T. Colin Campbells newest article, Untold Nutrition, was just - TopicsExpress


T. Colin Campbells newest article, Untold Nutrition, was just published in the journal Nutrition and Cancer (Volume 66, Issue 6, 2014). I believe that focusing on the properties of isolated nutrients beyond their whole food context is more akin to pharmacology; considering whole foods containing countless nutrient-like substances that act within a natural context describes nutrition; and limiting our thinking to out-of-context parts considers only the threads of a tapestry, not the tapestry itself. Trying to understand nutrition from a perspective of its parts as if they were acting independently explains why nutrition is so confusing for so many people, professionals included. Within this scenario, choosing which specific nutrients or nutrient combinations are responsible for hypothetical cause-effect relationships offers a long list of choices whose interpretive analyses are likely to be much more subjective. Without a biologically plausible context, we risk becoming entrapped in trying to understand the meaning of nutrient parts instead of the whole diet, or even the whole dietary lifestyle. Nutrition, if and when it is understood as a wholistic (spelling intended) phenomenon, only then can its real meaning be understood and applied. tandfonline/doi/full/10.1080/01635581.2014.927687#tabModule
Posted on: Fri, 16 Jan 2015 12:05:00 +0000

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