TANACIOUSLY SEEKING TREATMENT BUT MET WITH ARGUMENTS AND OBSTACLES: Remember back when I was going to Camino Health Clinic in San Juan Capistrano. After the 3rd epidural, they said that my blood pressure was around 100 or lower / OVER 66 to 56. ie: 96 over 56. That was unusually low for me. As I said, my blood pressure is usually around 117 to 120 over 68 to 70. Anytime I have gotten my blood pressure myself, on my own, at machines in Wal-Mart or at the pharmacy, etc, since the 3rd epidural, still show normal as it always has. When I went to my new Doctor yesterday, they had blood pressure machines on the wall, but the nurse did not use it. She used a portable blood pressure machine and placed it on my wrist, this time my blood pressure was documented at 150 over 76!! Wow, that is unusually high for me! I believe that it was a false reading. After I was done with the doctor, I asked the nurse to test my blood pressure again. She used the portable machine on my wrist again. Final blood pressure, normal at 117 over 70! Interesting! They may be documenting my blood pressure falsely, I believe. I wonder if my heart aortic was harmed and they waiting for it to weaken and I will tragically die due to greed! KEEP THE ABOVE IN MIND and remember at the 2nd epidural, they asked me how my mom died, as they were prepping me in pre-op! I answered incorrectly by saying, she died of an AROTIC ANEURYISM. Actually, mom died of an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm brought on from her years of smoking cigarettes without a filter - Pall Mall Red. After her veins went bad, she had a triple by pass because her legs were not getting enough blood circulation, she switched to filtered cigarettes - More red was the brand. I know that it is normal to ask about the health history of family, but since the epidurals, I keep getting asked repeatedly about how my parents died. Just so you all know, my fathers family lived to their late 70s and early 80s, my father died at 76 and was a smoker all of his life. Mom died at 65 from AAA - due to the smoking, but her mother lived to her 70s. They keep asking me, do you smoke! I havent smoked since high school, and even then, I smoked out of peer pressure. I had quit smoking before my 17th B-Day. BACK TO THE DOCTOR VISIT: The nurse left and the Doctor came in, we talked, she took a stand for the Doctor who harmed me during the epidurals. She even initially told me that we were not going to do anything but my annual visit routine that included the mamo, female procedures, blood test, etc. I objected to that and insisted that we get the proper testing for the maiming of my person. I told her that I have been trying to get help for a year now! I found it odd that she seemed prepared to argue with me about the maiming of my person. I let her know that I have come to find out that this type of criminal activity has been going on for years in the workers comp system. I mentioned to her that I wouldnt be surprised if they, being the defense, prepared her. She didnt deny that! I told her that the injections burned so bad that it FELT LIKE someone injected me with gasoline and lit a match! She said there are no injections of gasoline! WHAT! I said No, I said it FELT like gasoline burning, dont get my words mixed up! She further said, There are no such injections that can damage muscles, tendons or anything like that. I responded, There are, and now if makes me wonder why you are trying to convince me that there arent, when this did happen to me, and I have done the research. (Ethanol & Kenalog 40) She said, I dont want to argue with you. I said, Why would you tell me that?. She said, Because I want you to get the disability, and get help, that is the reason that I am here! I described to her that within 2 months after the epidural, I lay prone on my bed to relieve the pain, and I could hear and feel the ligaments popping one after another down my back,. (My ligaments were dried out by the chemical injections into my spinal column. They were no longer elastic in comparison to when the physical therapist first sprung the ligament in my back by digging his finger vigorously down between the tissue and spinal column! My ligaments were very elastic back then) . She ended our visit and said that she would refer me to a rheumatologist. There was more to our conversation but too much to write here. She would not refer me to an orthopedic Doctor! I asked, she said No.. Unbelievable, the power of the defense! So, here I am, STILL unable to get the proper treatment and studies that I need. I need a standing or sitting MRI to show the damage to my muscles, ligaments, tendons, spinal column etc. I also need my heart checked, the valves and the aortic veins. Ive been trying also to get my esophagus checked as I have had pain there since June 9, 2013, the 3rd day after the epidural. Why would I be denied the proper studies!?? Unless there was something they are trying to hide. Since the court date was postponed to September 29, 2014, and since the 2nd visit & last injection that I received for pain at Saddleback Memorial Hospital in Laguna Hills on May 18, 2013, (within two weeks of that shot) I have been having pain in my tendons in my arms, wrists, hands, down the front of my person, could that shot have been to harm my soft tissue, could it harm my heart tissue / valves. The shot did not relieve the pain. I was told it was fyntenyl, then later, another nurse mentioned dilaudid. I am now being sent to a rheumatologist to check for fibromyalgia. I remember my previous attorney, Joel told me in Sept, 2013, that the burning sensation in my back could be fibromyalgia, my response was, No, this is from the injections. They are burning my soft tissue and spinal column! Listen people, there is no doubt that defense wants me to sound like a nut! I knew that was coming from speaking to injured workers activists and advocates. More later.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 17:07:48 +0000

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