TAKING A STAND - PITCHING MY TENTH WITH ABUBAKAR ATIKU Caveat: Those who know me or may have followed my thoughts on this forum or other online fori would know that I have lost faith in Nigeria as presently constituted. I firmly believe and have always said it that if a resurrected Nelson Mandela running with a reincarnated Mother Theresa are elected as President and VP respectively in 2015, unless we address the issue of our fundamentally defective structure, the country will still fail. Therefore whoever wins the 2015 election as the President is just another failure-in-waiting. All the ingredients of failure are already out there. However, the ideal usually dont follow the reality. Therefore while holding tenaciously to my ideals, I will also venture to invest in reality. Todays seeming reality is that presidential election would hold in February 2015 (seeming, because you never know with Nigeria, some are already proposing that the election be postponed) It is has become imperative for one to make an unbiased and critical appraisal of all the candidates that have signified interest in the all powerful position of Executive President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I think it is obvious that PDP will be presenting the incumbent so I am not going to be wasting too much time on that. My take on that will depend on who the major opposition party, the APC would be presenting as its candidate. It is totally disheartening that less than 5 months to the election, the party has still not been able to present us with a candidate. By now we should be discussing the issues as presented by the candidates rather than waiting to know who the candidates would be just few months to the election. It shows a lack of respect for the Nigerian electorates. Here are the people whose names are out there from APC and my take: HON. AMINU TAMBUWAL I think he is a credible leader who is afraid to step on toes. A man who is afraid to take a stand for fear of stepping on toes is incapable of ruling a country like Nigeria. In him is another Shagari and a little bit of Jonathan in the making. A gentleman like that (apology to Fela) is not needed in todays Nigeria. GOV. KWANKWASO: I have heard some good things about this Governor and age is also on his side, but he doesnt have the name recognition and political followers across the country to make the desired impact. More importantly to me, a Governor who goes about breaking-beer-bottles invaded the personal rights of Nigerians to private enterprise and choices. And when you go about using state money to wed women to jobless men, I think you lack proper focus and an undercover Shariarist. We do not need any more of that. GENERAL MOHAMMED BUHARI: He is a household name in Nigeria. He was a Governor, a Minister, Head of State and a former head of Petroleum Trust Fund. How good his performance was in these positions is highly debatable. Therefore, I will save us the headache. But for me, Gen. Buhari will be 73 years old in 2015. He was the Head of State 30 years ago. Not only I consider it vexatious and incongruous that we are submitting to the fact that we cannot do better than him 30 years after, I also think whatever he was not able to do at his prime when he was 42 years old Head of State combined with over 50 years of public service and three consecutive run at presidency, he can no longer achieve at age 73! It is time for him to take a bow. By the way, he promised not to run after 2011. If we cannot do better than Buhari 32 years after he left as our Head of State, we must dismantle the country now. TURAKI ABUBAKAR ATIKU: He is also a household name in Nigeria politics and a former VP to President Obasanjo. He has made as many friends as enemies for himself in politics. But what you cannot take away from him is the fact that he is totally detribalized and the only candidate among the lot that has the widest political spread. I have heard many accusations of corruption against him but I choose not discuss this or any contentious issue in relation to any of the candidates. It is trite that all Nigerian politicians are corrupt, or beneficiaries of corruption, so I am discounting that. If APC is serious about winning this election and taking the reign of power, I think they must pick Atiku, why? 1. The spread - Whereas Buharis popularity is concentrated in the core North, Atiku will be able to gather the constitutionally required 25% spread in two-third of 36 states more easily in the SW, few SS&SE states because of his formidable personal business and political contacts, more likely to get more support in the Middlebelt, certainly more than Buhari in these days of Boko Haram. The core North votes wont really count in this election because the North would vote a Northern goat before Jonathan. It is pertinent to mention that in 2011 Buhari was able to gather 12 million votes in all, but got only about 350, 000 votes in the whole of the South. He lost because of that spread. Much has not really change, APC should target the spread. 2. Winning The Peace: This is by far the most important. 2015 Presidential election promises to be turbulent whichever way it goes. Therefore the election will not just be about winning the election, winning the peace should be the ultimate goal. Gen. Buhari with his antecedent is a polarizing figure who I am convinced is actually spoiling for a vengeance. This candidate cannot bring the North and the South together after the election. The candidate that is capable of doing this is Atiku. Besides the fact that his first wife is Yoruba, he has a wide network of business and political associates with relationship spanning decades across Nigeria. 3. Experience Business Manager: Of all the candidates, Atiku is the only one that has done well for himself outside public life as a business manager. We should learn from Jonathans experience. This is a game of politics, emotions, sentiments, or personal vendetta will not help any party, what will help is a well mapped out strategy and analysis based on reality. My endorsement for APC Presidential primaries therefore goes to Alhaji Atiku Abubakar of De Turaki Mandate.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 15:25:41 +0000

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