TAKE HEED LEST YOU FALL Ladies and gentlemen carrying a - TopicsExpress


TAKE HEED LEST YOU FALL Ladies and gentlemen carrying a Mindset that nobody is better than you is only but a mindset and not reality because in this world we live,whether you like it or not theres somebody BETTER THAN YOU, either in WORDS, IN ACTIONS OR IN DEED and theres somebody youre better than...learn to be humble, humility is not in word but in actions, your action portray whether you re humble or proud..if youre a proud fellow God is your number one enemy not the devil James 4:6 KJV But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble..God resist proud people..to many who are stranded and limited in life and destiny,God is their reason for being poor, because JUST ONE CAR theyve abuse and moles those below them, pride is what make a man GO TO CHURCH WITH BODY GUARDS at the doors (who wan kidnap you for inside church?).. Never look down on people because you dont know who will be your backbone someday.People you regard useless are people who might feed you later, love and respect people no matter their race, because the good, the bad, beautiful and the ugly the Lord God made them all. There are some people who really think they are close to God not knowing God does not even recognise them because they despise people. Even in the church, the rich associate with the rich and the poor associate with the poor not knowing the God of the rich is also the God of the poor.If youre proud get ready to be HUMILIATED..Jeremiah 9:23 KJV Thus saith the Lord , Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches....we live a life that isnt ours, be humble because whats making you live now is the BREATH in you,which God created Himself. Theres nothing you think you have now God didnt give you..A man of humility is a man who has every thing to be proud about but refuse to allow his properties get into his head.Be humble and never look down on people, because ANYBODY CAN BECOME SOMEBODY SOMEDAY(Nuel).ALWAYS treat people with love because you dont know what life has in-store for everyone of us, the POOR can become RICH and the RICH can become POOR someday.JUST LEARN TO TREAT PEOPLE RIGHTLY.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 17:46:59 +0000

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