TAKING INTO ACCOUNT COST OF DISASTERS, WARS, AND ACTIONS OF CONTROLLING CONGRESSES IN CHARGE, IF PEOPLE WOULD JUST LOOK AT THE BELL CURVE OF THE BEST ECONOMIES WITH THE POLICIES OF THE PRESIDENTS/PARTIES IN CHARGE, THEYD SEE THE CURVE WAS BETTER DURING GOP ADMINISTRATIONS WITH GOOD CONSERVATIVE POLICIES: THE BEST? .... As V.P. with Harding, Coolidge set in place the Budget & Accountability Act of 1921 to control the budget and the nations debt, and also gave the People the ability to hold someone responsible. When Harding died, Coolidge became President, then was handily re-elected for a full term because his policies worked and were so loved by the People. As President, Coolidge policies (like Grover Clevelands) distinguished govs role from Private Sectors, combining a policy of deficit cuts with tax cuts and was known as the no president for morally and legislatively saying no to bills, in order to shrink gov & its expansion. He knew that tax cuts wouldnt better the economy or national budget unless it was paired with shrinking gov size/spending & paying off the national debt, and therefore refused to cutting tax unless it included cutting gov too. Coolidge (1923-29) shrunk gov, sustained a budget SURPLUS, increased the standard of living dramatically, shifting control out of gov hands back into privatizing & saw higher wages (Woodrow Wilson before him had nationalized the railroad & other industries), 3-4 % annual economic growth, and left office with a SMALLER budget. The top income tax rate (W. Wilson) went from 70% to 58% (Harding/Coolidge) then 25% by 1926. He also understood that he was a public servant, and when begged to run again, turned it down to return to the private sector, IF Hoover would agree to continue his successful policies... and of course, Hoover did not, became power hungry and returned to Wilsons big gov expansion, nationalization/higher spending & taxes approach as a socialist progressive and worsened our nation for it. We need another Coolidge!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 16:53:46 +0000

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