TABOO: (THE THINGS WE DO NOT WANT TO TALK ABOUT). GONE are the days when at the mention of the fact that one is a Christian, special consideration was given when seeking a job. This is because some particular Christians have been very successful in demonstrating that they are not good stewards in the workplace. This causes prospective employers to remain cautious, and they should be. The bad behaviour runs the gamut of infringements with some lame excuses to justify the bad behaviour, including: dishonesty (they dont pay me enough so I will skim here and there), tardiness (the traffic backed up again due to the road works taking place OR I know that my lunch break is 1 hour but I will take 2), laziness (I will ask somebody else to do it even though it is my responsibility), lack of integrity (if no one saw me do it, I didnt do it), reading the Bible during work time (the boss knows that I am a Christian so he/she will understand), excessive use of cellular phones where prohibited (nubaddy, and I mean nubaddy gettin me to tun off my phone), excessive internet use for non-work related purposes (let me just post this quick selfie or shop for that item on amazon or ebay), cussing out the boss and co-workers (ah will put dung mi bible an cuss dem then ask God to pardon mi because nubaddy tekkin advantage ah mi) and the list goes on...Christian employees are also accepting bribes, extortion payments and kickbacks. It is not right. Christians should lead by example in the workplace.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 12:18:07 +0000

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