TACEF ACTS OF GOOD WORK BIBLE STUDY FOR WEEK 5: October 6-12th, - TopicsExpress


TACEF ACTS OF GOOD WORK BIBLE STUDY FOR WEEK 5: October 6-12th, 2014; Topic: BECOMING A BOLD WITNESS FOR CHRISTS GOOD WORKS TEXT: ACTS 4:5-31 INTRODUCTION This passage of scripture shows the resultant effect of what brother Peter and brother John did in Acts 3:1-10. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, they healed the lame man. What followed here was the reaction of the people to the miracle. They were jailed and made to appear before a court. They defended themselves by speaking boldly with wisdom before the Sanhedrin (this is a court of knowledgeable political and religious class in Israel). The court was confused and didnt know what to do because of the way they spoke. They were later released and told to stop speaking about Jesus. To do the good works of the gospel entrusted to us by Jesus Christ we need boldness and wisdom. Three major things can be attributed to the boldness displayed by Peter and John. First, they displayed boldness that was powered by the Holy Spirit: Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them (Acts 4:8). For us to have a level of boldness great enough to withstand being suppressed by the world and for us to ultimately witness Jesus in our community, we need to surrender and yield our lives to God so that His Spirit can fill us. Depending and relying on human strategies will not allow us to achieve the expected level of witnessing that God is looking for. We need the kind of wisdom that the world will not be able to decipher; then and only then will we be able to convince the non-believers and win them over to Christ. This kind of wisdom is powered by the Holy Spirit: For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist (Luke 21:15). The second attribute of the boldness exhibited by Peter and John can be described as one powered by a strong relationship with Jesus: Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus (Acts 4:13). When we spend our lives in Gods presence, learning at His feet, the boldness Jesus demonstrated when He was on the earth will automatically rub onto us. Perhaps the reason why some of us are shy in witnessing Jesus is because we spend little or no time with Jesus in our closets. The third dimension of this admirable boldness displayed by the Apostles can be described as boldness demonstrated as a result of what their EYES HAD SEEN AND THEIR EARS HAD HEARD: For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard (Acts 4:20). Because of what they had seen, and because of what they had heard, Peter and John could not keep quiet. They had a one-on-one encounter with Jesus. They were with Him on the mount of transfiguration when the fashion of His countenance changed His raiment was white and glistering (Luke 9:29, 32). They actually saw His glory. Also, they heard the voice of God declaring Jesus as His beloved Son. They were with Him when He performed all the great miracles recorded in the Bible. To summarise, they knew Jesus intimately and their faith in Him was unshaken. In addition, we can demonstrate this type of boldness only if we are ready to pay the price in seeking Him on the level where we can see Him and hear Him. As we spend more time studying His word and praying, our faith will begin to RISE and boldness to witness the good works will then find expression through us (Roman 1:17). KEY LESSONS • BOLD SPEECH: Peter and John were jailed for healing a lame man in Acts 3:1-10. The day after that, they were brought before the sanhedrin to defend themselves. Peter stood up to defend their actions. This was the the same Peter who denied Jesus in Mark 14:53-72. He was able to speak with boldness before the men We are to be bold while speaking of the good works Christ did while He was on earth. • BOLD WISDOM: Peter and John displayed exceptional wisdom by referring to the scriptures to supply the reasons for what they did. This confused the court and the court had a hard decision to make. The Holy Spirit made it possible for them to explain the scriptures. Because of this, it was difficult for the court to argue with the wisdom these two men had displayed. The Holy Spirit is ever present to give us wisdom to defend our beliefs in Christs good works. • BOLD PRAYER IN THE MIDST OF PERSECUTION : After Peter and John were released, they went straight to meet with other believers and prayed. When you get into trouble, were do you go? Is it to your friends? Your colleagues at work? Your neighbors house? Your business partner? The best place to go for counsel is the body of Christ. Seek counsel from your fellowship leaders, counselors, and spiritual mentors. The Apostles prayer made them be bold for God. How has your prayer life made you bolder in carrying out good works? PRACTICAL RELEVANCE Peter and John were able to speak with boldness before the court because the Holy Spirit helped them. Is God calling you to speak for Him at school, among your extended family, at your business place, or at work with boldness? To be able to carry on the good works Christ left behind for us, there is a need for you to submit your mind to Christ for wisdom and enlightenment so that you will be able to use your thoughts to share Jesus with others.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 08:33:26 +0000

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