T-BAGS WEEKLY SPY-GLASS BARCELONA n FIFA/UEFA MARRIAGE (STRONGER DAN GIANT-INTERLOCKING COVALENT BOND) In this world, nothing is fair. We av all grown to accept this basic truth n av co-existed all dis while as species n mixed species fr millions of years. That is why humans feed on animals n plants n some other animals also feed on lesser 1s. I sometimes wonder how the world would av been like, if the various organisms form political parties to contest some of these feeding habits against other organisms. We all know what rule of law. (The rule of law is a system of rules and rights that enables fair and functioning societies...this is defined under main components by the World Justice Project). FIFA, the worlds football governing body is supposed to be neutral n fair when dealing with clubs n players. So should its continental bodies. I wont go too far to talk about various refereeing decisions that have gone in certain directions in the past at all. Ill stick to just the season gone by plus its summer break. Barcelona has been criticized by many football lovers in the past for allegedly having an unholy relationship with European governing body(UEFA) which was looking a little unfair because it was always Barcelona. Adz3n???? Now lets look at dis: 1. FIFA decided on their own to impose a ban on player transfers on Barcelona. Then the unexpected happened; player injuries, player retirements n end of contracts led to appeals by Barcelona which FIFA quickly accepted allowing Barcelona to purchase n sign new players. Immediately after signing new players, FIFA in their hypocrisy runs to say the ban stands until whenever. hehehe. This didnt happen before they bought players oo. But after they had made big investments worth millions. Ns3m piiiii!!!!! 2. Then a certain player called Suarez, disgracefully bit an opponent player during a World Cup game in the just ended finals in Brazil. An attitude that prompted angry reactions from football lovers all over the world. Then the disciplinary committee of FIFA after hearing the players side(he denied oo) banned him for months from for football activities. Then the player moved to BARCELONA norr the ban RIP.... Would FIFA had listened to Liverpool had he stayed??? When will this end???? WHAT A SEEN TING????
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 15:17:59 +0000

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