Syrian president Mr.Hafes eL Basher is not a ruller,but he is a - TopicsExpress


Syrian president Mr.Hafes eL Basher is not a ruller,but he is a brutal killer just like Adlof Hitler.Recently he used chamical wepons against his own civilian peoples.Recently his snyperkiller try to kill U.N chamical wepons Inspectors in Damascus.Nearly two years this Mr.Basher used his brutal Army and Airforce against his own peoples in the name of terorist.Syria is a great nations.Once upon a time Ummiat Kalifas lead Muslim world.They rulled from Spain to Chinise Turkistan.But Mr.Basher destroy that Ummaiat Proud.As a muslim it is very painful and shamefull to me to tolarate that type of chamical attacked by a muslim countries army to his own people.Millions of syrian peoples lost theirs lifes,millions of property and houses destroyed,Millions of peoples migrated Jordan,Turky and Lebanon to save theirs lives. Peace loving people of every corner of the world they try to restrict Mr.Basher from his wrong doing.Even world respected muslim leader khedem of Haram Sharif Saudi King H.E Mr.Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz and U.N ,Europian leaders and U.S president Mr.Obama also request Mr.Basher to stop killing his own peoples.But Mr.Basher doing his criminal likes activities with topgears to stay in power.So as an ex U.N peace Keeper I want capital punishment against Mr.Basher for his crime againest Huminity.
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 08:28:37 +0000

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