TAKEN FROM HON TENDAI BITI’S INBOX Dear Hon Tendai Biti I - TopicsExpress


TAKEN FROM HON TENDAI BITI’S INBOX Dear Hon Tendai Biti I hope I find you very well Hon as word has been spreading round the town that you have been a bit under the weather lately. I am however very much relieved and calmed that you have finally come out of your shell to vehemently deny these malicious claims by haters despite the obvious reverse growth that has been physically observed by everyone on you caused by the absolute fasting that you have been having for our Orange project. It is however what has been going on within and outside our Party of Oranges that has provoked me to write this letter. Now that the weevil Mr. Roy Bennet has decided to come out in the open that he does not want to be associated with our Orange project to any further extent, it is high time we move on with our project without hindrance and malicious damage caused by weevils. Though we may not be clear as to our position a propos our status on whether we are now a fully fledged Party without a name or we are still part of the MDC-T, it is encouraging that we are getting there slowly. There has also been a lot of talk in the corridors that we are an extension or annexure of the Revolutionary Party as cited by Mr. Bennet as the motivation for his unceremonious departure from the Orange project. This is however the talk and rhetoric of those who don’t understand our objectives and seeking cheap political mileage. We also hear them saying that you have suddenly become the number one praise singer for the Revolutionary Party’s leader and their Bhora Mugedhi mantra. Obviously this kind of talk only comes from people like Morgan bent on tarnishing you. I would also want to take this opportunity to thank you for the Orange venture. Knowing very well that it was foolhardy if not impossible to remove Morgan Tsvangirai through an election, you have taken this to yourself and became creative and came up with the Mandel Training Center idea. This has worked well for us as we are now in control of the situation. Never mind this issue of fifty people attending our rallies, this is expected, but however very soon people will realize that we mean business in our bid to remove Morgan and there will be overflows in our future rallies. It is high time Hon we remain resolute and up our gear in our fight to remove Morgan Tsvangirai from the top post at MDC-T. We should not lose focus and forget our major objective of removing Morgan as some people have been trying to arm-twist us to abandon the reason we started this Orange project. They have been curelessly and loudly clamoring on top of their voices while standing on top of Mount Kilimanjaro that we channel our energies towards the nonagenarian leader of the Revolutionary Party. One thing that Morgan and his followers fail to realize is that at our Orange Party, we have respect for the elderly. We were taught to never fight with the elderly so it surprising that they want us to fight with a nonagenarian like them who have lost respect for those who came before them. Because of respect for the elderly, this is the same reason why we appointed Madam Sekai Holand as the acting President of our Party of Oranges. These misguided elements of our society have been going around claiming that our Madam Holand suffers from an acute condition of dementia that she quickly forgot that she was part of the meeting at Mandel. Let those who have their fight of removing the Revolutionary Party from power fight their own war and we will fight ours of removing Morgan. Concerning the Party assets that we have managed to wrestle from Morgan and his people, forget about those who say that we primitively looted the assets and went on to register them in the name of a company where you and Mr. Mangoma are registered as Directors. Some have even gone to the extent of suggesting that we should have been given a few notes by Cde Ignatious Chombo and Cde Obert Mpofu on how we should have done it which is however not necessary as we know we are better than those two in this area. Despite all that looks like audit trail that they are saying we left in the process of what haters are referring to as looting a word that do not exist in our vocabulary, this is not a point of worry as we have the best legal brains within our Orange project of you and our most revered and well-regarded lawyer Mr. Jacob Mafume. We are very confident that you are capable of winning any court case against any lawyer in the land. Lastly, way forward Hon is to seek to forge alliance with other formidable forces like Hosia Chipanga and his MAPIPI Party, Mr. Egypt Dzinemunzva and Mr. Kisinot Mukwazhe. It is my hope that with such an alliance, we are capable of achieving our objective of removing Morgan before Christmas. Yours in struggle. Forward with the Orange project.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 06:05:30 +0000

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