T.G.I.F. The question of the day for me has to be: How do - TopicsExpress


T.G.I.F. The question of the day for me has to be: How do you motivate someone who doesnt want to be motivated? I will have the answer by the end of this status. Sometimes I see talented individuals on Facebook. People I know. People that I have met in person. I try to motivated them. Im like Hey want to be an extra in a movie? or Have you ever thought of being an actor/actress? And their reactions are like I have to talk it over with my boyfriend or let me think about it, etc. Now of course I am sure the reaction would be different if Jay Z or Leonardo Dicaprio asked them. Right? Having an attitude like that wont get you anywhere. Anymore than doing nothing at all. In life we have to take chances at things we truly want. Just like we take chances with jobs, friends, parties, love interests and any type of experience. The end of my Cinema Production education at City College of San Francisco is a course called the Film Production Workshop. At the end of the course we should be considered Directors and Producers. In this course we develop the attitude of most professional directors in the industry. And as most people know the wishy washy attitudes of amateurs has no place in professional motion picture production. So back to my question, How do you motivate someone who doesnt want to be motivated? And the answer is: You DONT! You CANT! What?? You mean to tell me that sit back, watch them with all their potential, watch them get older taking facebook and instagram selfies (and video) while you pursue a serious career? YES! YES! YES! So in conclusion. I let go. I am not here to motivate anyone accept the ones who need me. Some people can post status on facebook about any topic and get a facebook like response of 100+. While that is staggering I will just have to applaud them and continue on this journey of filmmaking and accept my lackluster Facebook likes on this page :(. I also accept lack of Moses skills in terms of leading others to the promised land. That isnt to say everyone is like this. Thankful for another Friday and the people who make up Fanbayse. Thanks for reading. New Photos on Monday! T.G.I.F! #motionpicture
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 22:36:43 +0000

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