TAMING OF JUDICIARY BY APPEASEMENT Appointment of P. - TopicsExpress


TAMING OF JUDICIARY BY APPEASEMENT Appointment of P. Sathashivam , former Chief Justice of India , as Governor of Kerala has raised eyebrows all over the country. Governor’s post has come to be considered as a mere decorative one, which devoid of enough powers hardly serves any useful purpose in the functioning of a state. This post is being used as a means to reward those who are loyal to the Govt. or to provide a respectable asylum to the political outcastes who have lost their relevance in active politics for various reasons, viz corruption, controversy, unpopularity, etc. The post of the Chief Justice of India, on the contrary, is not only a very powerful one but is very honourable as well which commands respect from all corners. According to protocol it comes fourth only after the President, Vice-President and Prime Minister of India whereas Governor’s post has a far lower ranking in comparison to it. The issue is not why a retired C.J.I. can not be appointed as a Governor of a state, but rather is should a retired C.J.I. accept any such assignment? Because, the office of the C.J.I. is more dignified and honourable one than the office of the Governor of a state. And the thing ,that matters much than anything else is that the office of the C.J.I. is an independent one which has been given a free hand in its functioning whereas the office of the Governor of a state has to function under the aegis of the president of India. Over and above, he is duty-bound to act as per the advice of state council of ministers and hardly has any independence worth the name in the day-to-day administration of the affairs of a state. For these reasons, he has no independence whatsoever. The discretion given to him is to be exercised by him very cautiously in some special circumstances, and that too, in limited matters whereas the discretion enjoyed by the C.J.I. is very wide and unfettered. A Governor of a state, very often, has to work under various pressures and willingly or unwillingly, has to pay heed to some hidden and undesirable dictates whereas the C.J.I. enjoys total immunity from any such dictates. Further, a Governor of a state can be removed from his office unceremoniously , even without any valid justification, at any time at the very sweet will of the Govt. whenever it opts to do so whereas the procedure and process of removal of the C.J.I. from the office is a very complicated and lengthy one. It is one’s solemn duty not only to add something to the reputation of the post or profession one belongs to, but to keep the same intact after retirement also. In view of the aforementioned discourse, it is crystal clear that in case a retired C.J.I. accepts the assignment of Governor of a state, he not only, brings down the dignity and honour of the august office occupied by him earlier but also fails to come up to the expectations of makers of our constitution. It is worth mentioning here in this context that Late Gulzari Lal Nanda, who had the rare distinction of being appointed twice as the acting Prime Minister of India, latter on refused to join the cabinate of Mrs Indira Gandhi by advancing the argument that it would not be proper for him to do so after assuming the office of the Prime Minister of India. It is true that judges are also human beings, definitely, they are no super human beings. Hence, they, too, have human weaknesses. They may have a longing for power, prestige, perks, etc which can make them corrupt. But corruption alone is not the only human weakness. A judge may not be corrupt, but he may have some other human weakness. For instance, instead of being corrupt, he may have the weakness of building his career, and to that end, he, instead of being impartial and undaunted may prefer to be pro-govt.or pro-establishment and thereby deny the litigants the necessary reliefs which they are legitimately entitled to. Such a careerist judge cannot afford to displease the govt. and as such would never take the risk of inviting its wrath which may spoil his career. By exhibiting his pro-govt. bent of mind, he may intend to convey the message of his loyalty to the govt., and in return, may look for smooth, easy, and some times, undue elevation while in office and after vacating the office, may expect various favours, like appointment as chairman of an enquiry commission or human rights commission, ambassador, governor of a state, etc. This weakness can be noticed in judicial officers of all ranks from petty Magistrate to High Court and Supreme Court Judge. Even, some most reputed and incorruptible judges of various High Courts and Supreme Court had this weakness. It is not only greed and avarice which come in the way of administration of justice by leading most of the judicial officers to be corrupt and prevent them from discharging their solemn duty fairly and impartially, but craving for power, prestige and fame accompanied with the irresistible desire to remain all the time in news may also deviate them from their noble path by misguiding them. Greed and avarice make rich people want to become more rich and in the process turn them to be very selfish, cruel and irresponsible. But craving for power and fame, at the same time, can turn them to be totally insensitive, indifferent and heartless. It is no secret that Justice P. Sathashivam has been rewarded for quashing the F.I.R. against Amit Shah, the BJP president. Are Judges, though human beings, not expected to rise above the ordinary human beings for the cause of justice?
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 03:53:10 +0000

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