups. Yesterday the YPG took over the villages of Ghebesh and Tal Shemarin, which are inhabited by Syrian Assyrians. Homs province:,Homs+Governorate,+Syria&gl=us&ei=BFPRUM6RBaTI0AHw1ICoCQ&ved=0CDMQ8gEwAA Rebels captured a huge arms depot in Homs at Mahin yesterday. youtube/watch?v=WARWstvdvKM Idlib province:,Idlib+Governorate,+Syria&gl=us&ei=51PRUIiREsaB0AHN_YD4BQ&ved=0CC8Q8gEwAA At 17:00, Jabal Zawyeh: Fierce warplanes shelling targets Al Rami village At 15:00, Khan Sheikhoun, FSA targeted the al-Faqeir checkpoint with mortar shells. At 12:00 Khan Sheikhoun: There was fierce artillery shelling from Khzanat camp targets west of the city At 11:00 Qmeinas: Fierce artillery bombardment from the brick factory targeted the village. Raqqa province:,+Syria&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x153719cee4c60ce7:0x9d4657e00e899ab6,Ar-Raqqah+Governorate,+Syria&gl=us&ei=PJ_bUKrTBObF0AGMuYHwBw&sqi=2&ved=0CC8Q8gEwAA Violent clashes between regime and rebel forces near the 17th battalion, near Raqqah city; reports of human losses on both sides. activists accuse the ISIS of blowing up the al-Sheikh Bandar shrine in Ratla village before the Ayman al-Zawahiri speech was aired (on al-Jazeera) International: Turkey’s police continued clashing with Kurdish protesters over construction of a border wall at Cizre which the latter say is an effort to separate Kurds in Syria from Kurds in Turkey. These clashes have been ongoing for several days. youtube/watch?v=OdbQTxhSCkA John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State wants the international community to step up its support for Syria’s refugees, warning of the stress which host countries are undergoing: jordantimes/kerry-urges-intl-action-on-syrian-refugee-crisis Syria’s main opposition, the National Coalition refuses to participate in talks in Moscow. Russia’s Foreign Ministry claimed the SNC said it would previously participate, but in fact, it has been adamant about not participating in dialogue with Assad and not unless it is clear that Assad will leave power. U.S. presses Syria to participate in peace talks. (Apparently they did not hear what Syrians told the Russians). newsdaily/article/b4c822e8e783b1ef185da347dc7e7e3a/us-presses-syrian-opposition-to-agree-to-peace-talks
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 03:12:52 +0000

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