TAKE BACK OREGON, TAKE BACK OUR COUNTY: THE SOVEREIGN WAY By Raymond Ronald Karczewski� youtube/watch?v=pNX_kkMm-Fo Let me first say to the Oregon Citizens Groups who are Spinning their Wheels in Attempting to Hold their Government Responsible. for the MultiBillion Dollar Driver Licensing Scam that they are perpetrating upon the public., I wish your luck. Here is a Simple, immutable Fact. The State of Oregon and County of Josephine Court System and its Sheriffs Dept, DO NO FOLLOW THE LAW. You folks in the Appropriate Enforcement of Motor Vehicle Laws group may have the Law on your side, but that does not matter to them, the government you are trying to hold accountable one iota. They will just STONEWALL you to death. They will not answer your questions as they have not answered mine over the last 8 years, even though their own law compells them to do so. . The Coverup is Complete. There is no one or nowhere one can go to seek remedy and relief within our present legal system here in Oregon and Elsewhere.. How do I know that? I have contacted damn near every agency purporting to exist for redress with Proof of claims accompanied by my signed affidavits which have resulted in actual UCC Defaults followed by filing UCC liens against the STATE OF OREGON AND JOSEPHINE COUNTY GOVERNMENT. AND THEY HAVE IGNORED IT. See: arkenterprises/tortjoco.html What happened to me will happen to you? They arrested me as a Paper Terrorist They threatened me, the Living Breathing Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient, Natural Man with 35 to 40 years in Prison under the legal Presumption that I was responsible for the Debts of the Juristic Person, the dead fictional Strawman, created by governmental means of Birth Certification and 14th Amendment Status. They railroaded me through two trials, convicted the juristic person, the ONLY person they had jurisdiction over in both trials. However, the courts avoided like the plague and WOULD NOT ANSWER the questions of JURISDICTION over me, this Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient, Natural Man in some twenty plus hearings and two trials and were thereby unable to link me to the Juristic Person.. Once conviction of the Juristic person was accomplished, they promptly threw me out of jail, but directed the former Secretary of State BILL BRADBURY to unlawfully REMOVED ALL LIENS, even those not which were not connected in any way with the two phony trials, clearly a criminal offense. Thats how far the corruption goes in Oregon and beyond. I continue today, to do the VERY SAME things, for which I was originally arrested and they WILL NOT ARREST ME nor will they TAKE ME BEFORE A COURT. The JOSEPHINE COUNTY SHERIFFS Deputies, with the approval of their administration, have gone so far as to KIDNAP me in Cave Junction under the pretext they were arresting me, drove me to the County Jail in Grants Pass, drove in one Door of the Jail, removed me from the patrol car. Removed the handcuffs, then escorted me with two officers, one, the duty sergeant, out another door saying I was free to go, stranding me some 35 miles away from my home and where they stopped me. No booking, No nothing. See:.arkenterprises/piracy.html Since the two phony unlawful Trials I have sought redress through a number of legal avenues with the Josephine County Sheriffs office, the District Attorneys Office, the Judges, the Oregon Atttorney Generals Office/DOJ, under Two different Attorney Generals , the DMV (Several Directors), the Oregon Judicial Review Board, the Governors Office, the FBI, the Supreme Court,and the White house. NO ONE will respond to the question of whether a fictional servant government a,thought creation of the living Sovereign People is SUPERIOR to their Creator, their Masters, The Sovereign People themselves,, and thereby has JURISDICTION over the Living, Breathing, Flesh-and-Blood, Sentient Natural Man/Woman of the Sovereign People who stand in Gods Law, and Common Law and has not committed any crime.. A crime where someone was victimized. Victimless Crimes are no more than Corporate Legislative Policies and are not Lawful crimes, they are not Constitutional, and therefore null and void, carrying with them NO FORCE OF LAW. Millions of People are being unlawfully arrested by such corporate policy scams. That is the question which must be answered. They, the public bureaucrats and elective officials will not answer such questions of jurisdiction, for if they did, their whole criminal empire would come tumbling down like a House of Cards. You guys are spinning you wheels playing word games with spindoctoring Lawyers who dont give a damn about justice. Its all about the bottom line, CORPORATE PROFIT. Read my offering in the blog section of OREGON SHOUT, regarding my current status with SHERIFF GIL GILBERTSONs flaunting of the Law with his BREACH OF OATH OF OFFICE, and the coverup underway by JOSEPHINE COUNTY Chief Financial Officer and Risk Manager ROSEMARY DE LASHMUTT, who has also breached her OATH OF OFFICE. They have both defaulted and are currently holding office while in COMMERCIAL DISHONOR. see: arkenterprises/uccinvgg.html That is such a simple, uncomplicated, CUT AND DRIED legal procedure which would cause their insurance Bond, their Insurance Coverage to be forfeited, and both removed from PUBLIC OFFICE and prevent them from any future employment anywhere in government in OREGON or elsewhere in the NATION. That has TEETH. NO NEED to reinvent the wheel and go off on a multitude of tangents asking questions, they will not answer..Hit them in their pocketbook, hit them in their employment. That will be the only language which will communicate to them, their criminal days are over. But it takes numbers, one man cant do it alone.. The solution to the problems with our rogue government will not be solved through bloody revolution, although if they do declare Martial Law, declare War on the American people as enemies of the Corporate State, they will leave no choice to the Sovereign People in the matter. The peaceful way is to hold them accountable, and if they do not comply, nor answer simple question which go to the very heart of their authority granted them by their creators, the Sovereign People,, WITHDRAW all support Psychological and financial. BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT, BOYCOTT them and the machinery of Tyranny will grind to a halt, for lack of fuel, the taxes which are coercively extracted from the sweat and blood of the increasingly homeless, jobless American People. It is the nonviolent way to restore sanity to our clearly insane government ways. Do not Fritter away the collective energy of the People. FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS national attention upon the question of under present law, DOES FICTIONAL GOVERNMENT AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL, NON-ARTICLE III, ADMINISTRATIVE COURTS, HAVE JURISTICTION OVER ANY LIVING, BREATHING, FLESH-AND BLOOD, SENTIENT, NATURAL MAN OR WOMAN OF THE SOVEREIGN PEOPLE, WHO DO NOT GRANT JURISDICTION NOR CONSENT TO CONTRACT WITH SUCH COURTS? Thats the ONLY QUESTION that need be answered to Restore our Constitutional Republic. Raymond Ronald Karczewski� ********************************************* Raymond Ronald Karczewski� arkenterprises Change The Quality of Your Life Today mygoldplan/raykar/
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 19:52:47 +0000

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