TAKE OUT THE TRASH, THEN YOU CAN CLEAN UP! By Karin Spraberry - TopicsExpress


TAKE OUT THE TRASH, THEN YOU CAN CLEAN UP! By Karin Spraberry West You can not move forward, until you deal with the trash of your past. If you ignore the trash, eventually it will stink up your life. Past trash is stale, old, rotten junk that will clutter your mind! Old trash clutters our mind with old hurts, old pain, old relationships, old regrets, old memories, old disappointments, just a bunch of old stuff. All too often we just ignore the trash in our lives, without ever dealing with it effectively. If we are filled with trash from our pasts, we wont have room for the new and beautiful things God has for us. We hear people often say, let go of your past! But how do we actually do that? The only way to let go of your past, is to face it head on! You confront your past with boldness! You forgive the ones who wronged you, you forgive yourself for messing up, you let go of revenge, you release past hurts and people so you can truly move on. Holding past hurts inside, is the same thing as forgetting to take out the trash. Eventually the stench of it will come to the surface and it will effect everyone in its path. The word of God is a powerful cleaner of cluttered souls. If we choose to renew our minds to word of God daily, we will clean up the clutter of our minds. Identify your clutter and begin looking up scriptures on it. My clutter was unforgiveness, resentment, anger, frustration, rejection, insecurity etc. I had and still do have clutter to deal with, but if we choose daily to take out our trash, we will not have the embarrassment of rotten fruit. In the beginning it is a deep cleaning that is required. This involves repentance, prayer, surrender, and daily commitments in the word. As you de clutter your mind, you will begin to see a beautiful, clean future awaits you. Today I challenge you to clean house! Identify, confront, and remove! Identify- Identify the clutter of the past, the hurts, pain, etc. Know what the trash is! Confront- Confront it head on! look up scriptures regarding the roots! Examples of roots are: Anger, rejection, jealousy, failure, disappointment, betrayal etc. Remove- The removal requires continual prayer, surrender to God, and meditation in the truth of the word. This is not a perfect science, after all it has absolutely nothing to do with science. But this is a good start on getting rid of your stinking past and entering into a beautiful, clean future. Remember to clean house before inviting someone new into your life. Bringing your stinky trash and clutter into a relationship, will send them running from its stench! Lets all remember to take out our trash daily, so others are not effected by its smell. Romans 12:2- And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. God bless you today and always, with love Karin #trash #smell #past #future #Bible #truth #lies #failure #relationships #marriage #identify #confront #remove #growth #calling #forward #backwards #mind #renewal #peace #God #surrender #Christianity #KarinSpraberryWest
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 22:11:50 +0000

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