TAKE WHITE BREAD MODERATELY OR GO FOR WHOLE GRAIN BREAD. In the Alternative Health circle, multi-grain bread & whole wheat bread are preferred to white bread because they are known to be healthier, though white bread is cheaper & more delicious than whole wheat bread. For very good reason we have added white bread, meat pie, & other white flour products on our toxic list of foods you should consume moderately, or abstain from, but we have been condemned by few people who dont see the point. But think on this: In order to discourage its people from eating White bread, the Government of Switzerland placed a very high tax on the purchase of white bread in order to make the price of white bread high. The tax proceed is given to bakers as a subsidy in order to reduce the price of whole wheat bread. This is meant to encourage people to switch from white bread to whole wheat bread. Another responsible government, The Canadian government, passed a law banning the “enrichment” of white bread with synthetic vitamins. Bread must contain the original vitamins found in the grain, not imitations. First of all, Why is the color of white bread so white when the wheat from which it is made is brown? If you have read our previous article on white flour, you already have an idea. It’s because the flour used to make white bread is chemically bleached, just like you bleach your clothes. When you are eating white bread, you are also eating residue of chemical bleach. Go to our blog site eatrightstayhealthy to read more on this. Flour mills use different chemical bleaches, all of which are pretty bad. Here are a few of them: oxide of nitrogen, chlorine, chloride, nitrosyl and benzoyl peroxide mixed with various chemical salts. One bleaching agent, chloride oxide, combined with whatever proteins are still left in the flour, produces alloxan. Alloxon is a poison and has been used to produce diabetes in laboratory rats. You like diabetes, huh!! Recall from our previous article also that the essential nutrients in the wheat, bran & germ, are all wasted away in the process of making the wheat. So in making your white bread they try to restore some nutrition by adding synthetic vitamins which are essentially chemicals. Enriched Bread. Hmmm! Apart from the chemically bleached flour, white bread also contains artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, synthetic vitamins ( which are all dangerous chemicals ), hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils ( which are bad for your heart ). Apart from having very low fiber, White bread has a high glycemic index because its made from refined wheat that gets quickly absorbed into your blood stream during digestion, leading to sharp rise in blood sugar and insulin levels. The glycemic index is a measure of how rapidly and how much a particular food affects your blood sugar and insulin levels leading to diseases such as diabetes or increasing your weight. Harvard School of Public Health states that a diet that includes a lot of white bread, sweets, lots of sugar, desserts, white potatoes etc have high glycemic index & increase your risk for diabetes, weight gain & heart disease. It is obvious, from what we have learned, that white bread should be avoided. Whole wheat made with whole wheat flour or multi-grain bread is a better way. Truth is that white bread should be banned or made expensive by very high tax. Let the price be high so that people will be discouraged from buying them. Let it be obvious that those who buy them are those who want diabetes, heart attack, stroke etc. Run for your life. The Nigerian government is not likely to ban white bread or place high tax on it soon. WHAT DO WE DO If you have to eat white bread, take it moderately. Many will say, but I have eaten it for 30 years & nothing has happened to me. Do you know the disease that is forming in you but hasnt manifested yet? Cancer, for instance, can take about 10 to 15 years before manifesting & it becomes detectable by conventional testing methods. Choosing whole wheat bread or other whole grain bread such as rye or oats, instead of white bread will provide you with healthy vitamins, minerals and fiber. Whole grain bread also has a lower glycemic index, helping to lower your risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, & helping you to fight obesity / overweight. If you cannot access or afford whole wheat grain, it will help you consume white bread moderately. Share your views with us through your comments. Also share this post with all your friends.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 05:00:53 +0000

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