TAKE A LITTLE TIME TO READ AND UNDERSTAND. REPOST. I am a FRATMAN... A member of Tau Gamma Phi, and I also grieve when the name of my fraternity is trampled by individuals who know nothing about it. It is in me to “Rise and defend the NAME and HONOR of my beloved fraternity, whenever it is unjustly criticized”. But I call to you my brothers; Let us not fight incivility by means of another. I too personally rebuke the irresponsibility and disorder that took place recently that caused another’s life, and so much pain to their families and loved ones. Another that abounds in my heart being a TRISKELION is one of our beliefs and way of living; “First of all DO NOT HARM, let alone in defense of oneself…” It is NOT our goal to kill or hurt anyone. But we are individually moved by our own will. “GAMMA - Voluntas or Voluntary Free Will”. We always have a choice. And our individual choices should also be the basis for our individual judgements; Whether it be condemnation or praises. I am not going to whitewash the facts that excessive hazing is the cause of this chaos. I am not going to say either that they shouldn’t have gone through the initiations; I too went through “INITIATION RITES”. But it was controlled, and care for the individual was the primary objective during that moment. Otherwise, why would I still be alive? And why would I care to speak for the my group, if all it brought me was pain? Let us be real. Initiations does not just happen in fraternities, it is part of any social membership, whether it be a fee or a task, there is always a PREREQUISITE to be a part. An enrollment fee for a school that someone has to work hard for day and night, just to get in; or miles and miles of hike an army recruit has to walk just to be accepted; or a board exam, one should stay sleepless nights studying just to pass. HAZING is when it becomes OUT OF CONTROL. And that, I am against. It could have and should have been controlled, and weighed by the individuals involved. I was not there, and I am not to judge of what actually happened. But if the members of my fraternity are convicted, in a just manner, then I too will support the judgement for them. Murder should not and never get away. In any part of the society, there will always be evil and disorder. Not just in a fraternity. A fraternity, a brotherhood, a fellowship, a union, or a gang, which ever way you want to call it, is a group of people sharing the same mutual interest. People, human beings, individuals, not robots. As an individual, we are created to have own will and choices. Many even believe, we are not created, but rather evolved from chimps. My point is, NOT BECAUSE ONE IS DYSFUNCTIONAL, WE SHOULD CONDEMN THE REST. If there was a corrupt cop, should we condemn the whole precinct? If a senator is dishonorable, should we judge the whole government? If a member of Alpha Phi Omega fraternity terrorizes and bombs a place, should we blame that to your Vice President? If there are terrorist muslim groups, does that make all muslims a threat? If the fraternities, not just Tau Gamma Phi, are nothing but murderers and a burden to the society, then why has it produced thousands of professionals around the world. Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Military, Mariners, Seamen, Nurses, Actors among many others. You name any profession, there will always be a fratman “EXCELLING it their Chosen field”. On behalf of my fraternity, I am saddened that a member of our ranks has caused this. If found guilty, by the laws of the land, and the laws of our fraternity, they should and will be dealt with accordingly. BUT JUDGE THE INDIVIDUAL, NOT MY FRATERNITY. I am a Christian, and I am against sin. I am a Civilized Individual, answerable to my own actions, choices, and beliefs. I am a Professional Fratman, and I am against disorder. Tau Gamma Phi, is a network of brotherhood willing to help each other for a good cause. Anywhere be it in the world, I will have a brother I never met, but a brother none the less. “Why do you look at the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” - Luke 8:41 “…he who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone…” - Bro. Tom Jeffrey Tiongson , MDG
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 10:24:18 +0000

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