Syrian President Bashar al-Assad regimes name appears in the - TopicsExpress


Syrian President Bashar al-Assad regimes name appears in the documents of the investigation into the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, so that highlights the direct phone number of phones that were within communicate with them by the accused of carrying out the crime of February 14, 2005 the group. Future- Fares Khashan media revealed in an article in the newspaper the future that was full of big surprises by the meeting held yesterday in the first room of the STL, headed by Judge David Ray, when you attempt to keep the defense teams MP Marwan Hamadeh certificate platform for next Monday. The first surprise, the feet of the defense of the accused Hassan Habib Mari team to uncover what the keenness of the prosecutor not to expose him, so that the back of the Syrian regimes President Bashar al-Assads name in the documents of the investigation into the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, so that highlights the number of direct phone from within the phones that have been communicating with by the accused of carrying out the crime of February 14, 2005 the group. The lawyer for Durrutih Ovrabiah Doelan, among what she said to this party, show that there is a relationship between green mobile network, Hezbollah and Bashar al-Assad. This surprise did not come from a vacuum, but rather was the result of an attempt unanimously by the defense teams to prevent Hamada from casting testified, on Monday next, ahead of a group of 15 political and press were close to the president of the martyr Rafik Hariri, to talk about the secrets of the stage where the decision of the assassination be The path of implementation. Public prosecutor confirmed that he wants Marwan Hamadeh to clarify the political circumstances in which Hariri was assassinated, and to answer the objections of the defense in the preliminary interventions at the opening of the trial, the lack of motivation. The prosecution said there really is a lack of motivation and personal to the accused of the crime, because they moved in a political context leads to Syria in general and to Bashar al-Assad in particular, which has the story of the threat of Rafik Hariri in him to bankruptcy newspaper An-Nahar which was Tnesbh hostility in dismay from the scheme Hariris victory in the parliamentary elections, which was scheduled in May of 2005. But the defense rose up on it, and refused to search in the political motives for the assassination as long as it was not mentioned in the indictment. This means the feet of the defense to try to keep all the talk about Syria in the crime of February 14, 2005, the demolition of the strategy, which persisted on them, since the start of the trial, so that the defense teams have worked, since the first day to enter Syria security system Syrian-Lebanese in the context of the trial, so she was looking periodically for the collector and the collector Ghazali and Al-Haj Ali, and others, for lighting on their roles in the crime, either directly through the roles they played on their personalities through the link, or by tampering with the crime scene. And blow up the strategy adopted by the defense since the start of the trial, find the main culprit in the announcement by Attorney Doaelan when discovered that there are strong links between the phenomenon of group accused of the crime and one of the founders of Hezbollah and between Bashar al-Assad. And means to blow up the defense of the strategy adopted in his quest to exonerate his clients absentees from the court, his discovery that if the available area for Hamada and other politicians and journalists to make Bavadthm, to give the court a vision for the linkage of the Party of God Bashar al-Assad, an existential link were reflected to the world whole, since the income of the Party of God to Syria for the defense of the Assad regime, which was almost collapsing under the blows of the rebels. Is Marwan Hamadeh will present his testimony next Monday? The answer will give him a room at its outset to be held today, to listen to the arguments of the defense of Habib Hassan Merhi team. What can be envisioned from the legal questions raised by the President of the Court and its member refers to the tendency towards it, but, the decision remains subject to the secrecy of the deliberations of the room. The representative of the public prosecutor in the court Graeme Cameron had presented arguments that wants to adopt a room from the beginning in order to open the area to Hamada and his colleagues to testify. Among these arguments cited the following: First, with regard to witnesses who personally will represent the understanding of a group of prominent journalists with political experience and close advisers of the Prime Minister and the people he trust them with the secrets they are able to explain the very events group task that took place in the period of 6 months prior to the occurrence of Alanfjar.hala witnesses they can provide the Court understanding and appreciation of the political atmosphere is very charged in the six-month period that preceded the assassination. Secondly, the five themes will talk about these, namely: First topic: the deteriorating relationship Ntihh Hariri for his quest to strengthen the independence of Lebanon. The second theme: increase torque Syria Ntihh so the internal affairs of Lebanon and control not only the effect only once. The third topic: the growing concerns of the international community in relation to the external pressures on the internal political affairs in Lebanon. Starter Fourth: the evolution of an effective opposition movement in September 2004 and was Rafik Hariri, had participated in the first silence and then later became participants publicly. Fifth and finally: the shrine of Rafik Hariri as a man of effective state influence extended to include the Gulf region and beyond. Third, from the evidence that this would contribute to the understanding of the first class room for some aspects related to the behavior of the participants in the evidence of the conspiracy, whether the timing or the importance of some of the acts that were committed to achieving the goals. Fourth, do not doubt that these facts do not indicate in any way to the existence of a personal goal has been committed by a terrorist act, but that this terrorist act which led to the killing and the assassination of former prime minister also constitutes a process of political assassination. Fifthly, there is the basis of another is that the evidence the court will help in the understanding of time and the sequence of the plot and the importance of some of the behavior that has done some of the participants in the plot, according to four examples, the first regards the timing of the first preparations for the plot has been divided conspiracy stages to five different time periods of the first is from the first of October First until November 11 and is centered around the resignation of the Prime Minister and in that period were phones green three used by the defendants Badr al-Din Ayyash and Mari have been separated from a group of 18 phone formed after a closed network and of course has a special protocol to be used in the same period the blue phones first purchased and began used as a network was closed as the situation with the green phones. Sixth, that the claim is that the evidence of synchronization between the political events and political tensions in Lebanon evidence must be accepted by you as a relevant background related to political assassination, which took place on the fourteenth of February, similar to the resolution adopted by other international courts on the evidence related to the context and background, and also issued by the Special Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR). In response to the objection and defense attorneys said one of the judges of the room, in what was interpreted as the admissibility of the testimony Hamada: The political motive for the crime is a matter of individual responsibility, which is corroborated by other evidence, is a different matter.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 08:01:24 +0000

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