TAKE THE VAQUITA BLANKET CHALLENGE AND NOMINATE YOUR FRIENDS TO DO THE SAME! The Vaquita porpoise is the world’s most endangered marine mammal with only 97 left in existence. They live in only in a small area within the Sea of Cortez between Baja and mainland Mexico. They drown when caught in gill nets set for shrimp or by poachers trying to capture another endangered fish, the totowaba for their swim bladders considered a delicacy in Chinese restaurants. The vaquita can be saved if the poachers are stopped and the fisherman switch to the vaquita safe trawl nets provided for them by the Mexican government. Yet, with most people unaware of the problem, there is reluctance to take these steps in time! Help us save the vaquita by taking the Vaquita Blanket Challenge, posting about it and nominating your friends to do so as well. If we can raise awareness of this issue, we will have a chance to save a species! Let’s work together to do it! How to Take the Vaquita Blanket Challenge: Get two twin bed size blankets. Lay on the first blanket with your feet crossed at the ankles like a vaquita tail and your arms behind your back with your hands clasped at the small of your back. Have someone wrap you tightly (roll you up in) the first blanket and then the opposite way in the second blanket. Now, have someone time you trying to get out without rolling over, without standing up and with minimal use of your arms. Can you get out in 97 seconds? Post your time along with this message (and optionally a video or picture of you taking the challenge) on social media, email it to your friends, and nominate 3 other friends to do so as well. Did you feel momentarily trapped like a vaquita might feel in a net? If you’ve taken the challenge, you are eligible to buy and wear the Vaquita Blanket Challenge T-shirt at: booster/vaquitablanketchallenge. You can also make a donation toward the Muskwa Club’s efforts to save the vaquita. Wear your shirt with pride to help spread the word about the vaquita before it’s too late!
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 03:39:12 +0000

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