T soundz so pozitive when I hear people preach about forgiving but - TopicsExpress


T soundz so pozitive when I hear people preach about forgiving but not forgeting. This gives I Amoziyah a chance to tel the you the eurasian race that I personaly forge you but this is what I stil remember. You enslavd, torturd, raped, removed flesh from the baks of our fathers with yor whips. You also disekted some pregnant motherz alive. I stil see blood gushing out of their bodies. You should know that My Creator did not turn his back on us. He was not weak to protekt us. All this time He has been preparing a suitable place to punish those that dehumanised humanity. Fire wil be used. Nothing wil put out this fire. The very holes where you get yor fosil fuels wil be your dweling place for ever. See, you have fattened yorselves with the Saudi oils. Your day is coming. Whether it wil take one milion years or more. A milion years are nothing to the Creator. No one wil change His mind. Even in this age no one knows the day and hour. Another section of Recompense wil be in Northern part of Malawi where soon they wil start to xtract oil. Its for certain that this oil wil be taken away. No wonder we wil stil remain poor among ourselves. Tanzanians and Malawians are brothers and sisterz. No need to fight beacause we were never diferent states before. We were divided by an evil hand. Those that were stolen were the cream of the kontinent. They were not skinny,weak or diseased. Princesses and princes were also also taken away. The strongest built al roads in the Western hemisphere. They built houses but did not live in them in their life times. 400 years of slavery. Many dont know what slavery is. Kings and Queen born in slavery died slaves. Qn. How many kingdoms do eurasians have today? We had too many of them but they desroyed them all. If I become emotional its because emotions are for the living. There is only but one Arikan kingdom that has survived. Swaziland They stil want this last Kingdom dead. Religion and demoncracy are knoking her walls down. Swaziland I wonder how and why you are stil here today. YOU ARE A WONDER IN MY WORLD. In all my kraziness this is what I see. If my sight waz engineered with imperfektion I wil not hesistate to shut up. would I be wrong to say that Pink is not white? Well if I am right why then should I join those who kan not see correktly. The whole world calls pink white. This color is even given to a race calling them a white people. I have never seen a white man. Its true I have never seen a human being that is white like milk. Even if its a white angel I would run away and pray a prayer of delivarance. The other day I was with my aunty who told me that the people who saw Dr David Livingstone run away. They saw a thing that looked like a human being. Were they wrong? Lets check this out. Qn. Is it Godly to breed human beings? NO ITS NOT. It is a develish akt. Who ever bred Afrikans Ancestors waz the Devil. That kould not be the Creator but the destoyer of creation. Satan You are right here. My eyes KAN SEE YOU. The depiktion of Jesus z that of the slave master again. If he was a suffering servant he wouldnt look like the colonial master or missionary. He has to look like me. But my people have this negative depiktion of a man who was killed by Pilate the Roman. It was pilate who killed the man who was among the few children that survived in North East Afrika after the devil sought to kill the male babies. This place is now called Egypt. Egypt is a Greek name. Eurasians; It is not your habbit of changing names of places and people? You changed our Montsi a Tunya to Victoria falls and this name stil exists today! Why do that?? Queen Victoria had nothing to do with the Thundering Waters. Changing names against the will of people is a criminal offense. Will Dr Robert Mugabe finaly resurrect the name? But before he does, he must renounce his European name Robert With al the respekt and love I have for him I would like him to do it soon. I have questions for the people who lived in Nyasaland. No1 Whom do you call that destroyed church buildingz of Rev John Chilelmbwe? No2. Is it not the eurasians that said that a church is a house of God? Every school boy or girl knows that anyone who ever tries to destory or destroys a church is Satan? I have pictures of Rev John Chilembwes church being blown by the eurasian military. These pictures are in the book of Dr Robert Laws the christian missionary. Hate me and I hate me gain for saying this. Christianity its not from the Creator. People of the Creator are thrown to Lions without opening up their mouth. Some are thrown in a furnaces. I am stil very surprised that Its only Afrikans that have not yet opened up their mouths crying to their Maker. The ground that swallowed the blood Of Malkom X, Marcus Gavey, John Chilembwe, Dr Martin Luther King juniorn, Patrice Lumumba, Steve Biko just to mention a few is crying out to the Creator. Fools dont know that life is in the blood. This continent, the richest in the worldhas gone through too much. Qn. What makes the richest continent to have milionz of poor people? I dont want the same poor people to grow food and feed the eurasians. Lets grow enough for ourselves. Nothing grows on ice. That being said let me tel You the eurasian race I hate your religion. You call your culture a religion. Holland culture you call it Dutch church. Some of my people think that by going your gatherings they wil get to God. You make my poeple to call themselves dutch congregats. Very pathetik indeed .People of Pilate and Caezar tried to make me call myself Roman Catholic. This would be a very unnatural thing for me to do. Romans were never Afrikan so why should I be called Roman. Catholic is a word that means a multitude of people. Hence, Roman Catholic means Roman multitude or crowd. Pilate and Caezar did not repent!!! Poor Judas your boss deceived you. THOUGH I FORGAVE YOU THAT DOES NOT TAKE WAY THE WRATH OF THE CREATOR. Ashe
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 22:25:40 +0000

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